Friday, June 8, 2018

MINUTES OF THE BETHANY INLAND WETLANDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2018                                                                   Page 1 of 4

The regular meeting of the Inland Wetland Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following members of the Commission were present:

         Kristine Sullivan, Chairman

         Brian Smith, Vice-Chairman

         Roger Hathaway, Member

         Rob Huxley, Member

         Nancy Scanlon, Member

         Charles Clark, Alternate Member




1.      Discussion with Susan and Dennis Marsh of 285 Sperry Road regarding small barn for goats.


Present for this discussion were Susan and Dennis Marsh, owners of 285 Sperry Road.      Mrs. Marsh stated there are wetlands on the property and that the location that they are proposing to locate the barn is in the wetlands.


Chair Sullivan stated the property owners would need to submit an application due to the wetlands but if they feel this proposal is permitted as of right, they should submit a letter to the Inland Wetlands Commission stating this and this would get filed on the agenda for the next meeting.


The Commission would like to conduct a site visit to this property.



2.      198 POLE HILL ROAD, Application #1301 submitted by Castleberry Construction Company for an IW Permit for a residential site development


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the applicant.


It was noted that in the original subdivision approval, dated October 18, 1993, this lot,      Lot #3, required an Inland Wetlands Permit and there was a concern mentioned of a method needed to handle upslope runoff for Lot #3.


The Commission would like to visit the property and will schedule a site visit at the end of the meeting.  Chair Sullivan asked Mr. Garcia to stake the back two corners of the house and the driveway.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting adjourned to Monday, June 25, 2018.  Tabled.







3.      89 CARRINGTON ROAD, Application #1302 submitted by Norman Cole for an IW Permit to install a curtain drain with pipe connecting to Town catch basin


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was Norman Cole, applicant and owner of record.


During discussion, Mr. Cole noted:

·         Town catch basin exists but it only helps with small amounts of water runoff.

·         Proposing a 3-foot trench with pipe in bottom of the curtain drain that would tie into the Town catch basin.  This would reduce water load on house.


Chair Sullivan stated Mr. Cole will have to go to the Board of Selectmen to tie into Town drainage.


Also, the Commission would like Diversified Technology to review the plan.


The Commission would like to visit the property and will schedule a site visit at the end of the meeting. 


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting adjourned to Monday, June 25, 2018.  Tabled.



4.      202 POLE HILL ROAD, Application #1303 submitted by Castleberry Construction Company for a Site Plan Review


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., representing the applicant and property owner.


Chair Sullivan stated this is a Site plan review for Lot #2, as noted in original subdivision approval dated October 18, 1993, and is not an application.


It was the consensus of the Commission that after review of the plan the limits of disturbance are outside the Commission review area so therefore, there is no action necessary by the Inland Wetlands Commission.





1.      Discussion regarding Lake at Veteran’s Memorial Park – Locations for placement of benches – Chair Sullivan stated that she has been going out to the Lake as requested and that two benches have been marked for location at this time.  This item will be removed from the agenda.












1)      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Clark to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the January 22, 2018, Regular Meeting.

Hathaway abstained.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Smith, Scanlon, Huxley, Clark.

Unanimous approval.





1)      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Huxley to approve the payment of an invoice from Diversified Technology Consultants dated January 10, 2018, in the amount of $110.00 for professional services for 667 Amity Road.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Smith, Scanlon, Hathaway, Huxley.

Unanimous approval.





1)      Letter from John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., dated May 3, 2018, Re:  Bi-Yearly site review and report for 6 Sargent Drive.




1)      The Habitat, Winter/Spring 2018.

2)      Connecticut Wildlife, March/April 2018.

3)      Connecticut Wildlife, January/February 2018.

4)      Transitions 2017, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.

5)      Interstate Waters, March 2018.




There was a brief discussion as to the CACIWC Annual Meeting regarding topics Commission Members would be interested in hearing at the Meeting.  Some suggestions were revisiting farming, impacts to wetlands and a round table with legislators.




The Commission scheduled a site visit for Saturday, June 9, 2018.  Members to meet at the Town Hall at 8:00 a.m.  Sites to be visited are as follows:

·         198 Pole Hill Road

·         89 Carrington Road

·         285 Sperry Road




There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Huxley          and seconded by Hathaway to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:23 p.m.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Scanlon, Huxley,

Unanimous approval.


Respectfully submitted,



Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

For Inland Wetlands Commission