Friday, March 8, 2019

Bethany Conservation Commission

February 28, 2019

Unapproved Minutes


  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:07 by Bruce Loomis.  Also, in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives and Patsy Winer. Matthew Popp was absent.
  2. Bruce moved to review the minutes of the Jan.10 meeting, Cathy seconded.  It was noted that we still need to review the Nov. 2018 meeting minutes.  After review Cathy moved to accept as written and Bruce seconded.  The motion passed.
  3. There were no bills.  The correspondence consisted of an issue of “Connecticut Wildlife”, and a letter from Aquarion seeking nominees for their Environmental Champions Award.  The discussion of those nominations was tabled until the March meeting.
  4. The Commission entered an executive session at 8:19 to discuss the Conservationist of the Year Award.  The session ended at 8:26.
  5. Bruce noted that he submitted the budget request for the next year in the amount of $750.
  6. The remainder of the meeting was spent working on the Bethany Open Space Inventory.
  7. Patsy moved to adjourn at 9:15 and Cathy seconded.


Respectfully submitted,


Brian Eitzer

Secretary pro-tempore