Monday, April 1, 2019




Present were: Cathy Rives, Patsy Winer and Bruce Loomis

Absent: Brian Eitzer, Matthew Popp, Shaukat Khan


The meeting was called to order at 8:04


The November minutes could not be reviewed, as there was no copy available, and there were not three members present who had been at the meeting. There was no December meeting.


Correspondence included: an issue of Connecticut Wildlife, a notification from the RWA of their intent to sell 184 Downs Rd. and a copy of the CT Audubon Society Bulletin with an invitation for the Commission to join the organization.


Membership issues: Shaukat has turned in his resignation. Bruce has recommended to Derry that she appoint Matt as a regular member.


Bruce reported on meeting with a member of the Beacon Falls CC and suggested that we meet with them to see what they do.


Budget: Bruce made a motion that we ask for the same amount we asked for last year, including a request for $100,000 for the Land Acquisition Fund. We voted to submit this request.


We entered executive session at 8:13 to discuss Conservationist of the Year and exited at 8:17.


Open Space Plan: Patsy will call Linda François to get updated information on the Land Trust’s holdings, including the number of acres in the Grobe property and to ask about the discrepancy between the figures in the old plan and the text. For the next meeting we should bring our computers to work on assessor’s maps and work on Sections 3 and 4 of the Open Space Plan.


Patsy made a motion to adjourn at 8:55, Cathy seconded and all voted in favor.


Respectfully submitted,


Patricia Winer, Sec’y pro tem