Monday, August 12, 2019

Bethany Conservation Commission

June 13, 2019

Approved Minutes


  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 by Bruce Loomis.  Also, in attendance were Brian Eitzer, and Patsy Winer.  Matthew Popp and Cathy Rives were absent.
  2. The minutes from previous meetings were tabled.
  3. The correspondence consisted of an issue of “The Habitat”.
  4. Bruce stated his expenses for the Conservationist of the Year Award were in the amount of $63.06.  Brian moved that he be reimbursed that amount, Patsy seconded and the motion passed.
  5. Bruce noted we underspent our budget this past year.  We were allotted $500.00 and spent $306.28.  He noted we are budgeted at the same $500.00 level next year.
  6. Bruce noted that the request for $100,000 for the land acquisition fund was approved at the annual town meeting.
  7. It was also noted that the Bethany Land Trust was the recipient of the Conservationist of the Year Award which was presented at the annual town meeting.
  8. The Bethany Community School conservation awards will be given out on June 14.  The recipients are Madison Fitzsimons and Eric Uscilla.
  9. It was noted that a Mr. Mallory formerly of Bethany was interested in possibly donating a lot on Anthony Court to the town.  Given the location and size of the lot the Conservation Commission decided it would not be interested in the parcel for additional open space.


Respectfully submitted,


Brian Eitzer

Secretary pro-tempore