Monday, August 12, 2019


JULY 22, 2019

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Attendance:  First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco, Selectman Derrylyn Gorski.  Selectman Donald Shea was absent from this meeting.


Visitors:  Attorney Vincent Marino, Esq.


The July 22, 2019, meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco at 7:35 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 


First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco asked all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance as the first order of business.



First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco called for a motion to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2019, Meeting.  First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco corrected the time the meeting was called to order.  The minutes were amended by changing the time the meeting was called to order to 7:31 p.m.  A spelling error was corrected in the minutes for the meeting of June 27, 2019. The motion of approval for the amended minutes was moved by Selectman Gorski and seconded by First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco. The amended minutes were then approved on a unanimous vote.                  




The motion to appoint Michael Calhoun to the Cemetery Commission was moved by Selectman Gorski and seconded by First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco.  The vote taken was unanimous.


The motion to appoint Kris Sullivan to the Inland/Wetland Commission was moved by Selectman Gorski and seconded by First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco.  The vote taken was unanimous.


The motion to appoint Charles Clark to the Inland/Wetland Commission was moved by Selectman Gorski and seconded by First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco.  The vote taken was unanimous.


The motion to appoint James Nickle, Jr. to the Inland/Wetland Commission was moved by Selectman Gorski and seconded by First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco.  The vote taken was unanimous.




The Town of Bethany has requested an updated study of road improvements to be done by the BETA Group.  This same study was done a few year ago and paid for by SCRCOG.  The Town is waiting to see if SCRCOG will help with an updated study.  The estimated cost for a new study is approximately $14,750.    




The Selectmen briefly discussed the By Laws for the Cemetery Commission.  Since there are unanswered questions about the Cemetery Commission By Laws, Selectman Gorski moved a motion to table approval until more information is available and they could be modified.  First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco seconded the motion.  The vote for approval to table was unanimous.






The Selectmen discussed the request of the part -time Recycling Employees for a clothing allowance.  The Highway Department employees receive a stipend each year for clothing as spelled out by the Highway Department Union Contract.  Since the Recycling Employees are not union, this request will have to be tabled until more information is available.




At a meeting with CIRMA’s representative Coleen White and her associate, First Selectwoman Cofrancesco was presented with a check for $16,770 as part of the prorated share of CIRMA’s $5 million Members’ Equity Distribution for 2019.  The check will be credited to the General Insurance Account.  The Town of Bethany and Bethany Board of Education have received $60,486 in distributed Members’ Equity since the program began in 2011. 




First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco, after attending the Senior Picnic at Lakeview Lodge, noted that there was no heart defibulator at that location.  Selectman Gorski suggested checking with the Fire Department to see if they could supply one.


First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco asked Selectman Derrylyn Gorski for information about the Town’s computer IT support system with CCAT and how it works.  Tax Collector Fran Doba has been handling the operation and communication with NOVIS on this matter. 


First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco reported that the contracts from the well driller, for the Knollwood Road well sodium problem have arrived.  Attorney Marino will review them before they can proceed with the well digging.




Adjournment was called at 8:15 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Derrylyn Gorski and seconded by First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco.  The vote taken was unanimous.


                                                            `           `Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        June G. Riley 

Secretary, Board of Selectmen