Bethany Conservation
February 13th
Meeting Minutes (Approved)
Bruce Loomis called the
meeting to order at 8:06pm. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Patsy Winer,
and Matthew Popp.
The minutes from the
previous meeting on November 14th, 2019 were reviewed. Patsy moved
to accept them and Bruce seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as
accepted. There were no corrections.
The Commission entered
executive session at 8:08 to discuss the Conservationist of the Year award for
2020. The session was ended at 8:10.
There were no bills. The Commission
discussed an email received from the group Sustainable Bethany. The group is
interested in planting trees throughout the town as part of a recovery project
in response to damage to Bethany’s trees from the tornado in the spring of
2018. The Commission had many questions about the project, and will invite
members of the group to speak at the next Commission meeting.
The Commission discussed the
budget for the coming year. The Commission will request a $500 operating budget
from the town, and also a $1500 special request to spend on mapping required
for updating the town’s open space plan. The Commission will also request that
$100,000 be allotted to the town’s Land Acquisition Fund as they have done in
previous years.
The Commission discussed the
Planning and Zoning Commission’s new zoning regulations. The Village District
zone was of particular interest and concern and the Commission had multiple
questions about its details. The Commission also discussed the issue of
regulations regarding wind generators and freestanding solar panels. Patsy
suggested that the members of the Commission do more research on those
regulations before its next meeting.
The Commission discussed
possible new members.
The Commission discussed the
progress on revising the town’s open space plan, particularly properties
acquired by the town through taxes that are currently open space. Matthew
volunteered to go through Appendix 2 to identify property owned by the town
that is open space but unusable by the town.
Brian moved to adjourn the
meeting, Patsy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:32pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew Popp
Secretary pro-tempore