Thursday, May 28, 2020




The meeting was called to order at 8:07pm by Bruce Loomis, Chair. Present besides Bruce were: Brian Eitzer, Matthew Popp, Patsy Winer and two guests, Rob Huxley and Alison Nork, prospective new member and alternate member respectively.


Brian moved to accept the minutes of February 27th, and Bruce seconded. Corrections were made to the spelling of Alison’s name, which only has one “l”, and the word “to” was inserted in the fourth line of the third paragraph to read “award to one boy”, etc. The minutes were accepted as amended by unanimous vote.


There were no bills or correspondence.


The two new members will be appointed at the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting next Tuesday if it is not cancelled.


The Commission went into executive session at 8:17 to discuss Conservationist of the Year and exited at 8:40.


Bruce explained the work we are doing on updating the Open Space Plan to the prospective new members and sent them the current versions of the amended appendices electronically. We looked at two different maps with a view toward possibly using fewer categories of types of open space (private land, institutional land, Land Trust, etc.) for the revised mapping that would accompany the new Open Space Plan. No decision was made about this at the meeting.


Matt moved to adjourn at 9:05. Patsy seconded. All were in favor.



Respectfully submitted,


Patricia Winer, Sec’y pro-tempore