Bethany Conservation Commission
March 24, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 by Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Audrey Eisenstadt. Cathy Rives arrived at 8:20.
Also present was Will Brinton (a former CC member) as a consultant on open space.
Paul Jessell, James Woodard, and Hal Brent were present on the behalf of HBV Partners whom are interested in developing a 5 lot subdivision on 15.6 acres of property owned by Mr. Woodward. There was a discussion of the proposed location of the 20% open space required. One item that was brought up during the discussion was the possibility of accepting a fee in lieu of the open space. The commission thought that this might be a possibility given the specific locations of wetlands on the property; but, the commission will wait for a formal proposal before deciding.
Bruce Loomis mentioned that there might be a future submission for a 3 lot subdivision between Bear Hill and Miller roads.
There was a discussion of open space in regards to the possible creation of a Greenway within the town. A plot was constructed showing the open space that could be used. This plot was going to be forwarded to Isabel Kearns for further clarification on what is needed.
There was a discussion of the property the Water Company might be selling in the NW corner of town.
The Dec. 9, 2010 minutes were reviewed. Brian moved to accept and Bruce seconded. The motion passed.
The February 2011 minutes were reviewed. It was mentioned that Will Brinton should be identified as a former CC member and Von Bair as a member of the Land Trust Trails Committee. Brian made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, Bruce seconded. The motion passed.
There was a discussion of the conservationist of the year award.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore