Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Approved Minutes for DAC Special Board Meeting March 17, 2011
Present: Joan Blaskey, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Brian Laubstein, DVM, James Zeoli, Fred Dray
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:30 PM.
2) Executive session to discuss budget and staffing.
3) Return to regular session at 8:20 PM. No motions made, no actions taken during executive session.
4) Total budget did not change. Medical insurance decreased. Vehicle maintenance increased. Vote to
accept budget, 5 approved, 1 against.
5) Karen Lombardi will be hired as a full time ACO. Ryan Sheehy was terminated for insubordination.
6) Motion by Lipson/Hellauer adjourn at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Approved March 17, 2010