Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Serving the Towns of Bethany – Orange - Woodbridge
Phone @203) 389-5991
135 Bradley Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Unapproved Minutes for DAC Board Meeting April 14, 2011
Present: Joan Blaskey, Joseph Hellauer, Cheryl Lipson, Fred Dray, Pamela Andreson, Clerk
Absent: Brian Laubstein, DVM, James Zeoli
Guests: Bridget Albert, Jeannine Russo, Elia Alexiades
Saff: Paul Niedmann
1) Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Blaskey at 7:32 PM.
2) Pledge Of Allegiance was recited.
3) Introductions.
4) Award of appreciation was presented to Dr. Nanavati recognizing all he has done for DAC and
animals in the Amity area.
5) Review and approval of March 10, 2011. Blaskey made an addendum to the minutes adding
“The alleged statement by Sappo was directed toward Cheryl Lipson. District Animal Control
was not involved in any alleged action in this matter.” Motion to accept addendum by
Hellauer/Dray. Three approved one abstained. Motion to accept minutes as amended by
Lipson/Hellauer. All approved.
6) Review and approval of March 17, 2011 special meeting. Motion by Hellauer/Dray to accept
minutes. All approved.
7) Census – Paul Niedmann: There were 6 animals redeemed, 10 sold as pets, 2 euthanized. In
Bethany there were 2 calls for cats, 4 for dogs and 1 for a horse and 23 calls that required a
response. In Orange there were 2 calls for cats, 1 for a dog, 1 wildlife and 20 calls that required
response. In Woodbridge there were 3 calls for cats, 5 for dogs and various wildlife 26 calls that
required an ACO to respond. There were a total of 69 calls needing a response 47 calls that were
resolved by phone or called off by complaintant. There were 86 visitors to the shelter.
8) Treasurer's Report – Joseph Hellauer: Hellauer supplied a report generated by Genovese. DAC
should end the fiscal year with money in the bank. Budget was increased for full time employees
and decreased for part time employees. Personnel report – Animal Control Officer was posted
and applications were due March 14, 2011 at 4PM. There was only one response. Karen
Lombardi was interviewed by Blaskey, Hellauer and Dray. They recommend that she be
converted from per diem to full time ACO. Unanimous approval. Motion to accept treasurer's
report by Lipson/Dray. All in favor.
9) Chairperson's Report – Joan Blaskey: Evanko is still out on medical leave. Have not heard from
her or her physician as to her status. Blaskey asked to board for suggestions for the next step.
She had 90 days to produce a letter, and it has been more than 90 days. Hellauer suggested that
the board contact Zeoli and attorney regarding the leave of absence status. Sunday part time
employee has left. The problem with hiring someone is the status of DAC beginning July 1,
10) Public Participation: Albert stated that AARF is hosting a rabies clinic on May 14, 2011 at High
Plains Community Center from 1PM to 3PM. Country Companions is donating their services.
Library Series coming up at the Woodbridge Library. The first one is May 3, 2011 7PM - 8PM,
Laura Simon will talk about wildlife. The second one is May 16, 2011 6PM - 7PM, Dr. Tracey
Johnson will talk about dog bite prevention. The third one is on May 31, 2011, Dr. Lisa will talk
about basic first aid for pets. Blaskey thanked Dray for putting the award and letter together for
Dr. Nanavati. Neidmann stated that $277.00 was collected at the fund raiser at the beauty salon.
Waterbury Republican-American reporter took photos of animals. Tremendous response. Only
1 dog and 1 kitten available for adoption.
11)Motion to adjourn by Hellauer/Dray at 8:05 PM. All approved.
12)Meeting adjourned 8:05 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Andreson Unapproved April 14, 2010