Monday, December 14, 2015


NOVEMBER 10, 2015

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Attendance:  Chairman John Grabowski, Sharon Huxley, Robert Brinton Jr., Chip Spear, John Ford IV, Sally Huyser

Visitors:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Clark Hurlburt, Fran Doba, Thomas Brosler, Chris Pittenger

The special meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:08 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 


Chris Pittenger, Chairman of the Bethany Board of Education was present to discuss with the Board of Finance members the School Roof project.  Chris explained that the architect had provided hard numbers for the project to the committee.  The total cost including finance charges of $60,000, roof replacement costs including replacing the entrance roof with a gable roof will be $1,100,000.  The work would be done during the summer.  State reimbursement to the Town would be 32% of the total cost.  Programs for Park and Recreation and the Elementary School summer school will have to be relocated.  The Board of Education is working with the Bethany Middle School to see if all programs can be relocated there.  The special Town Meeting is set for November 23, 2015 with the referendum to be held December 2, 2015.  Following discussion the following resolution was moved by Sharon Huxley and seconded by Robert Brinton Jr.

RESOLVED, That the Board of Finance recommends that the Town of Bethany appropriate $1,100,000 for costs related to removal and replacement of the original building roof and the canopy roofs at the Bethany Community School, and related improvements and repairs which may include but are not -soffits, and for costs related to the financing of the project; and that the Town authorize the issuance of $1,100,000 bonds, notes and temporary notes to finance the appropriation.  A portion of the appropriation shall be applied to reimburse not in excess of $26,000 of expenditures from the Capital and Nonrecurring Fund for the preparation of schematic drawings and outline specifications for the project funded by a transfer from the Contingency Fund, as approved by the Board of Finance on October 13, 2015.  The Town anticipates receiving grants from the State of Connecticut Department of Education to defray in part the appropriation. 

The vote taken on the resolution was unanimous.


Approval of minutes was tabled.


Chairman Grabowski informed the Board of Finance of the retirement of Jack Levine as Finance Manager for the Amity School system.  At the finance meeting it was announced that Bethany will have 22 less students than last year in the Amity School system.  The Town of Orange will also have less students.  Woodbridge will have an increase in students.  Chairman Grabowski would like members to taken turns attending the Amity Finance Committee meetings.  Chairman Grabowski will make a schedule report


Tom Broesler reported that the auditor’s preliminary report for fiscal year 2014-15 shows a deficit of $41,000 if the $300,000 is not taken from the General Fund to balance the budget as planned last year.  Paychex is mapping the payroll interface.  Tom presented a financial report without payroll interface showing account balances.


First Selectwoman Gorski spoke to the Board of Finance regarding a resolution needed to transfer funds from the General Fund for the removal of contaminated soil at the Airport.  After a brief discussion Sharon Huxley moved the following resolution:

 BE IT RESOLVED:  that the Board of Finance recommend to the Special Town Meeting transfer from the General Fund of up to 30,000 for the removal of contaminated soil from the Airport property to the Capital Reserve for Non-recurring Expenditures.  John Ford IV seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.

First Selectwoman Gorski alerted the Board of Finance about unexpected expenses in the Veterans Memorial Park budget.  Recently because of failure of the gas stove and refrigerator both had to be replaced.  The total cost was approximately $6,000. 


Adjournment was called at 8:10 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Robert Brinton Jr.


                                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                                June G. Riley

                                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance