Monday, December 14, 2015


October 8, 2015


Present: Brian Eitzer, Bruce Loomis, Matthew Popp, Shaukat Khan, Patricia Winer


Absent: Dorothy Seaton, Cathy Rives


Also in attendance: Barry Collins


The meeting was called to order at 8:05pm. Matthew Popp and Patricia Winer were appointed as voting members.


Dorothy Seaton arrived at 8:15 and Matthew Popp became the voting alternate member.


There was no new correspondence and no bills. Tony Marek will pay for the Commission's membership in CACIWC. Bruce encouraged everyone to attend their conference on November 14.


The August minutes were approved. Shaukat Khan moved to approve, and Matthew Popp seconded the motion. Bruce moved to approve the September minutes and Dorothy seconded the motion. All voting members voted to approve.


Bruce gave a report on the status of the Woodward application. Mr. Woodward has received a waiver for the slope requirements for the road.

He has not requested a waiver for open space. Bruce has learned from Isabel Kearns that he will suggest a fee in lieu of open space. The Commission wants the open space, not a fee in lieu and will work with the Land Trust, which is willing to accept it. Mr. Woodward has not complied with Section 4.3.5 of the subdivision regulations requiring him to come before the Conservation Commission for a discussion of the open space set aside. P&Z has set a date for a hearing on November 4. (Since moved to December 2.) Bruce suggesting waiting to see what transpires at the first part of the hearing rather than making a statement right away defining a request for a specific piece of land.


On the question of excluding steep slopes from buildable lot standards, it seems that this change has already been made in the zoning regulations.


Barrie Collins attended the meeting to discuss the recent painting of double yellow lines on the roads, which detract from the rural character of Bethany. Derry Gorski has said this was federally mandated for roads with more than 400 cars per day. Matt Popp agreed to research the question of where this mandate came from if it exists, where the town got the numbers to determine which roads have 400 cars per day on them, and whether there could be an exception for designated scenic roads.


There was a discussion of the use of millings on Meyers Road, which is a scenic road. This changes the nature of the surface. Patsy Winer will contact June Riley to get on the agenda of the Selectmen's meeting for a discussion of town actions with respect to scenic roads.


Dorothy Seaton moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:40. Brian Eitzer seconded the motion. The meeting was thereby adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Winer, Secretary pro-tem