Monday, April 25, 2016

Bethany Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes (Unapproved)


March 3, 2016


Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:09pm. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Patsy Winer and Matthew Popp. Absent were Shaukat Khan and Cathy Rives. As of the last Board of Selectman meeting, Patsy was appointed a regular voting member of the Commission.  Bruce appointed Matthew to vote in place of Shaukat.


The February meeting minutes were reviewed. Patsy moved to accept them, Bruce seconded. Patsy pointed out that “members” should be corrected to the singular “member”.  The minutes passed as corrected.


There were no bills for the Commission. Correspondence was the winter 2016 edition of the “Habitat”, and the March edition of the Connecticut Land Conservation Conference flyer. The next CACIWC conference is tentatively set for November 12, 2016.


The Planning and Zoning Commission has approved Mr. Woodward’s application. Approval was not contingent on the donation of open space. The Hotchkiss Peck Road affordable housing application has been resubmitted. The Commission discussed possible safety concerns in the event of a fire in the proposed buildings. The public hearing for the application will be May 4th. The Commission reviewed a Connecticut water company proposal for planting trees on private, town, or state land that surrounds water company property. Bruce will follow up.


The Commission went in to executive session at 8:35 to discuss Conservationist of the Year. Executive session was ended at 9:04. No votes were taken.


The Commission discussed Rid Litter Day, which is on April 9th. Bruce urged anyone who is able to attend, to do so.


Bruce announced that a special meeting will be held on March 29th to look at zoning regulations.


Bruce submitted the new budget request to the Finance Committee. He will find out the date of the meeting.


Matthew spoke to the Connecticut Department of Transportation in Newington about double yellow line striping and was informed of a state mandate that the DOT follows when constructing state roads. Further information is needed to find out why striping was used on Bethway Rd. since it is not a state road.


Brian moved to adjourn. Patsy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20.