Bethany Conservation Commission
August 11, 2016
Unapproved Minutes
- The meeting was called to order at 8:10 by Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives, and Patsy Winer. Absent were Shaukat Kahn and Matthew Popp.
- Patsy moved and Brian seconded approval of the minutes of the July 14 meeting. The motion passed.
- Bruce informed the commission that the winner of this year’s conservation awards from the Bethany Community School were Johnathan Fortin and Oliva Frankiewicz.
- There was a discussion of a proposed two lot subdivision at 591 Amity Road. After a review of the proposal Brian moved and Patsy seconded a motion that the Conservation Commission would ask for a fee in lieu of open space for this subdivision. The motion passed. Bruce stated he would send a letter to P&Z with our request.
- There was a discussion of the Conservationist of the Year timeline. The forms should be in the town hall by the end of December. It should be advertised in the Bethany Bulletins in Jan. and Feb. (requires submission by 12/15/16 and 1/15/17). Start promoting it in the Orange Milford Bulletin in Jan. 2017 (weekly Friday submissions). There will be a submission deadline of Feb. 28, with a preliminary discussion of the award at the March 9 Commission meeting and a final decision at the April 13 meeting.
- There was a discussion of the Conservation Commissions budget and the Conservation and Recycling Commission budget. The CC has been under budget for several years and the suggestion was made that we may want to use the extra amount allotted to us to purchase recycling bins for town events or ask for more money to be used for those bins.
- The trail issue between Miller and Bear Hill Roads was tabled.
- There was a discussion of weather the CC should man a table at the Harvest Festival. No decision was made though it was suggested that we may want to prepare a brochure about land donations/easements for open space to hand out if we were to man a table.
- Kathy moved to adjourn at 8:55, Bruce seconded and the motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore