Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Present were Bruce Loomis, Brian Eitzer and Patricia Winer
Absent were Cathy Rives, Shaukat Khan and Matthew Popp
The meeting was called to order at 8:08pm. The minutes of November 8th were tabled again as the necessary members to approve them were not present. Winer moved to approve the minutes of February16 with amendments as follows: the second sentence of the eighth paragraph should read, "The Conservation Commission's interpretation is that the town's regulations require that the Conservation Commission get the opportunity to review and provide advice on open space prior to the Planning and Zoning decision, even though that advice does not need to be heeded. (Subdivision Regulations 11.4. c). Loomis seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.
As correspondence the Commission received the Aquarion Champions of Conservation Awards entry form and information. Bruce mentioned the possibility of nominating Barry Collins again. The discussion of whether we have a candidate will be continued.
P&Z update as of their March meeting:
New regulations on LED lighting are still under discussion. Kevin McSherry reported on two bills in the legislature, one dealing with fees in lieu and the other with the conveyance tax. Both would allow towns to use money derived from these sources to be dedicated to open space. On the issue of communication between the Conservation Commission and P&Z, Bruce will write a letter about it to P&Z, as he did not have the opportunity to speak about the question at the meeting.
It was agreed that we should still propose $100,000 for the LAF, but we shouldn't go for a 100% increase in our own budget. We will ask for $700 instead, an increase over $500, which we have had as a budget figure for many years.
The Commission went into executive session at 8:31 to discuss Conservationist of the Year. We exited at 8:37.
Revision of the open space inventory:
The Commission reviewed additions to the open space inventory. Bruce has sent the list of Land Trust acquisitions to LInda François to check it with their records. Adjustments will need to be made in the text of the Open Space Plan to bring it into conformity with the additions to the tables.
Open space watch list:
We will put the northern part of the Woodward property that abuts Northrup Road on our watch list, as Mr. Woodward has given up the access to it, and it adjoins the part of the property designated as open space. This parcel would be 16.1 acres. The possibility of putting the former Uniroyal property on the watch list for agricultural or recreational space was discussed.
We will all check the amendments to the tables in the Open Space Plan and confirm them at our next meeting.
Brian moved to adjourn at 9:07. Patsy seconded. The motion was passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Winer