The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to
order at 7:31 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40
Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following members of the Commission were present:
Kristine Sullivan, Chairman
Brian Smith, Vice-Chairman
Roger Hathaway, Member
Charles Clark, Alternate Member, seated as voting member
The following members of the Commission were excused:
Rob Huxley, Member
Nancy Scanlon, Member
- MESA DRIVE, Application #1299 submitted by James W. Woodward for an IW Permit for a Three-Lot Subdivision –
Commission formally received the application.
No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
The Commission briefly
reviewed the revised plans submitted with the new application and would like
the Project Engineer to present the application at the next regular meeting on
January 22, 2017.
Further discussion and
appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next
regular meeting adjourned to Monday, January 22, 2018. Tabled.
MESA DRIVE, Application #1293
submitted by James W. Woodward for an IW Permit for a Four-Lot Subdivision –
Mr. Woodward submitted a
letter dated December 13, 2017, Re:
Withdrawing Application #1293 for a Four-Lot Subdivision.
- 88 Cheshire Road, Application #1298 submitted by Robert Rohloff for an Inland Wetlands Permit to replace pipe under driveway with same size pipe and fill along driveway –
No one was
present to speak on behalf of the application.
Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate.
It was moved by Smith and seconded by Clark to approve Application
#1298 submitted by Robert Rohloff for an Inland Wetlands Permit to replace the
pipe under the driveway with the same size pipe and fill along the driveway for
the property located at 88 Cheshire Road as presented in the application,
testimony and in accordance with the plan submitted on November 9, 2017.
addition, this permit is subject to the following conditions including the
standard conditions found on the Land Records, Volume 93, Page 802 and Page
- The applicant shall place on the eastside of the embankment additional rip rap to stabilize the slope at the edge of the driveway.
This approval is based on the condition listed and that if the
applicant follows the plan as shown there should be minimal or no adverse
impact to the existing watercourse.
Vote 4 to 0.
Voting for:
Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.
Unanimous approval.
- Mesa Drive, Application #1293 submitted by James W. Woodward for an IW Permit for a 4-Lot Subdivision – Application withdrawn. Tabled.
- 667 Amity Road, Application #1294, submitted by 667 Amity Road, LLC for a Stormwater Management Plan –
No one was
present to speak on behalf of this application.
The Commission
received a letter from Diversified Technology Consultants, dated December 15, 2017, Re: Final comments on review of Application #1294
for 667 Amity Road. Commission members
discussed and proceeded to deliberate.
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to approve
Application #1294 submitted by 667 Amity Road for an Inland Wetlands Permit for
a Stormwater Management Plan for the property located at 667 Amity Road as
presented in the application, testimony and in accordance with the following
submitted plan prepared by John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., Bethany, Connecticut:
- “Existing Conditions Map”, dated February 3, 2016, with no revisions, Drawing No. C-1.
- “Site Development Plan”, dated February 3, 2016, revised to June 26, 2017, Drawing No. C-2.
- “Erosion and Sediment Control Plan”, dated February 3, 2016, revised to August 22, 2017, Drawing No. C-3.
- “Stormwater Management and Layout Plan”, dated February 3, 2016, revised to June 26, 2017, Drawing No. C-4.
- “Lighting and Landscaping Plan”, dated February 3, 2016, revised to June 26, 2017, Drawing No. C-5.
- “Lighting and Landscaping Details”, dated February 3, 2016, revised to March 22, 2017, Drawing No. C-6.
- “Typical Details”, dated February 3, 2016, revised to March 13, 2017, Drawing No. C-7.
- “Typical Details”, dated February 3, 2016, revised to April 6, 2017, Drawing No. C-8a.
- “C.D.O.T. Typical Details”, dated February 13, 2017, with no revisions, Drawing No. C-8b.
addition, this permit is subject to the following conditions including the
standard conditions found on the Land Records, Volume 93, Page 802 and Page
- The Developer shall provide a detailed as-built of finished site conditions for review.
- A CCTV inspection of the onsite drainage systems, with inspection extended to existing pipe outfalls in order to assess the results of the pipe cleaning efforts shall be done by the Developer and furnished to the Inland Wetlands Commission’s Consulting Engineer in order to assess the results of the pipe cleaning efforts.
- A field meeting with Consulting Engineer after the as-built and video are submitted shall be scheduled by the Developer.
- The Developer shall maintain all slopes with a jute mat until permanent vegetation is established. All sediment and erosion controls shall be inspected on a regular basis and maintained as necessary.
This approval is based on the conditions listed and that if the
applicant follows the plan as shown there should be minimal or no adverse impact
to the existing wetlands and the site will be stabilized.
Vote 4 to 0.
Voting for:
Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.
Unanimous approval.
- 667 Amity Road, Continuation of Show Cause Hearing pertaining to Cease and Desist Order, dated August 7, 2017, issued to Matthew Micros – It was moved by Smith and seconded by Clark to release the Cease and Desist Order, dated August 7, 2017, issued to Matthew Micros.Vote 4 to 0.Voting for: Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.Unanimous approval.
- Discussion regarding Lake at Veteran’s Memorial Park – Locations for placement of benches – Tabled.
- It was moved by Smith and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the November 27, 2017, Regular Meeting.Voting for: Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.Unanimous approval.
- It was moved by Smith and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the December 2, 2017, Special Meeting/Site Visit.Voting for: Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.Unanimous approval.
- It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to approve the payment of an invoice for $275.00, dated November 16, 2017, from Diversified Technology Consultants for Professional Services from October 1, 2017 to October 28, 2017 for properties located at 667-687 Amity Road and Mesa Drive – Lot 4.Voting for: Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.Unanimous approval.
- It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to approve the payment of an invoice for $2,025.95, dated December 1, 2017, from Davison Environmental, LLC for Professional Services from November 18, 2017 to November 21, 2017 for properties located at Mesa Drive.Voting for: Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.Unanimous approval.
- Letter from James Woodward, dated December 13, 2017, Re: Withdrawal of Application #1293 for a 4-Lot Subdivision located at Mesa Drive.
- Email from James Woodward, dated December 15, 2017, Re: Requesting waiver of application fees for new Application #1299 for a 3-Lot Subdivision located at Mesa Drive.
- Letter from Al Shepard, P.E. of NOK, to IWC, dated December 8, 2017, Re: Response to letter from Davison Environmental dated November 21, 2017, review of Application #1293 for Silsby Estates.
- Letter from Al Shepard, P.E. of NOK, to IWEO, dated December 8, 2017, Re: Response to review letter dated August 3, 2017.
- Email from John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., dated November 29, 2017, Re: Requesting an extension of 35 days for the IWC to act on Application #1294 for 667 Amity Road.
- Letter from John Paul Garcia, P.E./L.S., dated December 4, 2017, Re: Review comments on Diversified Technology Consultants letter dated October 23, 2017 for 667 Amity Road.
- Letter from Diversified Technology Consultants, dated December 15, 2017, Re: Final comments on review of Application #1294 for 667 Amity Road.
- Letter from Nancy McCarthy, Town Clerk, dated November 13, 2017, Re: 2018 Regular Meeting schedule with attached draft 2018 Schedule prepared by IWC Clerk.
It was
moved by Smith and seconded by Clark to approve the draft 2018 Regular Meeting
Schedule prepared by the IWC Clerk to be submitted to the Town Clerk.
Voting for: Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.
Unanimous approval.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, it
was moved by Smith and seconded by Clark to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:00
Voting for:
Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Clark.
Unanimous approval.
R. Marek, Clerk
Inland Wetlands Commission
CEMBER 18, 2017