12, 2018
Chair Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:07pm.
Present in addition to Bruce Loomis were Matthew Popp, Cathy Rives and Patricia
Winer. Absent were Brian Eitzer and Shaukat Khan. Matthew was appointed to vote
in place of Brian.
Minutes: Bruce moved to accept the minutes of May 10. Patsy
seconded. Patsy suggested changing the word “objective” in two instances in the
second paragraph to “initiative.” All voted in favor of approving the minutes
so corrected.
Bills and Correspondence: The only correspondence was the
Spring-Summer issue of “Habitat.”
Conservation Awards by the Bethany Community School: Winners
were Rose Megyola and Kayla Derisse.
Discussion of Sustainable CT initiatives was tabled.
Open Space Appendices: Commission members checked an updated set
of Open Space Appendices against the old published plan and verified additions
and deletions. Further work will be done on this on a continuing basis.
Cathy moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:07, and Matt seconded.
All voted in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Winer, Secretary Pro Tempore