Wednesday, October 3, 2018

MINUTES OF THE BETHANY INLAND WETLANDS COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING OF MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018                                                          Page 1 of 7

The regular meeting of the Inland Wetland Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following members of the Commission were present:

         Kristine Sullivan, Chairman

         Brian Smith, Vice-Chairman

         Roger Hathaway, Member

         Rob Huxley, Member

         Charles Clark, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member


The following member of the Commission was absent:

         Nancy Scanlon, Member





1.      68 HOPP BROOK ROAD, Application #1309 submitted by the Adam Lieder for an IW Permit to stabilize bank, plant grass and deck


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was Adam Lieder, applicant.


Some items Mr. Lieder noted in discussion were:

·         Ripped out old concrete driveway and then planted grass.

·         Placed silt fence and haybales on slope. 

·         First bank fully grassed (submitted two photographs).


The Commission would like to conduct a site visit and will schedule a site visit at the end of the meeting. 


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting adjourned to Monday, September 24, 2018.  Tabled.



2.      64 SCHAFFER ROAD, Application #1310 submitted by the Todd Whitman for an IW Permit to locate a shed on crushed stone


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was Todd Whitman, applicant and owner of record.


Some items Mr. Whitman noted in discussion were:

·         Will be storing yard tools and rider lawnmower.








Commission members noted in discussion:

·         Shed to be located 35 feet from the wetlands

·         Will not create a driveway to shed.


The Commission would like to conduct a site visit and will schedule a site visit at the end of the meeting. 


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting adjourned to Monday, September 24, 2018.  Tabled.



3.      788 AMITY ROAD, Application #1311 submitted by the Amity Road LLC to renew IW Permit #1204 for a four-lot resubdivision


The Commission formally received the application.  No one was present to speak on behalf of this application.


Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate.   It was moved by Smith and seconded by Huxley to approve Application #1311 submitted by Amity Road LLC to renew Inland Wetlands Permit #1204 for a four-lot resubdivision for a five-year renewal.  All original special conditions of Inland Wetlands Permit #1204 approved on November 25, 2013, will remain in effect.  The new expiration date for Inland Wetlands Permit #1204 will be November 25, 2023.

Vote 5 to 0.

Voting were:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark.

Unanimous approval.



4.      28 DEERFIELD LANE, Application #1312 submitted by the Ed and Aileen Magda for an IW Permit to construct a family room addition and front porch


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application were Ed and Aileen Magda, applicants and owners of record.


Some items noted in discussion by the applicants were:

·         Have damage from tornado that needs to be repaired and would like to construct addition to family room and to front porch.

·         Have spoken with Quinnipiack Valley Health District and will be performing a B100 Soil Test soon.


The Commission would like to conduct a site visit and will schedule a site visit at the end of the meeting. 


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting adjourned to Monday, September 24, 2018.  Tabled.






5.      Discussion with Gale Ridge regarding old cease and desist orders that haven’t been released for property know as 53 Virginia Rail Drive


Present for this discussion were Gale Ridge and Timmy O’Connor.  Mrs. Ridge explained this is a vacant lot at the end of Virginia Rail Drive and they are interested in purchasing the property but would like the cease and desist orders lifted.


Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate.


It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Smith release the Cease and Desist Order dated October 15, 1987, for property known as Virginia Rail Drive relating to Permit #225, Owner of Record, Walter Nichols, Volume 81, Page 275.

Vote 5 to 0.

Voting were:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark.

Unanimous approval.



It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Smith release the Cease and Desist Order dated May 9, 1989, for property known as Virginia Rail Drive relating to Permit #294, Owner of Record, Bethford Associates, Volume 87, Pages 61 and 62.

Vote 5 to 0.

Voting were:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark.

Unanimous approval.



6.      60 BETHMOUR ROAD, Application #1313 submitted by the Ben and Jodi Uscilla for an IW Permit for a residential site development


The Commission formally received the application.  Present to speak on behalf of this application was Ben Uscilla, applicant.


Mr. Uscilla amended the application form to include the free standing garage and shed.


The Commission would like to conduct a site visit and will schedule a site visit at the end of the meeting.  The Commission asked the applicant to stake the corners of the house and other structures, footing drains and septic system.


Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting adjourned to Monday, September 24, 2018.  Tabled.















1.      Continue discussion with Susan and Dennis Marsh of 285 Sperry Road regarding building a barn for goats and to store farm tools


No one was present representing the property.  Commission members visited the site again on August 1, 2018.  The owners are moving the shed to the Southside of the house, out of the wetlands, and the new barn will be smaller than originally proposed.


The Commission members discussed.  It was mentioned the homeowner has offered the relocation of the shed to the Southside of the house outside of the wetlands and the shed will be smaller in size.  Also, homeowner will be using portion of wetlands for grazing only which is an allowed use.


It was the consensus of the Inland Wetlands Commission that the use of a portion of the backyard, which portion is in the wetlands, to allow the animals to graze and the location of a smaller shed to the Southside of the house for the goats is a permitted use/as of right per the Bethany Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations.



2.      HILLTOP ROAD, Application #1304 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an IW Permit to replace existing drainage/add to existing drainage


No one was present to speak on behalf of this application.


Commission members visited the site on August 8, 2018.  It was mentioned that Diversified Technology Consultants is preparing a formal plan.


Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate.


It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Clark to approve Application #1304 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an Inland Wetlands Permit to replace existing drainage/add to existing drainage located at Hilltop Road as presented in the application and including the standard conditions found on the Land Records, Volume 93, Page 802 and Page 803.


This approval is based on the fact that this proposal will lessen the load to the existing drainage by improving it and the curbing will reduce scouring on the south side.   In regards to the comments of the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority letter dated   July 19, 2018, pertaining to Section 19-13-B32 of the Public Health Code that while the pipes will terminate less than the 100 feet from an established watercourse that with the plunge pool, with the riprap and substantial catch basins there should be minimal or no erosion to the stream.

Vote 5 to 0.

Voting were:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark.

Unanimous approval.







3.      HOPP BROOK ROAD AND HOPP BROOK LANE, Application #1305 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an IW Permit to replace existing drainage/add to existing drainage


No one was present to speak on behalf of this application.


Commission members visited the site on August 8, 2018. 


Commission members discussed and proceeded to deliberate. 


It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Smith to approve Application #1305 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an Inland Wetlands Permit to replace existing drainage/add to existing drainage located at Hopp Brook Road and Hopp Brook Lane as presented in the application and including the standard conditions found on the Land Records, Volume 93, Page 802 and Page 803.


This approval is based on the fact that this proposal would reduce the point erosion impact by reducing the energy of any flow coming off the road into the stream thereby reducing erosion and damage to the road and does not adversely affect the wetlands.

Vote 5 to 0.

Voting were:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark.

Unanimous approval.



4.      BROOKS ROAD FROM CARMEL TO THE TOWN LINE, Application #1306 submitted by the Town of Bethany for an IW Permit to replace existing drainage/add to existing drainage


No one was present to speak on behalf of this application.


Chair Sullivan asked the Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer to have the Public Works Director withdraw this application due to the fact the plans were not finished and the work will not be done this year.  Tabled.





1)      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Clark to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the July 23, 2018, Regular Meeting.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark.

Unanimous approval.











2)      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Clark to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the August 1, 2018, Special Meeting/Site Visit.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark,

Unanimous approval.


3)      It was moved by Smith and seconded by Clark to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the August 8, 2018, Special Meeting/Site Visit.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark.

Unanimous approval.




1.      It was the consensus of the Inland Wetlands Commission to approve the payment of $75.00 to the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission, Inc. for the Membership Renewal for the period of July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019, for two commissions (sustaining).  Share with the Conservation Commission.




1)      Memo from Solitude Lake Management, dated August 6, 2018, Re:  Aquatic Pesticide Permit Application for 10 Northrop Road.



The Commission scheduled a site visit for Saturday, September 8, 2018.  Members to meet at Town Hall parking lot for 8:30 a.m.  Sites to be visited are as follows:

·         60 Bethmour Road

·         68 Hopp Brook Road

·         64 Schaffer Road

·         28 Deerfield Lane




There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Hathaway and seconded by Huxley to adjourn the special meeting at 8:45 p.m.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Huxley, Clark,

Unanimous approval.


Respectfully submitted,



Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

For Inland Wetlands Commission