Friday, February 21, 2020

Bethany Conservation Commission

November 14, 2019

Approved Minutes


  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:06 by Bruce Loomis.  Also, in attendance were Brian Eitzer, and Patsy Winer.  Matthew Popp was absent.
  2. Patsy moved and Brian seconded the minutes of the April 11, 2019 meeting.  Patsy noted that the word “we” in the sixth paragraph should be replaced with “the relevant state legislative committee”.   The minutes as amended were approved unanimously.
  3. Bruce moved and Brian seconded the minutes of the October 10, 2019 meeting.  The minutes were accepted as written.
  4. There were no bills. The only correspondence was the latest issue of The Habitat, and, a letter from the town clerk asking for next year’s meeting schedule.  It was decided to retain our current meeting schedule.  The second Thursday of every month as a regular meeting with the fourth Thursday as a session to work on the Open Space Plan.
  5. There was a discussion of the Conservationist of the Year Award.  It was decided to keep the current forms except to change the dates as appropriate for the award in 2020.
  6. Bruce noted that we are short of members.
  7. The remainder of the meeting was spent working on the update of the town Open Space Plan. In particular it was noted that Brian had contacted Kristen LaBrie, the Project Manager of New England Geosystems in charge of our town maps.  The Conservation Commission is interested in updating the Open Space Map in the plan.  She informed Brian that the cost for an analyst is $65/hr, and she would anticipate that what the commission wants might be $600-$1200, depending on the level of detail.
  8. Patsy moved to adjourn the meeting and Bruce seconded at 8:47.


Respectfully submitted,


Brian Eitzer

Secretary pro-tempore