Monday, February 10, 2020





The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following Commission Members were present:

            Kimberly McClure Brinton, Chairman

            Bob Harrison, Vice-Chairman

            Donna Shea, Member/Secretary

            Alex Hutchinson, Member

            Rob White, Member

            Brad Buchta, Alternate Member

            Andy Zielinski, Alternate Member    


Also present were:

            Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant

            Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer

            Barbara Schellenberg, Esq.





At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Brinton opened the public hearing in regards to the Proposed Draft of the Zoning Regulations, dated August 2019.


Roll Call was taken. Chairman Brinton read the special meeting notice for the public hearing that was submitted to the Town Clerk and announce the legal notice was published properly on the New Haven Register.


Chairman Brinton also noted to the public that the board received the following correspondence listed also in the agenda, also copied on the correspondence file for the commissions’ review relative to the subject (See listed exhibit - presented in the general correspondence section below).


Present to Speak to provide clarification and answer concerns from the public on the Zoning Regulations, was Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant for the Town of Bethany. Hiram proceeded onto explaining the “Summary of Bethany Zoning Regulations Revisions” which lists the regulations’ condensed summary on related topics. 





Ø  Exhibit A - Email from Robert Harrison, Commission Vice- Chairman to Toni Marek, Former P&Z Clerk., dated October 03, 2019. Re: Revised Agenda.





Ø  Exhibit B - Email from Dominick Thomas, Jr., representing Mr. & Mrs. Farrell I Residents at Green Hill Road) to Isabel Kearns, ZEO., dated October 15, 2019. Re: Consensus Document from Green Hill Road Residents.

Ø  Exhibit C - Letter from Charles Andres, Regional Planning Commission’s Secretary to Antonia Marek, Former P&Z Clerk., dated November 19, 2019. Re: Town of Bethany: Proposed Zoning Regulations Revisions.

Ø  Exhibit D - Letter from Keith D. Rosenfeld, Regional Municipal Planner, NVCOG., to the Planning and Zoning Commission, CEO, Bethany ZEO, RPC Commissioner of Beacon Falls, SCCCOG, NVCOG, and RPC representatives., dated October 25, 2019.. Re: Town of Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission Proposed Changes, updates and/or revisions to the preamble, all sections, and appendices of the Bethany Zoning Regulations.

Ø  Exhibit E - Letter from Norman F. Cole, ,AICP to Kimberly McClure Brinton, Commission Chairman., dated January 8, 2020., Re: Proposed Zoning Amendments.

Ø  Exhibit G - Email from Dominick Thomas, Jr., representing Green Hill Road Residents to Hiram Peck, Bethany Town Planner., dated January 14, 2020., Re: Suggested Changes to Proposed Zoning Regulations; Wood Burning info Packet.

Ø  Exhibit 1G - Submitted by Dominick Thomas, Jr., representing Green Hill Road Residents to the Planning and Zoning Commission., dated January 15, 2020., Re: Suggested Changes to Proposed Zoning Regulations; pictures, and Wood Burning info Packet.


Chairman Brinton asked if anyone from the public would like to have questions to address to the commission. The following residents spoke:


·         Ann Klatskin of 34 Oak Ridge Drive

·         Dominick Thomas, Jr. from Cohen & Thomas at 315 Main Street, derby, CT 06418, submitted Exhibit 1G.

·         Margaret Quinn of 335 Litchfield Turnpike

·         Eric Frieden of 15 Coachman Lane

·         Sean Foley of 11 Glenwood Court

·         Thomas Mabry of 55 Carmel Road

·         Melissa Pulito of 6 Brookwood Road (Amended Page 2: Reads, Melissa Pulito of 6 Brookwood Road. Changed to Marie Pulito of 6 Brookwood Road.)



At 8:20 p.m. it was motioned by Hutchinson and seconded by Harrison to continue the discussion as an opened hearing with welcoming comments from the public on the Proposed Draft of the Zoning regulations on a next special meeting with an undetermined date.






There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Hutchinson and seconded by Harrison to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:25 p.m.

Voting for:  Shea, Harrison, Hutchinson, White, Buchta.

Unanimous approval. (Amended Adjournment: Reads, Voting for:  Shea, Harrison, Hutchinson, White, Buchta. Unanimous approval. Changed to: Shea, Harrison, Hutchinson, White, and Brinton. Unanimous Approval.)



Respectfully submitted,



Lina V. Frazer, Clerk

For the Planning and Zoning Commission