Friday, December 16, 2016

Bethany Conservation Commission
August 11, 2016
Approved Minutes
  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 by Bruce Loomis.  Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives, and Patsy Winer. Absent were Shaukat Khan and Matthew Popp.
  1. Patsy moved and Brian seconded approval of the minutes of the July 14 meeting.  The motion passed.
  1. Bruce informed the commission that the winner of this year’s conservation awards from the Bethany Community School were Johnathan Fortin and Oliva Frankiewicz.
  1. There was a discussion of a proposed two lot subdivision at 591 Amity Road.  After a review of the proposal Brian moved and Patsy seconded a motion that the Conservation Commission would ask for a fee in lieu of open space for this subdivision.  The motion passed.  Bruce stated he would send a letter to P&Z with our request.
  2. There was a discussion of the Conservationist of the Year timeline.  The forms should be in the town hall by the end of December.  It should be advertised in the Bethany Bulletin in Jan. and Feb.  (requires submission by 12/15/16 and 1/15/17).  Start promoting it in the Orange Milford Bulletin in Jan. 2017 (weekly Friday submissions).  There will be a submission deadline of Feb. 28, with a preliminary discussion of the award at the March 9 Commission meeting and a final decision at the April 13 meeting.
  3. There was a discussion of the Conservation Commission’s budget and the Conservation and Recycling Commission’s budget.  The CC has been under budget for several years and the suggestion was made that we may want to use the extra amount allotted to us to purchase recycling bins for town events or ask for more money to be used for those bins.
  4. The trail issue between Miller and Bear Hill Roads was tabled.
  5. There was a discussion of whether the CC should man a table at the Harvest Festival.  No decision was made though it was suggested that we may want to prepare a brochure about land donations/easements for open space to hand out if we were to man a table.
  6. Cathy moved to adjourn at 8:55, Bruce seconded and the motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore

Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:09. Present in addition to Bruce were Brian Eitzer, Matthew Popp and Patricia Winer. Shaukat Khan and Cathy Rives were absent. Matt was appointed to vote in place of Cathy.
The minutes of September 8th were reviewed. Brian moved to accept them and Patsy seconded.  Two changes were made. In the fifth paragraph "it's" should be "its" and in the 7th paragraph, dealing with executive session, the words 'to deal with a land issue" should be added after "executive session." The minutes were unanimously approved with these changes.
There were no bills. Correspondence included the latest issue of "Habitat," a letter from Soil Earth Technologies regarding their services and a letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding a proposed new regulation on interior lit signs. Bruce will add a discussion of this amendment to the agenda.
The Commission entered executive session at 8;15 to talk about a personnel matter and exited executive session at 8:17.
Bruce updated members on the application for a subdivision at 591 Amity Road. Planning and Zoning approved the application and granted a waiver for open space despite the fact that the applicant did not comply with the subdivision regulations and consult with the Conservation Commission on an open space set aside, and contrary to the Commission's recommendation of a fee in lieu. There was no substantive comment in their minutes for the following meeting justifying this decision to ignore the applicant's failure to comply.
The Commission discussed the proposed new regulation on lighted signs, for which a hearing will be held before P&Z on December 7. A special exception will be required for such signs. Commission members expressed concerns about limiting the brightness of these signs, requiring manufacturer's specs to be submitted with each application, or requiring an expert to sign off on the specific brightness of the lights to be used in a given sign. Bruce will write a letter to P&Z acquainting them with our views.
The trail issue on the Keegan property was tabled again.
Conservationist of the year. The forms will have to be ready by the next meeting.
There was a discussion of the town website showing preserved properties, and how to make corrections. Brian offered to compile a list of easements and donated properties that have been given since the publication of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development. These should be listed on the website. Another change that was suggested was to add a link to CACIWC and to DEEP. We need to go through Fran Doba to make these changes.
Matt moved to adjourn at 9:25. All voted in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Winer
Secretary Pro-tem

DECEMBER 1, 2016

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Attendance:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Clark Hurlburt.
First Selectwoman Gorski called the special meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 6:40 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion to waive Bidding Publication Requirements for Town Hall Foyer Renovation.  Selectman Hurlburt moved the motion to waive Bidding Publication Requirements for Town Hall Foyer Renovation.  First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Hurlburt moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 p.m.  First Selectwoman Gorski seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
                                                                                `               Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                Secretary, Board of Selectmen
of 1

OCTOBER 18, 2016

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Attendance:  Chairman John Grabowski, Sharon Huxley, Robert Brinton Jr., Sally Huyser, John Ford IV
Visitors:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Thomas Broesler, Robert McSherry, Melissa Spear
Chairman Grabowski called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:00 09 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 
Chairman Grabowski called for a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 27, 2016.  The motion of approval was moved by Robert Brinton Jr. and seconded by Sharon Huxley.  Robert Brinton moved to amend the minutes as follows:
Accounts discussed were Contracted Services, Contingency, Solid Waste, Board of Education Gas and Diesel, Repairs and Supplies, Park and Recreation, Library, Employee’s Medical Insurance, Firemen’s Retirement, and Payroll.   The Payroll Tax account will be given credit from the Police Revenue account.  Large payroll for police duty from tree trimming caused the Payroll Tax account to be over spent.  Revenue received from tree trimming will offset this overage. 
Math errors in the sub totals for Public Safety and Health were noted, which caused the total General Fund numbers to be incorrect. 
The amended minutes were then accepted on a unanimous vote.
Chairman Grabowski attended the Amity Finance Committee meeting held this month at the Bethany Junior High School.  Figures for next year’s enrollment were given.  Bethany’s enrollment will be down 19 students from this year’s enrollment.  If Amity’s budget did not increase, Bethany’s portion would be down .71% over this present fiscal year or $328,457.   It was reported that there is approximately a $290,000 surplus so far in the 2016-17 fiscal year budget.  They intend to continue with self- insuring the medical insurance for next fiscal year. 
Robert McSherry was present to discuss with the Board of Finance the report of Paul Zito, the radio consultant for the Firemen’s Radio System.  Robert indicated that if the Town of Bethany Highway Department did some of the digging the total cost for installation and equipment would be approximately $1,500,000.  This system would give the Town approximately 95% coverage.  He did however suggest that the Town should recommend to the Town Meeting the sum of $1,750,000 to cover any unexpected issues that might occur.  All plans would have to be approved by the Siting Council.
Tom Broesler, Finance Director distributed a Revenue and Expenditure report he had prepared for the Board of Finance, for fiscal year 2015-16.  Modifications made to payroll accounts, changed from the last report given to the Board of Finance at their last meeting were questioned.    He was asked about progress on finding new financial software.    
Adjournment was called at 8:30 p.m. after a motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by John Ford IV.  The vote taken was unanimous.
                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

NOVEMBER 15, 2016

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Attendance:  John Ford IV, Robert Brinton Jr., Sally Huyser, Sharon Huxley, Melissa Spear
Visitors:  Thomas Broesler, Michael Battista
Temporary Chairman John Ford IV called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:07 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 
Temporary Chairman Ford called for a motion to appoint Melissa Spear to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Chip Spear.  Sally Huyser moved the motion to appoint Melissa Spear to the Board of Finance, to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Chip Spear.  Melissa’s term to expire date of next municipal election in May 2017.  Sharon Huxley seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Temporary Chairman Ford called for a motion to approve the minutes of January 12, 2016.  The motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Sharon Huxley to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2016 meeting.  Sally Huyser then moved to amend the resolution passed at that meeting as follows:
Resolved, that the Board of Finance transfer up to $5,000 from the Contingency Fund  for the evaluation of the Request for Proposals and selection of the vendor for the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department Radio System Project.  The Town declares its official intent under Federal Income Tax Regulation Section 1.150-2 that it reasonably expects to reimburse any expenditures pursuant to this transfer from the proceeds of project borrowings, if subsequently approved, in an aggregate principal amount not in excess of the amount of this transfer.  
The amended minutes were then approved on a vote of 4 yes votes.  Melissa Spear abstained because she was not on the Board of Finance at that time. 
Temporary Chairman Ford called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of October 18, 2016.  The motion was moved by Sharon Huxley and seconded by Sally Huyser.  There were no changes to the minutes of that meeting.  The minutes were approved on a vote of 4 yes votes.  Melissa Spear abstained from voting.
First Selectwoman Gorski requested approval from the Board of Finance to purchase a new Ford Explorer for the Police/Constables, with funds being taken from the Police Revenue account.  There is a balance in this account of $66,000.  To purchase this vehicle off of the State Contract would cost $45,000.  Sharon Huxley moved to recommend to the upcoming Special Town meeting of November 29, 2016 the purchase of a Ford Explorer up to the sum of $45,000 to be purchased off the State Contract.  Sally Huyser seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous. 
Temporary Chairman Ford reported for Chairman Grabowski who had attended the last Amity Finance meeting, that they expect to have an approximate $615,000 surplus at the end of this fiscal year.
The Town of Orange is not happy with the approximate $400,000 increase in their budget. 
The salary increase request of the Assistant Tax Collector was tabled until the Assistant Tax Collector’s course is completed and Tax Assistant Fran Doba has received her certificate of completion.
First Selectwoman Gorski reported that she had accepted the Path Finder’s award from Working Land Alliance given to the Town of Bethany for preserving the Carrington Property. 
Michael Battista reported that the audit for fiscal year 2015-16 is going well.  It appears that there will be a surplus of $412,000 in this budget.  He distributed a draft of the report to Board members.  He indicated that the budget for Public Safety was over spent because at the time of budget approval, it appeared that the State of Connecticut would charge the Town 70% of the salary of the Resident Trooper.  The town was billed for 85% of his salary.  The salary of $50,243 for the Finance Director was not in the approved budget either.   Despite the over expenditures the surplus was due to an under-expenditure for Medical Insurance and a good tax collection rate. 
Tom Broesler distributed a quarterly report for fiscal year 2016-17.  The Board reviewed the report.  Board members commented that it was good to finally have a report however they would like them a couple of days before the meeting to be able to review it. 
Tom briefly discussed progress in looking at new financial software. 
Adjournment was called at 7:55 p.m. after a motion was moved by Melissa Spear and seconded by Sally Huyser.
                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance

NOVEMBER 14, 2016

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Attendance:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Donald Shea, Selectman Clark Hurlburt
Visitors:  Fran Doba, Attorney Kevin McSherry.  Stewart Horton, Miles Halpine, Art Slicer
First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting of the Board of Selectman to order at 7:55 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.  The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
First Selectwoman Gorski called for approval of the minutes of the meeting of October 24, 2016.  The motion of approval was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectman Hurlburt.  The vote taken was unanimous. 
Selectman Hurlburt moved to add Airport Signage on Hangar to the agenda of the meeting.  Selectman Shea seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Art Slicer was present to show the Selectmen the proposed design to be painted on the front of the Airport Hangar as recommended by the Airport Hangar Committee.  After reviewing the drawing and discussion Selectman Shea moved a motion to accept the design as presented.  Selectman Hurlburt seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous. 
  1. Purchase Ford Explorer off State of Connecticut bid price not to exceed $45,000.
  2. Amend Town Ordinance regarding Cemetery Committee members.
  3. Radio System for the Fire Department/Public Works.  Bonding and referendum approval needed.
First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the Resolution for Radio Communications System.  Selectman Hurlburt moved the following to be approved as presented:
RESOLVED, That the Board of Selectmen recommends to the Board of Finance and the Town Meeting that the Town of Bethany appropriate $1,625,000 for costs related to removal and upgrade of the public safety radio communications system for the Bethany Volunteer Fire Association and the Bethany Department of Public Works and related improvements and repairs which may include but are not limited to 4 antennas, 3 base stations, equipment shelters, radios and pagers and for costs related to the financing of the project.  The appropriation may be spent for design, construction, acquisition and installation costs, equipment, materials, engineering fees and other consultant fees, grant application and management costs, legal fees, net interest on borrowings and other financing costs, and other expenses related to the project or its financing.  A portion of the appropriation shall be applied to reimburse not in excess of $5,000 of expenditures from the Contingency Fund for the preparation of Request for Proposals and selection of the vendor for the project funded from the Contingency Fund, as approved by the Board of Finance on January 12, 2016.  The Board of Selectmen shall be authorized to determine the scope and the particulars of the project, and to reduce or modify the scope of the project as necessary or desirable; and the entire appropriation may be expended on the project as so reduced or modified.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Selectmen recommends to the Board of Finance and the Town Meeting that the Town authorize the issuance of $1,625,000 bonds, notes and temporary notes to finance the appropriation. 
FURTHER RESOLVED, That, contingent upon a recommendation of the Board of Finance of the aforesaid appropriation and borrowing authorization, a resolution with respect such recommendations be presented for consideration at the Special Town Meeting to be held at the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road in the Town of Bethany on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.; and that the Board of Selectmen hereby designates said resolution for submission to the voters at referendum to be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-7 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, Revision of 1958, as amended. 
                FURTHER RESOLVED, That the aforesaid resolution shall be submitted to the voters at referendum under the following heading: 
Voting will be at the Bethany Town Hall.  Absentee ballots will be available from the Town Clerk's office.     
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk cause proper notice of such town meeting and referendum to be posted and published.
Selectman Shea seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous. 
A motion was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectman Hurlburt to set the date of Tuesday November 29, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. for the Special Town Meeting to adjourn to a Referendum to be held on December 6, 2016 just for a referendum vote for the Radio System.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Shea moved to add to the agenda Rid Litter Day.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Stewart Horton was present to discuss with the Selectmen the setting of a date for Rid Litter Day.  The Selectmen determined that April 22, 2016 would be set for Rid Litter Day with a rain date of April 23, 2016. 
Selectman Shea moved to add Appointments to Boards and Commissions to the agenda of this meeting.  Selectman Hurlburt seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Selectman Shea moved to appoint Rod White and David Merriam as Sub Registrar and appointment for the Department of Public Health with appointment beginning November 14, 2016 and expiring June 30, 2019.  Selectman Hurlburt seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
First Selectwoman Gorski reported that she appointed Bruce Loomis and Katheryn Rives to the Conservation Commission.
Selectman Hurlburt moved to appoint Roger Hathway and Brian Smith to the Inland Wetlands Commission as alternates and to move Nancy Scanlon who has been an alternate to full member.  Selectman Shea seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Adjournment was called at 8:20 p.m. by First Selectwoman Gorski after a motion was moved by Selectman Hurlburt and seconded by Selectman Shea.  The vote taken was unanimous.
                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                                                Secretary, Board of Selectmen

JANUARY 12, 2016

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Attendance:  Chairman John Grabowski, Sally Huyser, Chip Spear, Sharon Huxley, John Ford IV, Robert Brinton Jr.
Visitors:  Thomas Broesler, Fran Doba; First Selectwoman Gorski
Chairman Grabowski called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 
The Chairman called for approval of the minutes of the meeting of December 8, 2015.  The motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear. 
Robert Brinton Jr. moved to amend the approved minutes of May 5, 2015.  Amendment:  Robert Brinton Jr. voted no to accept the total Board of Education Budget.  The Board voted unanimously to amend the minutes of that meeting per Robert Brinton Jr.’s request.
Chairman Grabowski reported that the Amity Budget’s first draft with a 5% increase has been reduced to a 2.69% increase over the previous year.  The overall increase is $1,259,384. 
The Town of Bethany will receive a refund from surplus from the previous year’s budget 2014-15 of $221,000 now that the audit is complete. 
Thomas Broesler distributed a budget report for July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 to the Board members.  Robert Brinton Jr. questioned why is the Land Acquisition Fund listed with the budget accounts as that was a Capital Expenditure?  Robert also questioned the balance in the Contingency Fund.
Board members requested reports be sent to them before the meeting and not handed out at the meeting as it doesn’t give them enough time to look over the numbers.
Thomas indicated that the hand outs for Budget preparation requests to Department heads had been distributed and that budget requests were due back by January 20, 2016.
First Selectwoman Gorski reported that the contaminated soil removal at the Airport was just about complete.  Munger needs to order insulation for the Hangar project.  They are requiring 30% of the cost of the insulation for the Hangar be paid in advance.  The balance would be due when it is delivered.  Since there is not enough funds in the Airport Steap Fund the expense of $73,131 would have to be taken from either the General Fund or Contingency Fund until the grant is received, in order to continue construction.  Discussion followed.  A motion was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by Sally Huyser to take the funds from the General Fund to be reimbursed by the State of Connecticut Steap Fund Grant.  The motion was called.  There were 5 yes votes and 1 no vote that of Robert Brinton Jr.  Robert did not think we had the authority to spend money from the General Fund without Town approval.
First Selectwoman Gorski reports that the Bethany Fire Department is working with Paul Zito, Radio Consultant on the proposal for the radio system for the department.  The RFP is ready to go out.  If the Channel 8 TV Tower is used it would save about $200,000 in the overall cost for the system. The Town will need to give Paul Zito a letter of intent to complete the work.  His fee would be $5,000.  Following discussion Sharon Huxley moved the following resolution.  Chip Spear seconded the resolution.
 Resolved, that the Board of Finance transfer up to $5,000 from the Contingency Fund  for the evaluation of the Request for Proposals and selection of the vendor for the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department Radio System Project.  The Town declares its official intent under Federal Income Tax Regulation Section 1.150-2 that it reasonably expects to reimburse any expenditures pursuant to this transfer from the proceeds of project borrowings, if subsequently approved, in an aggregate principal amount not in excess of the amount of this transfer.  
The vote on the resolution was unanimous.
Tax Incentive Applications- Lock, Stock & Barrel, LLC and 742 Amity Rd LLC (Billy’s)
Chairman Grabowski opened discussion on the Tax Incentive program per the application of Lock, Stock & Barrel, LLC and 742 Amity Rd (Billy’s).
Mario Panagrosso submitted the following figures for this request.
 Lock, Stock and Barrel (30% of $204,230 =$2,147 abatement on 10/1/2015 Grand List)and Billy’s (30% of $61,770 = $649 abatement on 10/1/2015 Grand List) for 3 years per Mario recommendation. 
Following discussion Sharon Huxley moved the motion to approve the tax abatement for Lock, Stock and Barrel and 742 Amity Rd (Billy’s) per the recommendation of the Assessor Mario Panagrosso.  Sally Huyser seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance

NOVEMBER 28, 2016

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Attendance:  First Selectwoman Derrlyn Gorski, Selectman Donald Shea, Selectman Clark Hurlburt
Visitors:  Christine Floyd, Mackenzie Floyd
First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 7:35 p.m.  The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
Selectman Shea moved to add Big Brothers Big Sisters to the agenda of this meeting.  Selectman Hurlburt seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Christine Floyd representing the parents of the Elementary School sixth grade class, asked if the group could use the area in front of the Town Garage, for a drop off area for used clothing collection on January 28, 2017.  A truck would collect the clothes and take them away.  They would receive twenty cents a pound for the clothing.  The money collected would go into the Student Activity Fund for expenses for the sixth grade end of year activities.  High school students would help with the collection and the loading of the clothes in the truck.    Following a brief discussion Selectman Hurlburt moved to allow the Big Brothers Big Sisters group to use the area in front of the Town Garage on January 28, 2017 as a staging area to collect used clothing weather permitting.  Selectman Shea seconded the motion.  The motion received unanimous approval.
First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of November 14, 2016.  The motion of approval was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectman Hurlburt.  First Selectwoman Gorski amended the minutes to read that Roger Hathaway and Brian Smith were re-appointed to the Inland Wetlands Commission.  Nancy Scanlon was moved to a full board member.   The amended minutes were then approved on a unanimous vote.
Selectman Hurlburt moved the motion to refund to Ashleigh Daniels the sum of $54.35, to Financial Vehicle Trust the sum of $1,258.55, to Frank & Jeana Richo the sum of $24.85, to Shannon Mahoney the sum of $117.86, to Toyota Lease Trust the sum of $1,044.03, to Van T. Jackson the sum of $374.67 and to VCFS Auto Leasing Co. the sum of $38.02 all for overpayment of taxes.
Rabbi Hecht has requested permission to light a Menorah on Town property behind the Town Hall on December 24, 2016.  Following a brief discussion Selectman Hurlburt moved to allow Rabbi Hecht and members of his congregation to light a Menorah on Town property behind the Town Hall on December 24, 2016.  Selectman Shea seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
The Selectmen discussed modifications to the Personnel Policy for the Town of Bethany regarding compliance with the Family Medical Leave Act.  The Highway Department contract was modified to meet this change in the new contract.
The adopted policy change was moved by Selectman Hurlburt and seconded by Selectman Shea.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Section 1. Permanent full time employees who have been employed at least six months shall be entitled to 12 paid sick days for personal illness or injury not sustained in employment. Abuse of sick leave privilege shall be considered sufficient cause for disciplinary action. Supervisors have the right to investigate employee absences to avoid abuse of sick leave. Employees must notify the Highway Foreman on the first day of absence to be eligible for sick leave. The Town may require employees to provide a doctor’s certificate stating the nature and duration of the illness or injury for any absence of four (4) consecutive work days or more, or in any cause of suspected abuse.
Section 2. Unused sick days may be banked only for the purpose of covering any qualification period for short-term disability up to 120 days. Unused sick days may be banked for the purposes allowed under the Family Medical Leave Act for a period of thirty (30) days.  The initial period of thirty days may be extended by the First selectman. Any approval of a request shall not be unreasonably withheld for purposes of sick days under the Family Medical Leave Act may be used for the following: spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, uncle, aunt, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandparent of spouse, grandchild, or anyone residing in the same house with the employee.
Section 3. The employees shall be entitled to three (3) personal days.
Vacation time will be modified as follows:
Any employee who has worked 15 years or more will receive 5 weeks paid vacation.
First Selectwoman Gorski reports that she attended a meeting of the Working Land Alliance where the Town of Bethany received an award for the Preservation of the Carrington Property. 
Adjournment was called at 7:55 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Hurlburt and seconded by Selectman Shea.  The vote taken was unanimous.
                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                Secretary, Board of Selectmen