Friday, December 16, 2016

JANUARY 12, 2016

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Attendance:  Chairman John Grabowski, Sally Huyser, Chip Spear, Sharon Huxley, John Ford IV, Robert Brinton Jr.
Visitors:  Thomas Broesler, Fran Doba; First Selectwoman Gorski
Chairman Grabowski called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 
The Chairman called for approval of the minutes of the meeting of December 8, 2015.  The motion was moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear. 
Robert Brinton Jr. moved to amend the approved minutes of May 5, 2015.  Amendment:  Robert Brinton Jr. voted no to accept the total Board of Education Budget.  The Board voted unanimously to amend the minutes of that meeting per Robert Brinton Jr.’s request.
Chairman Grabowski reported that the Amity Budget’s first draft with a 5% increase has been reduced to a 2.69% increase over the previous year.  The overall increase is $1,259,384. 
The Town of Bethany will receive a refund from surplus from the previous year’s budget 2014-15 of $221,000 now that the audit is complete. 
Thomas Broesler distributed a budget report for July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 to the Board members.  Robert Brinton Jr. questioned why is the Land Acquisition Fund listed with the budget accounts as that was a Capital Expenditure?  Robert also questioned the balance in the Contingency Fund.
Board members requested reports be sent to them before the meeting and not handed out at the meeting as it doesn’t give them enough time to look over the numbers.
Thomas indicated that the hand outs for Budget preparation requests to Department heads had been distributed and that budget requests were due back by January 20, 2016.
First Selectwoman Gorski reported that the contaminated soil removal at the Airport was just about complete.  Munger needs to order insulation for the Hangar project.  They are requiring 30% of the cost of the insulation for the Hangar be paid in advance.  The balance would be due when it is delivered.  Since there is not enough funds in the Airport Steap Fund the expense of $73,131 would have to be taken from either the General Fund or Contingency Fund until the grant is received, in order to continue construction.  Discussion followed.  A motion was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by Sally Huyser to take the funds from the General Fund to be reimbursed by the State of Connecticut Steap Fund Grant.  The motion was called.  There were 5 yes votes and 1 no vote that of Robert Brinton Jr.  Robert did not think we had the authority to spend money from the General Fund without Town approval.
First Selectwoman Gorski reports that the Bethany Fire Department is working with Paul Zito, Radio Consultant on the proposal for the radio system for the department.  The RFP is ready to go out.  If the Channel 8 TV Tower is used it would save about $200,000 in the overall cost for the system. The Town will need to give Paul Zito a letter of intent to complete the work.  His fee would be $5,000.  Following discussion Sharon Huxley moved the following resolution.  Chip Spear seconded the resolution.
 Resolved, that the Board of Finance transfer up to $5,000 from the Contingency Fund  for the evaluation of the Request for Proposals and selection of the vendor for the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department Radio System Project.  The Town declares its official intent under Federal Income Tax Regulation Section 1.150-2 that it reasonably expects to reimburse any expenditures pursuant to this transfer from the proceeds of project borrowings, if subsequently approved, in an aggregate principal amount not in excess of the amount of this transfer.  
The vote on the resolution was unanimous.
Tax Incentive Applications- Lock, Stock & Barrel, LLC and 742 Amity Rd LLC (Billy’s)
Chairman Grabowski opened discussion on the Tax Incentive program per the application of Lock, Stock & Barrel, LLC and 742 Amity Rd (Billy’s).
Mario Panagrosso submitted the following figures for this request.
 Lock, Stock and Barrel (30% of $204,230 =$2,147 abatement on 10/1/2015 Grand List)and Billy’s (30% of $61,770 = $649 abatement on 10/1/2015 Grand List) for 3 years per Mario recommendation. 
Following discussion Sharon Huxley moved the motion to approve the tax abatement for Lock, Stock and Barrel and 742 Amity Rd (Billy’s) per the recommendation of the Assessor Mario Panagrosso.  Sally Huyser seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                Clerk, Board of Finance