Friday, December 16, 2016

Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:09. Present in addition to Bruce were Brian Eitzer, Matthew Popp and Patricia Winer. Shaukat Khan and Cathy Rives were absent. Matt was appointed to vote in place of Cathy.
The minutes of September 8th were reviewed. Brian moved to accept them and Patsy seconded.  Two changes were made. In the fifth paragraph "it's" should be "its" and in the 7th paragraph, dealing with executive session, the words 'to deal with a land issue" should be added after "executive session." The minutes were unanimously approved with these changes.
There were no bills. Correspondence included the latest issue of "Habitat," a letter from Soil Earth Technologies regarding their services and a letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding a proposed new regulation on interior lit signs. Bruce will add a discussion of this amendment to the agenda.
The Commission entered executive session at 8;15 to talk about a personnel matter and exited executive session at 8:17.
Bruce updated members on the application for a subdivision at 591 Amity Road. Planning and Zoning approved the application and granted a waiver for open space despite the fact that the applicant did not comply with the subdivision regulations and consult with the Conservation Commission on an open space set aside, and contrary to the Commission's recommendation of a fee in lieu. There was no substantive comment in their minutes for the following meeting justifying this decision to ignore the applicant's failure to comply.
The Commission discussed the proposed new regulation on lighted signs, for which a hearing will be held before P&Z on December 7. A special exception will be required for such signs. Commission members expressed concerns about limiting the brightness of these signs, requiring manufacturer's specs to be submitted with each application, or requiring an expert to sign off on the specific brightness of the lights to be used in a given sign. Bruce will write a letter to P&Z acquainting them with our views.
The trail issue on the Keegan property was tabled again.
Conservationist of the year. The forms will have to be ready by the next meeting.
There was a discussion of the town website showing preserved properties, and how to make corrections. Brian offered to compile a list of easements and donated properties that have been given since the publication of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development. These should be listed on the website. Another change that was suggested was to add a link to CACIWC and to DEEP. We need to go through Fran Doba to make these changes.
Matt moved to adjourn at 9:25. All voted in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Winer
Secretary Pro-tem