Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Bethany Conservation Commission
August 10th, 2017
Meeting Minutes (Unapproved)
Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:11pm. Also in attendance were Patsy Winer and Matthew Popp. Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives, and Shaukat Khan were absent. Bruce appointed Matthew as a voting member in place of Shaukat.
The minutes of the May meeting were reviewed. Patsy moved to accept them, Matthew seconded. Corrections: “Stu Horton whom” should be changed to “Stu Horton who”. “Sign hearing was ended” should be changed to “sign hearing was closed”.  The minutes passed as corrected.
The election of a commission chairman was tabled until the next meeting because not enough members were present.
There were no bills for the commission. Bruce informed the commission that the correspondence included the Spring 2017 edition of “The Habitat”. The commission noted that the date for the next CACIWC conference was mentioned in this issue as being on November 18th, 2017. The commission received a thank you card from Joan Carrington for being one of the recipients of the 2017 Conservationist of the Year award. A thank you card was also received from Elyse Rogers for being a recipient of the Bethany Community School’s Conservation Award. Besides Elyse, the other recipient was Evan Whitman. That award was a total of $60 as it has been in previous years. The commission received a letter from the Bethany Community School Leadership Council, explaining that they were donating $102 to the Bethany Land Acquisition Fund with money earned from fundraising. The commission will send a thank you card.
Bruce informed the commission that the town did approve $100,000 to be added to the land acquisition fund as part for the town budget for the next fiscal year.
Update on 4 Peck Rd: The court has shut down the application due to a parking issue.
Mr. Woodward has submitted another application for a small subdivision. The commission noted that the open space requirement for this subdivision has already been met from his previous application.
Darrylyn Gorski is working with the state to see about removing some of the large reflective arrows that have been placed along some of roads in town, particularly scenic roads.
The commission reviewed the list of possible charities to donate to when giving out the Conservationist of the Year award.
The issues of open space appendices, and cluster housing were tabled until the next meeting.
Matthew moved to adjourn at 8:40pm, Patsy seconded. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew Popp
Secretary pro-tempore