Tuesday, October 10, 2017


AUGUST 28, 2017
Attendance:  First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Donald Shea, Selectman Clark Hurlburt
Visitors:  Attorney Kevin McSherry, Brian Hanson, Fred Nevin
First Selectwoman Gorski called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.  All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance as the first order of business.
First Selectwoman Gorski called for a motion of approval for the minutes of the meeting of August 14, 2017.  The motion of approval was moved by Selectman Hurlburt and seconded by Selectman Shea.  The vote taken was unanimous to approve without change.
The Housatonic Model Yacht Club has asked permission to put a temporary dock in the lake at Veteran’s Memorial Park when they have their events.  The dock would be removed after each event.  They would like to place it to the west of the beach area.  The dock would be eight foot with a wheel and handle so that it could be taken out each time.  Selectman Shea moved the motion to allow the Housatonic Model Yacht Club to put in a temporary dock to be used for their events at the lake.  Selectman Hurlburt seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
First Selectwoman Gorski has received numerous complaints from residents about the new road safety signs provided to the Town from a grant through Department of Transportation from both a Federal and State Grant.  She had received information from Department of Transportation that the Town should evaluate the placement and to remove whatever signs they feel is excessive.
The Town has received communication from DEEP regarding possible contamination of wells in the area of what was formerly Pleasantview Gas Station on Amity Road now the home of Grand Pizza.  Further testing will need to be done. 
Brian Hanson was present at the meeting to request that the Town consider putting in either a Yield sign or a Stop sign where Hop Brook Road and Hop Brook Lane intersect with Bear Hill Road.  Brian indicated that in the past there has been a sign at that location.  This intersection had a study done by Trooper Merriam and he did not recommend a sign at this location.  Following discussion Selectman Shea moved to put a yield sign in where Hop Brook Road and Hop Brook Lane intersect.  Selectman Hurlburt seconded the motion.  The vote taken was unanimous.
Adjournment was called at 8:05 p.m. after a motion was moved by Selectman Hurlburt and seconded by Selectman Shea.  The vote taken was unanimous.
                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                June G. Riley
                                                                                                Secretary, Board of Selectmen

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