Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2016
Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:05. Also in attendance were Patsy Winer and Cathy
Rives. Absent were Brian Eitzer, Shaukat
Khan and Matthew Popp.
The November meeting minutes were tabled as there were
not sufficient members present who were also at that meeting.
There were no bills or correspondence.
Concerning the CoY form: Bruce will copy and place in the
Town Clerk's Office to be put in the Milford/Bethany Bulletin.
The lighting issue at the recycle center has been
resolved. The lights will be manually operated
for use during hours of operation.
The 2017 BCC meeting schedule was discussed: the second
Thursday of each month at 8pm will remain the meeting time
Regarding the lighting of signs in town: the Conservation
Commission has made their thoughts known and is now leaving the matter up to
There was discussion about the Keegan property trail
right of way. Will Brinton is looking into this and hoping that the Keegan
family will donate this strip of land.
Bruce may not be able to attend the January 2017 meeting
but will notify the board of any schedule change.
There was no other business and Patsy moved to adjourn at
8:20. Cathy seconded and the meeting was
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Rives, Secretary pro-tempore