MARCH 12, 2019
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Attendance: Katie
Erickson, Sharon Huxley, Sally Huyser, John Ford IV, Betsy Thornquist
Visitors: First
Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Selectman Clark Hurlburt, Paula Cofrancesco, Fran
Doba, Alan Green, Lars Demander, Sheila Lane
The regular meeting of the Board of Finance was called to
order at 7:10 p.m. by Temporary Chairman John Ford IV. The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s
Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
Temporary Chairman Ford called for a motion to approve the
minutes of the meeting of March 5, 2019 special meeting. The motion of approval was moved by Sharon
Huxley and seconded by Sally Huyser.
Katie Erickson moved to amend the minutes by adding the following:
Chief Cogill asked
that the Board of Finance find funding in some way to ensure long term
sustainability of the Bethany Ambulance Corp by funding $40,000 annually. If approved this would be designated in a
special account to be spent on daytime staffing only.
The vote taken for approval as amended was four yes votes
and one abstention that of Bethany Thornquist as she was not present at that
Public Works director Alan Green presented the budget for
the Highway Department. He had compiled
a list of roads that need major work on them. He had a list of newly re-constricted roads
that will be chip sealed. He has
budgeted $650,000 for major road repair in his operating budget for fiscal year
2019-20. He spoke to the Board of
Finance about bonding for more extensive repair that is needed. Board members questioned whether it would be
an advantage to hire more than one contractor for major road repair. More roads
could be completed in a shorter span of time, especially if the money was
available from bonding. Alan indicated that
he would look into it.
Sharon Huxley opened
discussion on the budget for tree removal.
In the past the expense has been budgeted and charged to the Contracted
Services account. Some years this money
has not been used completely for tree work, but instead for other expenses. Eversource has removed
trees that were in line with the electrical service wires. The money saved was
then used for other expenses. She would like a better accountability on how
much has been spent to date of the money appropriated.
Betsy Thornquist would like to know when road materials have
been used for other appropriations, where they were moved to?
Katie Erickson would
like to get an assessment on trees left to be taken down. Alan indicated that this might be hard to do
but he would try.
Sharon Huxley would
like to see appropriation for tree removal put into Contingency. She would feel better about it. There would
be more control of the expenditure by the Board of Finance.
Betsy Thornquist felt
that $50,000 should be put into Contracted Services and $100,000 put into
Contingency. Alan commented how helpful
Eversource has been to the Town during the recent storms and had saved the Town
Alan is requesting $80,000 to be appropriated as a Capital
Expenditure for a boom truck to help in day to day small limb removal. In the next three years two of the plow
trucks will have to be replaced
The repaving of the Elementary School and Town Hall parking
areas were briefly discussed.
Fran Doba explained to the Board of Finance recent upgrades
and changes that have taken place to our computer network and telephone service. At this time she does not have a completed
budget. Sharon Huxley asked if the
support for the GIS system was included in this budget. Fran will verify that before the budget is
First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski attended the Public Hearing
in Hartford last week regarding School Regionalization, as being recommended by
the new session of the State of Connecticut Legislature. First Selectwoman Gorski talked to George
Logan our State Senator and House Representative Lezlye Zupkus regarding this
proposed change. Since the teacher
salaries are not the same in each Town because of Union Contracts, this could
cause an increase in the education budgets of some towns. The benefit of regionalization could be
sharing of special education resources which could be a savings to school
Paula Cofrancesco Bethany’s Board of Education member to the
Amity Board of Education, indicated that their board would be taking a
pro-active position. Much more
information will be needed before a change like this is made.
Sheila distributed several financial reports for the Board
to look over.
OF MARCH 9, 2019
The Board will continue to finalize the budget next
week. The Board of Finance requested
that Sheila provide them with last year’s year to date report, as well as the
present year today report.
Katie Erickson reported that she will begin workshops on
developing system controls after the budget has been completed.
Adjournment was called at 9:15 p.m. after a motion was moved
by Betsy Thornquist and seconded by Katie Erickson. The vote take was unanimous.
G. Riley
Board of Finance