MARCH 26, 2019
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Attendance: Chairman
John Grabowski, John Ford IV, Sally Huyser, Sharon Huxley
Visitors: First
Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski, Sheila Lane, Bethany Resident Trooper David
Chairman Grabowski called the meeting of the Board of
Finance to order at 7:12 p.m. The
meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
BUDGET 2019-20
Trooper David Merriam was present to discuss with the Board
of Finance some reductions to his budget from the first submission. The SRO Officer cost of $10,000 for Amity had
previously been charged to his budget.
It is now included in the Amity Budget.
The line item for Police Equipment budgeted for $9,500 will be taken out
of his budget as this cost is going to be covered 100% by the State of
Connecticut. The salary of the Resident
Trooper previously billed at 75% of cost may change to 100% of cost. If that is true an adjustment will need to be
First Selectwoman Gorski reported that the General Insurance
line item could increase by 3%, however this number is not final.
The salaries of the Assistant Town Clerks and Assistant Secretary
to the Assessor will be adjusted because of additional certifications they have
The budget for Bookkeeper will be adjusted because of an
additional part time person to do the data entry when the new financial
software is installed.
Renovations to the Annex and the cost of repair for it was
discussed. Rod White, Maintenance
Supervisor has gotten quotes for initial repairs to the building that would
meet basic needs for its use by Park and Recreation for summer programs. The cost for these repairs would be
approximately $19,000. The Board members
discussed possibly taking this expense from Contingency to make the building
operational. No formal motion was
The General Fund Balance is presently at @20.4% of
budget. The $600,000 received from the
Amity surplus has caused the increase to the General Fund. First Selectwoman Gorski suggested that
perhaps some of it could be used to lower the mill rate. Other members felt that perhaps the money
should be saved incase the Town is assessed a large amount by the State for
teachers retirement.
After much discussion regarding amount to budget for the
Land Acquisition Fund it was determined that they would budget the Land
Acquisition Fund at $100,000 for this year.
The Board of Finance agreed to have First Selectwoman Gorski
look into bonding for the paving of roads.
The school parking lot, paving behind the school and the Town Hall
parking lot could be included in the bonding.
Chairman Grabowski called for a motion of approval for the
minutes of the meeting of March 19, 2019.
The motion was moved by John Ford IV and seconded by Sally Huyser. The vote taken was three yes votes to approve
as written. The vote was called. There were three yes votes and one abstention
that of Sharon Huxley as she had not read the minutes.
The next meeting to complete the budget will be held on
April 2, 2019. School Superintendent
Murray indicated that if the enrollment for kindergarten continues to increase
an additional teacher for that grade will be needed. This would increase the budget for the
Elementary school.
At 9:15 Sally Huyser moved to adjourn the meeting. Her motion was seconded by John Ford IV. The vote taken was unanimous.
G. Riley
Board of Finance