Monday, April 1, 2019

MINUTES OF THE BETHANY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS REGULAR MEETING OF MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2019                                        Page 1 of 4

The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:07 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


Roll call was taken.


The following Board Members were present:

            Thomas Mabry, Vice-Chairman, Acting as Chairman

            Margaret Foley, Member

            Mark Stricker, Member

April Stirling, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member

Rob Huxley, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member


The following Board Members were absent:

            Thomas Magda, Chairman

            Nick Poulmas, Member


Also present were:  Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer

                                Kevin McSherry, Town Attorney





It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Foley to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the January 14, 2019, Regular Meeting.

Voting for:  Mabry, Foley, Stricker, Stirling, Huxley.

Unanimous approval.





It was moved by Huxley and seconded by Foley to approve the payment of a bill for $125.00, dated March 11, 2019, from Donna Cahill for recording services for the public hearing continuation (41 Green Hill Road).

Voting for:  Mabry, Foley, Stricker, Stirling, Huxley.

Unanimous approval.





At 7:11 p.m., Acting-Chairman Mabry opened the public hearing continuation in regard to the application submitted by Peter Kaminski and Julianne Stach for a Zoning Appeal of improper interpretation of the Bethany Zoning Regulations, Section 4.2 regarding a Cease and Desist Order, dated November 15, 2018, for outside storage.


Roll call was taken.  Acting-Chairman Mabry read the notice for the public hearing continuation that was submitted to the Town Clerk.





Present to speak on behalf of this application were Attorney Thomas Lynch, office located in Milford, Connecticut, representing the applicants and owners of record, Peter Kaminski and Julianne Stach, who were also present.


Acting-Chairman Mabry noted that the Board received the following items relative to the subject application.  Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:

1)      Exhibit 2A – A memo from Lidia Butzky of 33 Green Hill Road, dated March 5, 2019, Re:  41 Green Hill Road.

2)      Exhibit 2B – A memo from Chuck Doerrler of 56 Green Hill Road, dated March 10, 2019, Re:  Concurs with statement written by Jack Ellison to Isabel Kearns, dated January 30, 2019, pertaining to 41 Green Hill Road.

3)      Exhibit 2C – An email from Chuck Doerrler of 56 Green Hill Road and from Jack Ellison of 55 Green Hill Road, dated January 31, 2019, Re:  General description of discussions with Mr. Kaminski of 41 Green Hill Road.

4)      Exhibit 2D – Submitted by Town Attorney McSherry, an email from Attorney Thomas Lynch to Attorney Kevin McSherry, dated March 11, 2019, Re:  List of items to resolve tree trunk issue located at 41 Green Hill Road.

5)      Exhibit 2E – Submitted by Town Attorney McSherry, a hand-drawn map prepared by Peter Kaminski of 41 Green Hill Road, showing location of stacked wood and screening that will be planted in Spring 2019.

6)      Exhibit 2F – Submitted by Attorney Thomas, seven colored photographs taken by the Farrell’s of 49 Green Hill Road, of the subject property located at 41 Green Hill Road, showing piles of wood and tree trunks.

7)      Exhibit 2G – Submitted by Attorney Thomas, two colored photographs from the Town of Bethany GIS website, showing Green Hill Road.


Attorney Lynch noted the following on behalf of the applicants:

·         Submitted an email (Exhibit 2D) that will cover all the issues.

·         Submitted a map and discussed the map and the proposed foliage barrier.

·         Mr. Kaminski has installed a professional wood pile cover.


Some items noted by the Board Members were:

·         40 tree trunks already previously delivered.  Proposing 12 trunks in future delivery.

·         There will be no further deliveries until after December 2020.

·         If use a smaller truck for deliveries, possibly less neighborhood disturbance.

·         What type of screening will be used?  Mr. Kaminski mentioned bamboo.  It was mentioned that arborvitaes are usually used for screening.


Acting-Chairman Mabry asked if anyone from the public would like to speak to have the Cease and Desist Order reversed or modified.  There were no comments.


Also present to speak was Attorney Dominick Thomas, Derby, Connecticut, representing some of the neighbors.  Some items noted by Attorney Thomas were:

·         Submitted Exhibit 2F and reviewed.

·         Submitted Exhibit 2G and reviewed.

·         Mentioned stacking wood behind house.  Mr. Kaminski mentioned leaching fields are located there.




Acting-Chairman Mabry asked if anyone from the public would like to have the order sustained as is.  The following residents spoke:

·         Christina Ellison of 55 Green Hill Road

·         Jack Ellison of 55 Green Hill Road

·         Dennis Stephens of 18 Green Hill Road

·         Diane Farrell of 49 Green Hill Road

·         Tim Ahearn of 8 Green Hill Road

·         Ron Farrell of 49 Green Hill Road


At 8:32 p.m., it was moved by Huxley and seconded by Foley to take a five minute recess.


At 8:42 p.m., the hearing reconvened.


Attorney Lynch stated he can supply the septic layout information.


Attorney McSherry recommended the Board close the public hearing and that the septic information can be submitted through him.


At 8:43 p.m., it was moved by Huxley and seconded by Stricker to close the public hearing on the subject application. 

Voting for:  Mabry, Foley, Stricker, Stirling, Huxley.

Unanimous approval.



The Board then discussed having a special meeting to continue discussion on this Zoning Appeal for 41 Green Hill Road.  It was moved by Mabry and seconded by Huxley to schedule a Special Meeting on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room to come to a consensus and then make the final decision/vote at the next regular meeting on Monday, April 8, 2019.

Voting for:  Mabry, Foley, Stricker, Stirling, Huxley.

Unanimous approval.





There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Huxley seconded by Stricker to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:49 p.m.

Voting for:  Mabry, Foley, Stricker, Stirling, Huxley.

Unanimous approval.


Respectfully submitted,



Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

for the Zoning Board of Appeals