Friday, July 19, 2019


JULY 8, 2019

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Attendance:  First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco, Selectman Donald Shea, Selectman Derrylyn Gorski

Visitors:  Vincent Marino, Esq, Sheila Lane, Donna Shea

First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.  The meeting was held in the Selectmen’s Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.  She then asked all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance as the first order of business.   






The motion to appoint members to Boards and Commissions as listed above was moved by Selectwoman Gorski and seconded Selectman Shea.  The vote taken was unanimous.


JUNE 24, 2019

First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco called for a motion to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of June 24, 2019.  The motion of approval was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectman Gorski.  The Selectmen discussed modifications to the minutes.  Following discussion it was determined that the minutes were correct.  First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco called for a vote to approve the minutes as written.  The vote taken was unanimous. 

June 27, 2019

First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco called for a motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting of Jun 27, 2019.  The motion for approval was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectman Gorski.  The vote taken was unanimous.   

July 2, 2019

First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco called for a motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting of July 2, 2019.  The motion for approval was moved by Selectman Gorski and seconded by Selectman Shea.  The vote taken was unanimous. 


Residents of Garden Homes Mobile Park have requested a sign, warning that a school bus stop is ahead, on Amity Road.  Since traffic on Amity Road is moving quite quickly the Selectmen felt that a sign at that location would be a good idea.  If the Highway Department does not have a sign the Selectmen approved the purchase of one for this location.  First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco will also check with DOT.


The Selectmen reviewed the By-Laws created by the Carrington Cemetery Committee with Attorney Marino.  Several modifications were noted.  A motion was moved by Selectman Gorski and seconded by Selectman Shea to table approval of the By-Laws until the modifications have been made and approved by the committee.


Selectman Shea questioned progress on paving of the Town Hall Parking Lot.  First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco reported to the Selectmen, that Rod White had notified her  paving may have to be delayed for a few days, so that the septic system and leach fields under the parking lot can be inspected and repaired if necessary, before the finished asphalt can be put down.


First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco called for a motion of adjournment.  The motion was moved by Selectman Shea and seconded by Selectman Gorski.  The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.  The vote taken was unanimous.


                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                June G. Riley     

                                                                                                Secretary, Board of Selectmen






Bethany Conservation Commission

November 8th 2018

Meeting Minutes (Approved)


Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:03pm. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives, Patsy Winer and Matthew Popp. Shaukat Khan was absent. Bruce appointed Matthew as a voting member in place of Shaukat.


The minutes from the meeting on September 13th were reviewed. Patsy moved to accept them and Brian seconded. The minutes were approved as accepted. There were no corrections.


The commission reviewed the fall edition of CACIWC’s The Habitat newsletter. There were no bills.


The commission discussed recent land issues including the recent Connecticut Constitutional Amendments that were passed during the most recent state elections.


The commission discussed adding an additional meeting per month starting at the beginning of the new year to work on the town’s open space plan. Bruce will check on confirming the availability of the commission meeting room for the fourth Thursday of each month.


The commission discussed possible candidates for Conservationist of the Year.


The commission worked on reviewing the town’s open space plan in preparation for updating.


Brian moved to adjourn the meeting, Patsy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Matthew Popp

Secretary pro-tempore

INUTES OF THE BETHANY INLAND WETLANDS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OF MONDAY, JULY 15, 2019                                                        Page 1 of 3

The regular meeting of the Inland Wetland Commission was called to order at 7:31 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following members of the Commission were present:

         Kristine Sullivan, Chairman

         Nancy Scanlon, Member

         Charles Clark, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member


The following members of the Commission were excused:

         Rob Huxley, Member     

         James Nickle, Alternate Member


Also present was Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer




1.      Discussion regarding 5 Hatfield Hill Road – Farming


Present for this discussion were Ryan and Anjuli Cokic, owners of the property.


Chair Sullivan stated there are wetlands on the property and that the Inland Wetlands Commission needs to know what the owners are proposing before any disturbance takes place.


Mr. Cokic noted the following during discussion:

·         The lot facing Valley Road is overgrown and unmanageable.

·         There is approximately 25 cords of wood that is dry on the lot.

·         Would like to take wood out and use for burning in our home.


Due to the amount of wetlands on the property, the Commission would like to field walk the property.  Chair Sullivan asked Mr. Cokic if he would flag the area where he would like to work on the wood.  Tabled.





1)      Continue Show Cause Hearing pertaining to Cease and Desist Order, dated       April 13, 2019, issued to Lizbeth Kelley for property located at 42 Deerfield Lane, prepared by Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer in regard to earth material introduced to property


Present for this Show Cause Hearing was Jim Rosson, of Jim’s Landscaping, contractor for the Kelley’s.  Mr. Rosson stated he was cleaning up trees that came down from the tornado last year and that he only has to remove one or two log piles.






Chair Sullivan stated due to the wetlands on the property, the Inland Wetlands Commission doesn’t want to see any heavy equipment on the property and suggested if the logs could be dragged out and no stumping of trees.  The Inland Wetlands Commission will visit the site again with Mr. Rosson.  Tabled.





1)      It was moved by Clark and seconded by Scanlon to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the June 17, 2019, Regular Meeting.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Scanlon, Clark.

Unanimous approval.




1.      It was Scanlon and seconded by Clark to approve the payment of $75.00 to the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission, Inc. for the Membership Renewal for the period of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, for two commissions (sustaining).  Share with the Conservation Commission.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Scanlon, Clark.

Unanimous approval.




1)      Letter from Isabel Kearns, IWEO, to Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Murphy, dated July 10, 2019, Re:  735 Litchfield Turnpike, cutting of trees.

2)      Connecticut Wildlife, May/June 2019.



The Commission scheduled a site visit for Saturday, July 27, 2019.  Members to meet at the Town Hall for 8:30 a.m.  Sites to be visited are as follows:

·         42 Deerfield Land

·         5 Hatfield Hill Road




There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Scanlon            and seconded by Clark to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Voting for:  Sullivan, Scanlon, Clark.

Unanimous approval.


Respectfully submitted,



Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

For Inland Wetlands Commission

The special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at  
7: 03 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following Commission Members were present:
            Kimberly McClure Brinton, Chairman
            Bob Harrison, Vice-Chairman
            Donna Shea, Member/Secretary
            Rob White, Member
            Brad Buchta, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member
            Andy Zielinski, Alternate Member
The following Commission Members were excused:
            Alex Hutchinson, Member
            Judy Silva, Alternate Member
Also present were:
            Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant
            Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
It was moved by Harrison and seconded by Buchta to accept and approve the nomination of Kimberly McClure Brinton as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the term of July 2019 to June 2021.
Voting for:  Brinton, Harrison, Shea, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
It was moved by Shea and seconded by Buchta to accept and approve the nomination of Bob Harrison as Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the term of July 2019 to June 2021.
Voting for:  Brinton, Harrison, Shea, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
It was moved by Harrison and seconded by White to accept and approve the nomination of Donna Shea as Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the term of July 2019 to June 2021.
Voting for:  Brinton, Harrison, Shea, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
It was moved by Harrison and seconded by Shea to accept and approve the nomination of Michael Calhoun as Representative to the South Central Regional Planning Commission for the term of July 2019 to June 2021.
Voting for:  Brinton, Harrison, Shea, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
1.      It was moved by Buchta and seconded by Harrison to approve the minutes, as amended, of the June 5, 2019, Regular Meeting as follows:
·         Page 7, Item #1 – Reads “Six foot Green Giant Arborvitaes must be planted as shown on site plan.” Change to “Landscaping including planting of six foot Green Giant Arborvitaes must be completed as show on site plan.”
Member White abstained.
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta.
Unanimous approval.
2.      It was moved by Buchta and seconded by Harrison to approve the minutes, as submitted, of the June 26, 2019, Special Meeting.
Member White abstained.
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta.
Unanimous approval.
3.      It was moved by Harrison and seconded by Shea to approve the minutes, as submitted, of the July 2, 2019, Special Meeting.
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
1.      It was moved by Harrison and seconded by Shea to approve the payment of $1,200.00 (monthly pro rata basis), for services rendered for June 2019, by Hiram W. Peck III, AICP, Planning Consultant.
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
2.      It was moved by Harrison and seconded by Shea to approve the payment of a bill for $125.00, dated for July 10, 2019; from Donna Cahill for recording services for the public hearing (Clifford Drive).
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
1)      Letter from James W. Woodward to Board of Selectmen, dated May 11, 2019, Re:  Temporary Crushing Permit at Clifford Drive with attached letter from NOK Engineering, dated May 9, 2019, Re:  Recommendations on crushing of rock.
2)      Email from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Alan Shepard, P.E. at NOK, dated June 4, 2019, Re:  Screener for rock crushing located at Clifford Drive.
3)      Email from Dave Nafis, P.E., to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated June 11, 2019, Re:  Drainage at CFC Park, 667 Amity Road with attached letter from John Paul Garcia, P.E., to Isabel Kearns, ZEO, dated June 3, 2019, Re:  Drainage at 667 Amity Road, CFC Park.
·         Clifford Drive (new road construction off Mesa Drive), Application #2019-008 submitted by James W. Woodward for a Special Exception Permit for rock crushing and screening
At 7:19 p.m., Chair Brinton called the public hearing to order.   Roll call was taken.  Chair Brinton read the legal notice for the public hearing that was published in the New Haven Register and then reviewed the contents of the application file.
Chairman Brinton mentioned the applicant has received signoffs from the Quinnipiack Valley Health District and the Fire Marshal.
Present to speak on behalf of this application was James W. Woodward, owner and applicant. 
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, asked Mr. Woodward if he notified the neighbors as stated in Section 8.3.B.3 of the Zoning Regulations.  Mr. Woodward did not notify the neighbors but will for the next public hearing date. 
Also, Mr. Woodward submitted an extension of time for 23 days to continue the public hearing to the next regular meeting on September 4, 2019.
At 7:26 p.m., it was moved by Harrison and seconded by Buchta to recess the public hearing and continue it to the next regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2019, in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall. 
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.                                                                                                                                                               
1.      Discussion with Lori Cavaliere regarding wedding venue located at 54 Cedar Road
Present for this discussion were Tom, Lori and Ashley Cavaliere.  Mr. Cavaliere stated he owns 54 Cedar Road (30 acres of farm) and 27 Virginia Rail Drive.  Also, Mr. Cavaliere stated his daughter is getting married next year and would like her wedding to be on the farm.  Mr. Cavaliere then stated that during discussion with family, it was suggested that we rent out the farm for weddings and Mr. Cavaliere asked for input from the Commission as to a wedding venue.  Mr. Cavaliere distributed a map showing the property locations and reviewed with the Commission.
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, stated this would be a Special Exception Permit and he suggested Mr. Cavaliere speak to neighbors regarding wedding venue to get there input regarding traffic and noise.
It was also mentioned that Mr. Cavaliere contact the Fire Marshal in regard to second access road for emergencies due to the amount of traffic.
Mr. Cavaliere will contact the Fire Marshal and speak to the neighbors on Cedar Road.
2.      CGS Section 8-24 Review for the proposed acquisition of property located at 327 Beacon Road, also known as the Simpson Preserve
The Commission received an email from Town Attorney Vincent Marino, dated July 9, 2019, that this item should be tabled because the contract is still being negotiated with the current owner of the Simpson Preserve.
It was moved by Buchta and seconded by Shea to table this item until the next regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2019.  Tabled.
3.      43 and 51 Russell Road, Application #2019-010 submitted by Bill and Wendy Grieger for a Special Exception Permit for Outside Storage of Port-o-lets
The Commission formally received the application.  No one was present to speak on behalf of this application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, stated the applicant modified the application to add heavy equipment for snow plowing for outside storage.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended the Commission schedule a public hearing date.  It was moved by Harrison and seconded by Buchta to make a motion to schedule a public hearing date of September 4, 2019, at 7:15 p.m. for Application #2019-010 submitted by Bill and Wendy Grieger for a Special Exception Permit for Outside Storage of port-o-lets and heavy equipment for snow plowing located at 43 and 51 Russell Road.
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
4.      To consider and act upon a resolution with respect to the referral of improvements to various Town roads, and related work and improvements, for a report pursuant to Section 8-24 of the General Statutes
The Commission received an email from Town Attorney Vincent Marino, dated July 9, 2019, requesting the Commission add the Section 8-24 for the 2019 Road Construction to the agenda to modify the previous approval on July 2, 2019, to remove the street names. 
It was moved by Buchta and seconded by Harrison to approve the following modification to the approval for the 2019 Road Reconstruction Project, which was approved on July 2, 2019:
RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Bethany approves the following project pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-24 of the General Statutes of Connecticut:
Road improvements including, as needed, milling, paving, drainage, and reclamation on town roads, and related work and improvements, the scope and particulars of which are to be determined by the Board of Selectmen; 
provided that this resolution is for approval of conceptual plans only.  The project is subject to and shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and permit approvals, and this resolution shall not be a determination that the project is in compliance with any such applicable laws, regulations or permit approvals. 
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
1)      Clifford Drive (new road construction off Mesa Drive), Application #2019-008 submitted by James W. Woodward for a Special Exception Permit for rock crushing and screening – Public hearing continued to September 4, 2019.  Tabled.
2)      Continue discussion regarding draft Zoning Regulations – Schedule a Special Meeting -
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, distributed a new appendix for the Zoning Regulations entitled, “Application Process Flow Chart Narrative” and discussed with Commission.  Also, Mr. Peck stated the Commission should schedule a public hearing regarding the draft regulations possibly in September.  Tabled.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, submitted the following:
·         Building Permits, dated June 4, 2019 to June 26, 2019.
·         Site Inspections dated June 6, 2019, to June 24, 2019.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Harrison and seconded by Buchta to adjourn the special meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Voting for:  Brinton, Shea, Harrison, Buchta, White.
Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Planning and Zoning Commission
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