Bethany Conservation Commission
Feb. 20, 2014
The meeting was called to order at
8:07 by Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance
were Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives and Dorothy Seaton.
Bruce appointed Dorothy Seaton as a
voting member for this meeting.
The minutes for the Jan. 9, 2014
meeting were reviewed. Dorothy moved to
accept and Bruce seconded. The minutes were
In a review of correspondence Bruce
shared correspondence from the Connecticut Federation of Lakes, a notice from
the DEEP on changes to ”The General Permit for Water Resources Construction Activities”,
and a notice of the meeting of the Connecticut Land Conservation Council.
There was a discussion of the 788
Amity Road proposal. There remains the
possibility of a conservation easement for a trail once the dog kennel ceases
operation. The conservation commission
still feels that we would prefer a conservation easement instead of a waiver of
the open space requirement.
There was an update on the Planning
and Zoning Hearing on the proposed Green Haven development now called Rocky
Corner. The hearing will be continued on
Feb. 26.
There was an Executive session from
8:40 to 8:50 to discuss the Conservationist of the Year Award.
There was a discussion of trail
easements and the possibility of mapping out from the records all of the old
inactive easements – possibly as an Eagle Scout project.
Bruce shared the plans for a
development at 4 Peck Road on a current lot.
At this point there did not appear to be anything for the Conservation
Commission to comment on.
There was a discussion of the Land
Acquisition Fund and the possibility of a letter to the board of finance urging
them to support the fund. The following
motion was put forward by Bruce and seconded by Cathy: The Conservation Commission requests that the
Board of Finance propose an addition of $100,000 to the Land Acquisition Fund
in their upcoming budget. The motion
passed unanimously. Bruce said he would
draft a letter outlining the reason for that amount of support.
Bruce moved to adjourn and Dorothy
seconded at 9:26
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Eitzer
Secretary pro-tempore