Tuesday, April 29, 2014



The Special Meeting/Public Hearing Continuation of the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Gymnasium of the Bethany Town Hall,       40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


The following Commission Members were present:

            Kimberly McClure Brinton, Chairman

            Salvatore Amadeo, Vice-Chairman

            Michael Calhoun, Member and Secretary

            Douglas Goldner, Member

            Michael Sullivan, Member

            Donna Shea, Alternate Member

            Bradford Buchta, Alternate Member

            James Gugliotti, Alternate Member


Also present were:

            Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer

            Karen Hubbell, Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer

            Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant

            Peter Olson, Special Counsel





·         Application #2014-006 for zoning text amendments to the Bethany Zoning Regulations to amend the title of the existing Section 9A by adding “Age Restricted” and to create a new Section 9B - “Housing Opportunity Development” (HOD) District.

·         Application #2014-007 to change the zone district designation of 4 Meyers Road (Assessor’s May 119, Lot 7) and 21 Meyers Road (Assessor’s Map 119, Lot 4), Bethany, Connecticut from HOD (Section 9A) to new proposed Section 9B (HOD).

·         Application #2014-008 to obtain a site plan approval for new construction of 30 homes and related improvements for a housing development to be named Rocky Corner, at 4 Meyers Road (Assessor’s May 119, Lot 7) & 21 Meyers Road (Assessor’s Map 119, Lot 4), Bethany, Connecticut -


Approximately 60 individuals were in attendance for the public hearing continuation for Applications #2014-006, #2014-007, and #2014-008 submitted by Green Haven Inc. for the property located at 4 and 21 Meyers Road.


Chair Brinton reviewed the procedure of how the hearing would be conducted with comments from the Fire Marshal, the applicant’s representatives and then public comments.


Chair Brinton read the list of correspondence that has been received as follows:

  1. Letter from Thomas Daly of Milone & MacBroom, dated April 2, 2014, Re:  Responses to Davis Nafis letter dated January 16, 2014, in review of the Rocky Corner plans and specifications.
  2. Letter from Thomas Daly of Milone & MacBroom, dated April 2, 2014, Re:  Responses to Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated January 8, 2014, Site Plan Review, Rocky Corner.
  3. Letter from Chris Smith of Shipman and Goodwin, dated April 3, 2014, Re:  Submitting documents for Commission review:  Draft Deed of Agricultural Conservation Easement and Section 9B:  Housing Opportunity Development District (proposed revisions are underlined).
  4. Letter from Chris Smith of Shipman and Goodwin, dated April 2, 2014, Re:  Responses prepared by Bethany Staff and Special Counsel dated February 4, 2014.
  5. Letter from Chris Smith of Shipman and Goodwin, dated April 2, 2014, Re:  Documents requested:  EHS circular Letter, dated October 1, 2009, from Robert Scully, PE, Supervising Sanitary Engineer, Environmental Engineering Program, DPH; Modified Compliance Plan, March 2014, Revised:  April 2, 2014, with requested revisions on the first page and updated calculations on pages 5-10, inclusive (a single sheet redlined version of the revisions on the first page.; and Court Orders and pleading in Halter Estates Senior Community LLC v. Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Bethany:  (a) Memorandum of Decision, dated May 3, 2007; (b) Amended Motion to Reargue and for Clarification, dated June 14, 2007; and Order, dated July 3, 2007.
  6. Letter from Rod White, Fire Marshal, dated April 15, 2014, Re:  Comments on latest review of revised plans, dated April 2, 2014.
  7. Letter from Bethany Volunteer Fire Department, dated April 14, 2014, Re:  Comments on latest review of revised plans, dated April 2, 2014.
  8. Letter from Regional Water Authority, dated April 16, 2014, Re:  Comments on latest review of revised plans, dated April 2, 2014.
  9. Letter from Quinnipiack Valley Health District, dated April 16, 2014, Re:  Comments on latest review of revised plans, dated April 2, 2014.
  10. Letter from Robert Brinton of 68 Knollwood Road, dated April 2, 2014.
  11. Letter from Richard Barnes of 534 Bethmour Road, dated March 20, 2014.


Other correspondence received during the public hearing submitted by the applicant:

  1. Three sheets entitled “Rocky Corner Parking Distances”, “Bethany Town Hall Parking Comparison”, and Heritage Cove in Essex, CT Parking Distances”.
  2. Submitted a map entitled, “Agricultural Deed Restriction Areas, Rocky Corner”, dated April, 2014, and stated the highlighted areas would be encumbered by the easement.
  3. Submitted and reviewed letter to Ron Walters of RWA from Milone & MacBroom, dated April 11, 2014, Re:  Rocky Corner, Nitrogen Dilution Analysis, Septic System Design.
  4. Submitted Motion to Reargue dated May 30, 2007, seven pages, Re:  Halter Estates versus PZC septic disposal system.
  5. Submitted 12 photographs of properties in the area and one large aerial photograph of the properties in the area.






Rod White, Fire Marshal, addressed the Commission stating that the Fire Marshal’s Office and the Bethany Volunteer Fire Department feel the applicant has addressed our needs regarding Fire Safety and will comply with all State and Local requirements.  See letter from Fire Marshal dated April 15, 2014 and see letter from Michael Katzmark, Water Resource Office, BVFD dated April 14, 2014.


Next to speak was Attorney Chris Smith who stated that the Commission, Attorney Olson and Mr. Peck has asked for additional information and that we have provided this information and would like to review the changes.


To review the changes was Mr. Thomas Daly P.E. of Milone & MacBroom.  Mr. Daly reviewed the following:

  • Revisions made to accommodate the Fire Marshal and BVFD requests.
  • Responded to Earth Excavation Regulation in letter dated April 2, 2014, from Milone & MacBroom.


Next to speak was Jim Childress of Centerbrook Architects who reviewed the parking distances from homes to parking spaces.  (Submitted 3 sheets entitled “Rocky Corner Parking Distances”; “Bethany Town Hall Parking Comparison”, and Heritage Cove in Essex, CT Parking Distances”.


Attorney Smith spoke again reviewing the following:

  • Working with Conservation Commission and the Land Trust on who will hold the Deed of Agricultural Conservation Easement.
  • Reviewed portions of the draft Deed of Agricultural Conservation Easement.
  • Submitted a map entitled, “Agricultural Deed Restriction Areas, Rocky Corner”, dated April, 2014, and stated the highlighted areas would be encumbered by the easement.
  • Reviewed the proposed verbiage to Section 9B in packet dated April 3, 2014.
  • Reviewed EHS Circular letter dated October 1, 2009, from Robert Scully of the DPH in packet dated April 2, 2014.
  • Submitted and reviewed letter to Ron Walters of RWA from Milone & MacBroom, dated April 11, 2014, Re:  Rocky Corner, Nitrogen Dilution Analysis, Septic System Design.
  • Submitted Motion to Reargue dated May 30, 2007, seven pages, Re:  Halter Estates versus PZC septic disposal system.
  • In regard to letter submitted by Robert Brinton Jr. P.E., of 68 Knollwood Road, Bethany, dated April 2, 2014, Re:  Proposed subsurface sewage treatment and disposal systems for this development, Attorney Smith referred back to the blue packet entitled, “Packet in Support of Applications to the Planning and Zoning Commission Concerning a Proposed Residential Community on Real Properties Known As 4 and 21 Meyers Road, Bethany, Connecticut, dated   February 12, 2014”, letters in Exhibit J.


Chair Brinton recessed the public hearing for a brief break at 8:41 p.m.  The hearing commenced at 8:52 p.m.




Chair Brinton then stated that Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, will read in order the names on the sign-up sheets so that the public can comment.  The following public individuals spoke:

  • Richard Podoloff  of 20 Carrington Road
  • Patricia Stewart of 79 Meyers Road
  • Richard Barnes of 534 Bethmour Road
  • David Forman of 329 Downs Road
  • Anthony Esposito of 79 Meyers Road
  • Joe Barletta of 71 Meyers Road
  • Aileen Magda of 20 Deerfield Lane


Next to speak was Dave Nafis, P.E./L.S. of Nafis & Young.  Mr. Nafis stated the applicant addressed his comments from his letter dated January 16, 2014, and addressed the concerns of the Fire Marshal and the Fire Department.


Ron Walters, Senior Environmentalist of the Regional Water Authority, briefly discussed the following topics:

  • State policy for septic systems.
  • Applicant was willing to adjust the location of the septic systems and do testing the RWA asked to confirm there will be no impact to the water supply.
  • Well system for Green Haven.


Commission members addressed the applicant’s representatives with questions relating to some of the following areas:

  • There will be 30 dwellings.
  • Responsibility of the fire suppression tank.
  • Water supply to barns and greenhouses.
  • RWA is willing to be holder of conservation easement.
  • Out of the 30 units, 9 will be affordable.
  • Dwellings will be owned and the owner will have an interest in the association.
  • Will condos be allowed to be rented?


Peter Olson, Special Counsel, addressed the applicant’s representatives with concerns and requests.  Some of these are as follows:

  • Proposed access on Meyers Road will not be allowed for cars but possibly farm tractors.
  • Do you have an objection to that access having a gate with lock box?
  • Questioned water draw per day for the residential units.
  • Questioned water draw for farming operation.
  • Submit outline for deferred parking.
  • Questioned Lot 1 – no homes on this lot.  Can agricultural portion extend to Lot 1?
  • The PZC needs to pay attention to all transactions with the dwellings for Green Haven.







Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant, briefly touched on the following areas:

  • Berm on north side of property.
  • Land Trust creating a walking path.
  • What surface material would be used for walking path?



Attorney Smith presented his closing argument and submitted 12 photographs of properties in the area and one large aerial photograph of the properties in the area of Meyers Road and Old Amity Road.



At 10:12 p.m., it was moved by Goldner and seconded by Sullivan to close the public hearing continuation/special meeting on the subject applications.  Unanimous approval.


Respectfully submitted,



Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

For the Planning and Zoning Commission