Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Bethany Conservation Commission

Feb. 11, 2016

(Unapproved Minutes)


  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:08 by Bruce Loomis.  Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Cathy Rives, Shaukat Kahn and Patsy Winer. Absent was Matthew Popp.


  1. Patsy Winer was appointed as voting members for this meeting in the spot of the open permanent member.
  2. Cathy Rives moved and Shaukat Kahn seconded the approval of the Jan. 14, 2016 minutes.  Those present at that meeting passed the motion.
  3. Bruce shared correspondence from the Connecticut Land Conservation Conference concerning their upcoming meeting, and, from the American Water Company’s Environmental Champions Award.  Bruce suggested a possible nominee for the award and indicated that he would ask that person if they would be interested in our nomination for the award.
  4. There was a discussion about the scope of Conservation Commission activities and there was a consensus that the Commission would be interested in becoming more involved with future landscaping plans of businesses as they expanded, renovated or moved into the area.
  5. There was a discussion on the amount that the Commission should request in the 2016 -2017 Bethany budget for the Land Acquisition Fund.  After the discussion Brian moved and Patsy seconded that the request be for $100,000.   The motion passed unanimously.
  6. There was a discussion about Rid Litter Day which will occur on April 9.  The Commission has already endorsed the day and the members of the commission were urged to make plans to participate on their own.
  7. At 8:40 the Commission went into Executive Session to discuss property issues.  The session ended at 9:05.
  8. It was mentioned that the Woodward Applicant had made a new open space proposal that was being reviewed by the town attorney.
  9. There was a discussion of possible revisions to the zoning regulations as they get rewritten.  Possible topics the Conservation Commission would like to address include: mailbox clusters, solar and wind installations, outdoor furnaces and clearcutting.
  10. Patsy Winer brought to the Commission’s attention the fact that the water company is doing timber harvesting on Valley and Old Mill Roads and that they were possibly harvesting within buffer zones to get at dead ash trees.
  11. Brian Eitzer moved to adjourn at 9:22, Patsy Winer seconded and the motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,


Brian Eitzer

Secretary pro-tempore