Bethany Conservation Commission January
14, 2016
Minutes (Unapproved)
Present: Bruce Loomis, Cathy Rives,
Shaukat Khan, Matthew Popp, Patricia Winer
Absent: Brian Eitzer
Also Present: James Woodward; Paul
Jessel, Attorney for Mr. Woodward; Mike Obymachow, Engineer for Mr. Woodward;
Linda Francois, President of the Bethany Land Trust and other members of the
Land Trust
Bruce opened the meeting at 8:09.
Patricia Winer was appointed to vote in
place of Brian Eitzer
Bruce gave a brief history of the
applicant's (Mr. Woodward's) relationship with The Conservation Commission with
respect to the Mesa Drive property. The applicant had previously offered a fee
in lieu of open space on 17 acres to be developed as five lots. Bruce reminded
the Commission that based on the subdivision regulations the open space
set-aside should be on the total 82 acres of property.
The applicant then explained the areas he
now proposes to offer as open space. This would include a trail that would lead
off Mesa Drive and would open out, ending at the discontinued Northrup Road. He
would withdraw the previous offer of a fee in lieu, but the new proposal would
include about 36 acres of open space. They will draw up a site plan showing the
areas to be reserved as open space as part of their pending application before
Planning and Zoning, and when they have something more concrete to put before
the Conservation Commission they will ask for a special meeting.
Linda Francois expressed concern about
access to Northrup Rd. which has been abandoned. Bruce will ask Isabel Kearns
to research the status of the road and access to it.
Cathy Rives moved to approve minutes of
the December meeting. Bruce Loomis seconded. Those present at that meeting
voted in favor, and the minutes were approved.
There were no bills or correspondence.
Scenic Roads: Bruce suggested writing
another letter to the selectmen but said that he was not ready to formulate
this now.
Yellow striping on roads: Matthew Popp
has tried to contact Crisco. Bruce has tried to contact the Woodbridge Public
Works Department through Cyndi Pecca, but he has not heard back. Woodbridge is
doing the double striping. We would like to avoid this in the future for scenic
Rewrite of Planning and Zoning
Regulations: Bruce asked if there was anything we wanted to suggest they deal
with, such as free-standing solar installations or wind turbines.
At 9:14 the Commission entered executive
session to discuss Conservationist of the Year. At 9:22 we exited executive
session. No votes were taken.
Rid Litter Day: It was agreed we would
not do anything officially as a group but that we would take part as individuals.
Shaukat Khan moved to adjourn at 9:25.
Patricia Winer seconded. Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted, Patricia Winer,
Secretary Pro Tem