Bethany Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Loomis at
8:05. Also in attendance were Brian
Eitzer, Cathy Rives and alternates Patsy Winer and Matthew Popp. Absent were Shaukat Kahn and Dorothy Seaton. Bruce appointed Matthew to vote in place of
Shaukat and Patsy to vote in place of Dorothy.
The October meeting minutes were reviewed. Brian moved to accept and Bruce seconded on
condition of the correction of spelling of Barrie Collinses name. All were in favor and the minutes were
approved as corrected.
There were no new bills. Bruce distributed the fall issue of Habitat to
members. Bruce shared a reminder from
the Town Clerk about submitting a schedule of 2016 meetings. A copy of Connecticut Wildlife magazine was
available to peruse.
Mr. Woodward will be at the P&Z meeting on
December 2nd to present his official proposal.
Bruce encouraged members to attend. Mr. Woodward's previous application of April,
2010 was NOT approved as is stated in his engineer's report. His report does not include any written
acknowledgement of Open Space.
There has been little activity with regards to the
Woodhaven Country Club.
On the subject of scenic roads: Matt called the
State DOT and left a message. So far,
there has been no follow-up but he will keep trying. He also contacted the Federal Dept of Highway
Administration and left a message. Again, there has been no follow-up. He discussed the possibility of contacting the
appropriate authorities in Orange.
Bruce shared a letter that was presented to the
Board of Selectmen regarding the millings on Meyers Rd. Derry Gorski contacted Kevin McSherry who
reported that the wording of the Scenic Road Ordinance is clear: millings are
NOT allowed under these regulations. Derry then spoke to Al Green about being more
aware of the regulations. The millings
will be removed.
Hiram Peck, Town Planner, will be revising town regulations.
Regarding Zoning regulations of Open
Space: he has stated that they are brief but straightforward and adequate.
There was a brief discussion about who would be
attending the upcoming CACIWC conference. Bruce encouraged all members to mark the calendar
for next year's conference.
There was no other business and Brian moved to
adjourn at 8:32. Matt seconded, the
motion passed and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Rives, Secretary pro tempore