Friday, March 18, 2016


MEETING OF MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016                                        Page 1 of 4      

The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.


Roll call was taken.


The following Board Members were present:

            James Seaton, Chairman

            Ruth Beardsley, Vice-Chairman

            Margaret Foley, Member

Nick DiGiorgi, Alternate, seated as a voting member.

Thomas Mabry, Alternate, seated as a voting member.

Shirley Lasch-Gobilirsch, Alternate


The following Board Members were absent:

            Lisa Gaw, Member

Thomas Magda, Member


Also present was:  Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer





It was moved by Beardsley and seconded by DiGiorgi to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the July 13, 2015, Regular Meeting.

Voting for:  Seaton, Beardsley, Foley, DiGiorgi, Mabry.

Unanimous approval.





It was moved by DiGiorgi and seconded by Beardsley to approve the payment of a bill for $105.00, dated March 14, 2015, from Anne Sohon for recording services for the public hearing (43 Clay Road).

Voting for:  Seaton, Beardsley, Foley, DiGiorgi, Mabry.

Unanimous approval.




A.      Letter from Isabel Kearns, ZEO, to Jacquelyn Davis, owner of 43 Clay Road, dated January 21, 2016, Re:  Proposed addition, dwelling not in compliance.

B.      Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies Quarterly Newsletter, Summer 2015.

C.      Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies Quarterly Newsletter, Fall 2015.

D.      Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies Quarterly Newsletter, Winter 2016.





At 7:11 p.m., Chairman Seaton opened the public hearing in regard to the application submitted by Jacquelyn Davis for property located at 43 Clay Road seeking the following two variances of Sections 3.4 and 4.1.B of the Bethany Zoning Regulations for an addition:

·         A 17-foot variance of the front-yard setback to allow a 33-foot front-yard setback along Clay Road.

·         A 5-foot variance of the front- yard setback to allow a 45-foot front-yard setback along Francis Drive.


Chair Seaton read the legal notice for the public hearing.


Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer, noted that the lot is undersized and that the R-65 Zone minimum acreage is 1 ½ acres and this lot is 1.16 acres.


Present for this application were:

·         Tony Arrato of Connecticut Drafting and Design, representing the property owner.

·         Fred D’Amico, P.E./L.S., representing the property owner.

·         Jacquelyn Davis, owner of record.


Mr. Arrato briefly reviewed the proposed variances.


Mr. D’Amico noted the following in discussion:

·         One hardship is the lot being undersized and the dwelling is located in the setback.

·         Trying to put an addition on a house in the setback is a hardship.

·         There are no concerns from the neighbors.

·         Basically the addition is to accommodate handicap ramp in front and in garage.

·         The well is located in front and the leaching fields are off to the west of the house.

·         Addition will conform to neighborhood.


Chairman Seaton noted that the Board received the following items relative to the subject application.  Exhibit identification was assigned as noted:

1)      Exhibit 1A  “Certificate of mailing” dated February 16, 2016, listing addresses of the surrounding property owners within 100 feet of the property that were notified of this application.

2)      Exhibit 1B Set of two drawings entitled, “Conceptual Sketches, 43 Clay Road”, dated January 8, 2016, prepared by Connecticut Drafting & Design LLC, Oxford, Connecticut.

3)      Exhibit 1C – Set of four plans entitled, “Existing Conditions, Basement Floor Plan, First Floor Plan, Exterior Elevations”, dated March 14, 2016, prepared by Connecticut Drafting & Design LLC, Oxford, Connecticut.


Jacqueline Davis of 43 Clay Road stated that she owns house and can’t walk up and down stairs due to surgeries.  She would like to retire in this house and is trying to prepare the house as handicap accessible for the future.




Chairman Seaton asked if there were any public members who would like to speak in favor of the application.  There were no comments.


Chairman Seaton asked if there were any public members who would like to speak in opposition of the application.  There were no comments.


Commission members noted:

  • Due to ADA Requirements needed extra space for the length of handicap ramp on Francis Drive.
  • House was built in corner on property.
  • Garage is undersized.
  • There will be another handicap ramp in garage.


At 7:33 p.m., it was moved by Foley and seconded by DiGiorgi to close the public hearing on the subject application.  Unanimous approval.






Board members discussed the application extensively and proceeded to deliberate.


It was moved by Foley and seconded by DiGiorgi that the Bethany Zoning Board of Appeals grants the application of Jacquelyn Davis for the property located at 43 Clay Road and shown on Assessor’s Map #107 Lot #54 for a variance of Sections 3.4 and 4.1.B. of the Bethany Zoning Regulations which variances are as follows:

·         A 17-foot variance of the front-yard setback to allow a 33-foot front-yard setback along Clay Road.

  • A 5-foot variance of the front- yard setback to allow a 45-foot front-yard setback along Francis Drive.


These variances are granted subject to the following conditions:

1.      The variance shall not be effective until a copy of it, certified by the Chairman or the Secretary of the Board, and containing a legal description of the subject property, and specifying the nature of the variance (including the Sections of the Zoning Regulations being varied) is filed with the Bethany Town Clerk for recording on the Bethany Land Records by the applicant or owner.  A copy of the recorded document shall also be filed with the Zoning Enforcement Officer.










Based upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and the facts revealed by the Board’s general acquaintance with the Town and with the general locality of the subject property, the Board makes the following findings having given due consideration to the proposed location of the proposed business in reference to the following:

1)      Special conditions and circumstances exist which are unique to the subject property and which do not affect generally the district to which it is situated.  These conditions and circumstances are the physical location of this property within the current setback area and the revision of the setback lines after the approval of this building lot.

2)      Due consideration has been given to conserving the public health, safety, convenience, welfare, and property values, ADA Regulation compliance and the undersized garage.

3)      In granting the variance, substantial justice will be done, and the public safety and welfare will be secured.

Vote 5 to 0.

Voting for:  Seaton, Beardsley, Foley,  DiGiorgi, Mabry.

Unanimous approval.





There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by DiGiorgi and seconded by Mabry to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Unanimous approval.


Respectfully submitted,




Antonia R. Marek, Clerk

For the Zoning Board of Appeals