The meeting of the Long Term Financial Planning Committee commenced at 7:56 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following Committee Members were present:
Stephen Squinto, Chairman
Jamie Stirling
Aileen Magda
The following Committee Members were excused or absent:
Chip Spear
Sharon Huxley
Also present was:
Derry Gorski, First Selectwoman
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant
Chairman Squinto oriented new member, Aileen Magda, as to the mission and tasks of the Committee.
The Committee briefly discussed the proposed survey.
The Committee reviewed and discussed the draft presentation template that Chairman Squinto submitted for a future Town Meeting.
Hiram Peck suggested taking the survey results to a public meeting.
First Selectman Gorski suggested going out to talk to different Town organizations during one of their regular meetings, such as Volunteer Fire Department, PTO, Lion’s Club, to obtain additional input.
The next scheduled meeting is on Wednesday, April 11, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Staff Support
For the Long Term Financial Planning Committee
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following Commission Members were present:
Melissa Spear, Chair
Mary Shurtleff, Vice-Chair
Michael Calhoun, Member
Kimberly McClure Brinton, Member
Donna Shea, Alternate Member
Marc Adelberg, Alternate Member
Nellie Rabinowitz, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member.
The following Commission Member was absent or excused:
Patricia Winer, Member
Also present were:
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant
Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
1. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Calhoun to approve as submitted the minutes of the March 7, 2012, Regular Meeting,
Voting for: Spear, Shurtleff, Calhoun, Rabinowitz.
Brinton abstained
Unanimous approval.
1. Email from Hiram Peck, dated March 18, 2011, Re: Revised Regulations on Accessory Apartments.
1) It was moved by Calhoun and seconded by Shurtleff to approve the payment of $1,000.00 (monthly pro rata basis), for services rendered for March 2012, by Hiram W. Peck III, AICP, Planning Consultant.
Voting for: Spear, Shurtleff, Calhoun, Brinton, Rabinowitz.
Unanimous approval.
No report.
1) 3 Prince Drive, Application #2012-005 submitted by Michael Vessicchio for a Home Occupation Permit for a home office to operate MWV Bakers Distributor LLC –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Chair Spear reviewed documents in the application file.
Isabel Kearns prepared a draft resolution. Commission members reviewed, discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Calhoun and seconded by Brinton to approve the following resolution for Application #2012-005:
Whereas, Michael Vessicchio, applicant, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a home occupation permit to operate a home office for a bakery goods distributor (MWV Bakery Distributor, LLC) at 3 Prince Drive including the parking of one vehicle not to exceed 15,000 Gross Vehicle Weight;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of April 4, 2012, considered the statement of use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this home occupation application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
1) Lynne Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District representative, signed off on the back of the application form on March 14, 2012, indicating her approval.
2) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on April 2, 2012, indicating his approval.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.b. of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to December 7, 2011, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves the application of Michael Vessicchio to operate an office for a bakery goods distributor (MWV Bakery Distributor, LLC) at 3 Prince Drive, as outlined in the Statement of Use dated March 14, 2012, including the parking of one vehicle not to exceed 15,000 Gross Vehicle Weight parked in compliance with the Bethany Zoning Regulations.
Voting for: Spear, Shurtleff, Calhoun, Brinton, Rabinowitz.
Unanimous approval.
2) 110 Hatfield Hill Road, Application #2012-006 submitted by Claire Wiseman for a Home Occupation Permit for a home office to operate a psychologist private practice and for a two sided 2’ by 2’ sign –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Chair Spear reviewed documents in the application file.
Isabel Kearns prepared a draft resolution. Commission members reviewed, discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Calhoun to approve the following resolution for Application #2012-006:
Whereas, Claire Wiseman, applicant, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a professional office for a private practice psychologist and for a two sided 2’ by 2’ sign at 110 Hatfield Hill Road on April 4, 2012;
Whereas, Ezra Dottino, owner of 110 Hatfield Hill Road, authorized Claire Wiseman to apply for a professional office for a private practice psychologist at 110 Hatfield Hill Road in a letter dated March 26, 2012;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of April 4, 2012, considered the statement of use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this professional office for a private practice psychologist application at 110 Hatfield Hill Road application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
1) Lynne Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District representative, signed off on the back of the application form on April 4, 2012, indicating her approval.
2) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on April 2, 2012, indicating his approval.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.b. of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to December 7, 2011, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves the application of Claire Wiseman to operate a professional office for private practice psychologist and for a two sided 2’ by 2’ sign at 110 Hatfield Hill Road, as outlined in the Statement of Use dated March 28, 2012.
Voting for: Spear, Shurtleff, Calhoun, Brinton, Rabinowitz.
Unanimous approval.
3) 53 Falls Road, Application #2012-007 submitted by Julia Harrison for a Home
Occupation Permit for a home office to operate a dog training business –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Chair Spear reviewed documents in the application file.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, stated that comments from the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority have not been received at this time.
Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Tabled.
4) 87 Old Amity Road, Application #2012-008 submitted by Robert Weidig, James Rosson
and Mark A. Esposito, Jr., for a Special Exception Permit to operate a Business
Center and for Outside Storage –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended scheduling a public hearing. Chair Spear scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, on May 2, 2012. Hearings start at 7:30 p.m. Tabled.
5) 87 Old Amity Road, Application #2012-009 submitted by Robert Weidig for an Additional Use for Landscaping and Snowplowing Business –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended scheduling a public hearing. Chair Spear scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, on May 2, 2012. Hearings start at 7:30 p.m. Tabled.
6) 87 Old Amity Road, Application #2012-010 submitted by James Rosson for an Additional Use for a Landscaping Business –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended scheduling a public hearing. Chair Spear scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, on May 2, 2012. Hearings start at 7:30 p.m. Tabled.
7) 87 Old Amity Road, Application #2012-011 submitted by Mark A. Esposito, Jr. for an Additional Use to store Landscaping Equipment –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended scheduling a public hearing. Chair Spear scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, on May 2, 2012. Hearings start at 7:30 p.m. Tabled.
8) Discussion and possible action to set public hearing date regarding proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations on accessory buildings -
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant submitted proposed amendments in Section 4.3, Permitted Uses – Residential Zones, Accessory buildings, for discussion. Mr. Peck will rework amendments with the comments made by Commission members.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, will also submit for the next regular meeting, May 2, 2012, a proposed amendment for discussion regarding home occupation permits for home offices.
1. Discuss increasing application fees – Tabled.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Brinton and seconded by Shurtleff to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:53 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
For the Planning and Zoning Commission
The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following Commission Members were present:
Melissa Spear, Chair
Mary Shurtleff, Vice-Chair
Michael Calhoun, Member
Kimberly McClure Brinton, Member
Donna Shea, Alternate Member
Marc Adelberg, Alternate Member
Nellie Rabinowitz, Alternate Member, seated as a voting member.
The following Commission Member was absent or excused:
Patricia Winer, Member
Also present were:
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant
Isabel Kearns, Zoning Enforcement Officer
1. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Calhoun to approve as submitted the minutes of the March 7, 2012, Regular Meeting,
Voting for: Spear, Shurtleff, Calhoun, Rabinowitz.
Brinton abstained
Unanimous approval.
1. Email from Hiram Peck, dated March 18, 2011, Re: Revised Regulations on Accessory Apartments.
1) It was moved by Calhoun and seconded by Shurtleff to approve the payment of $1,000.00 (monthly pro rata basis), for services rendered for March 2012, by Hiram W. Peck III, AICP, Planning Consultant.
Voting for: Spear, Shurtleff, Calhoun, Brinton, Rabinowitz.
Unanimous approval.
No report.
1) 3 Prince Drive, Application #2012-005 submitted by Michael Vessicchio for a Home Occupation Permit for a home office to operate MWV Bakers Distributor LLC –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Chair Spear reviewed documents in the application file.
Isabel Kearns prepared a draft resolution. Commission members reviewed, discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Calhoun and seconded by Brinton to approve the following resolution for Application #2012-005:
Whereas, Michael Vessicchio, applicant, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a home occupation permit to operate a home office for a bakery goods distributor (MWV Bakery Distributor, LLC) at 3 Prince Drive including the parking of one vehicle not to exceed 15,000 Gross Vehicle Weight;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of April 4, 2012, considered the statement of use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this home occupation application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
1) Lynne Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District representative, signed off on the back of the application form on March 14, 2012, indicating her approval.
2) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on April 2, 2012, indicating his approval.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.b. of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to December 7, 2011, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves the application of Michael Vessicchio to operate an office for a bakery goods distributor (MWV Bakery Distributor, LLC) at 3 Prince Drive, as outlined in the Statement of Use dated March 14, 2012, including the parking of one vehicle not to exceed 15,000 Gross Vehicle Weight parked in compliance with the Bethany Zoning Regulations.
Voting for: Spear, Shurtleff, Calhoun, Brinton, Rabinowitz.
Unanimous approval.
2) 110 Hatfield Hill Road, Application #2012-006 submitted by Claire Wiseman for a Home Occupation Permit for a home office to operate a psychologist private practice and for a two sided 2’ by 2’ sign –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Chair Spear reviewed documents in the application file.
Isabel Kearns prepared a draft resolution. Commission members reviewed, discussed and proceeded to deliberate. It was moved by Shurtleff and seconded by Calhoun to approve the following resolution for Application #2012-006:
Whereas, Claire Wiseman, applicant, applied to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a professional office for a private practice psychologist and for a two sided 2’ by 2’ sign at 110 Hatfield Hill Road on April 4, 2012;
Whereas, Ezra Dottino, owner of 110 Hatfield Hill Road, authorized Claire Wiseman to apply for a professional office for a private practice psychologist at 110 Hatfield Hill Road in a letter dated March 26, 2012;
Whereas, the Commission at its regular meeting of April 4, 2012, considered the statement of use, narrative, testimony and other pertinent application information relating to this professional office for a private practice psychologist application at 110 Hatfield Hill Road application;
Now Therefore, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and decision regarding this application:
1) Lynne Fox, Quinnipiack Valley Health District representative, signed off on the back of the application form on April 4, 2012, indicating her approval.
2) Rod White, Fire Marshal, signed off on the back of the application form on April 2, 2012, indicating his approval.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Section 4.3.D.4.b. of the Town of Bethany Zoning Regulations, amended to December 7, 2011, the Bethany Planning and Zoning Commission approves the application of Claire Wiseman to operate a professional office for private practice psychologist and for a two sided 2’ by 2’ sign at 110 Hatfield Hill Road, as outlined in the Statement of Use dated March 28, 2012.
Voting for: Spear, Shurtleff, Calhoun, Brinton, Rabinowitz.
Unanimous approval.
3) 53 Falls Road, Application #2012-007 submitted by Julia Harrison for a Home
Occupation Permit for a home office to operate a dog training business –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Chair Spear reviewed documents in the application file.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, stated that comments from the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority have not been received at this time.
Further discussion and appropriate action on the application was deferred until the Commission’s next regular meeting on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Tabled.
4) 87 Old Amity Road, Application #2012-008 submitted by Robert Weidig, James Rosson
and Mark A. Esposito, Jr., for a Special Exception Permit to operate a Business
Center and for Outside Storage –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended scheduling a public hearing. Chair Spear scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, on May 2, 2012. Hearings start at 7:30 p.m. Tabled.
5) 87 Old Amity Road, Application #2012-009 submitted by Robert Weidig for an Additional Use for Landscaping and Snowplowing Business –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended scheduling a public hearing. Chair Spear scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, on May 2, 2012. Hearings start at 7:30 p.m. Tabled.
6) 87 Old Amity Road, Application #2012-010 submitted by James Rosson for an Additional Use for a Landscaping Business –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended scheduling a public hearing. Chair Spear scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, on May 2, 2012. Hearings start at 7:30 p.m. Tabled.
7) 87 Old Amity Road, Application #2012-011 submitted by Mark A. Esposito, Jr. for an Additional Use to store Landscaping Equipment –
The Commission formally received the application. No one was present to speak on behalf of the application.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, recommended scheduling a public hearing. Chair Spear scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, on May 2, 2012. Hearings start at 7:30 p.m. Tabled.
8) Discussion and possible action to set public hearing date regarding proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations on accessory buildings -
Hiram Peck, Planning Consultant submitted proposed amendments in Section 4.3, Permitted Uses – Residential Zones, Accessory buildings, for discussion. Mr. Peck will rework amendments with the comments made by Commission members.
Isabel Kearns, ZEO, will also submit for the next regular meeting, May 2, 2012, a proposed amendment for discussion regarding home occupation permits for home offices.
1. Discuss increasing application fees – Tabled.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Brinton and seconded by Shurtleff to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:53 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
For the Planning and Zoning Commission
Bethany Conservation Commission
April 12, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 8:08pm by Chairman Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer and Lisa Tavolacci.
Bruce moved to accept the March 12, 2012 minutes. The motion passed and the minutes were accepted.
Bruce shared the minutes from the Planning and Zoning and Inland Wetlands Commissions from March and April.
Bruce spoke with Elizabeth Moore, the Farmland Trust director of projects, and Derrylyn Gorski about what is acceptable as a definition of agricultural land. Bruce discussed that we have a list in the Bethany Plan of Conversation and Development Handbook, but it is not clearly prioritized. One of the issues discussed was the fact that horse farms were not included but cow farms were. The need was to screen our list to develop our priorities on them. Elizabeth Moore was to send the criteria. Bruce felt a decision on the subject was premature until we received the criteria.
A new member who has joined our commission is Schaukat Khan. Mr. Kahn has been appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
Conservation of the year award for the community school was discussed. It will be awarded to two sixth graders at commencement. Brian moved to sponsor two awards for $60. Lisa moved to second it. Brian questioned if the reason they were awarded would be clear. Bruce clarified that the letter from the school stated their intent. The motion passed. The response letter needs to be sent to June Riley and received by April 26, 2012.
The Commission entered into Executive Session at 8:32pm to discuss Conservationist of the Year. The Executive Session ended at 8:39. Bruce will speak with June Riley as to where to get a certificate and/or letter of recognition printed to present at the Annual Town Meeting.
Brian moved to adjourn the meeting and Lisa seconded the motion at 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Tavolacci
Secretary pro-tempore
April 12, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 8:08pm by Chairman Bruce Loomis. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer and Lisa Tavolacci.
Bruce moved to accept the March 12, 2012 minutes. The motion passed and the minutes were accepted.
Bruce shared the minutes from the Planning and Zoning and Inland Wetlands Commissions from March and April.
Bruce spoke with Elizabeth Moore, the Farmland Trust director of projects, and Derrylyn Gorski about what is acceptable as a definition of agricultural land. Bruce discussed that we have a list in the Bethany Plan of Conversation and Development Handbook, but it is not clearly prioritized. One of the issues discussed was the fact that horse farms were not included but cow farms were. The need was to screen our list to develop our priorities on them. Elizabeth Moore was to send the criteria. Bruce felt a decision on the subject was premature until we received the criteria.
A new member who has joined our commission is Schaukat Khan. Mr. Kahn has been appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
Conservation of the year award for the community school was discussed. It will be awarded to two sixth graders at commencement. Brian moved to sponsor two awards for $60. Lisa moved to second it. Brian questioned if the reason they were awarded would be clear. Bruce clarified that the letter from the school stated their intent. The motion passed. The response letter needs to be sent to June Riley and received by April 26, 2012.
The Commission entered into Executive Session at 8:32pm to discuss Conservationist of the Year. The Executive Session ended at 8:39. Bruce will speak with June Riley as to where to get a certificate and/or letter of recognition printed to present at the Annual Town Meeting.
Brian moved to adjourn the meeting and Lisa seconded the motion at 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Tavolacci
Secretary pro-tempore
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:33 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following members of the Commission were present:
Alexandra Breslin, Chair
Kristine Sullivan, Vice-Chair
Brian Smith, Member
Roger Hathaway, Member
Lisa Gaw, Member
Also present was:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
1. It was moved by Smith and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the February 21, 2012, Special Meeting.
Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Gaw.
Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Smith and seconded by Sullivan to approve the minutes of the February 27, 2012, Regular Meeting with the following correction:
Page 4, First Paragraph, First Sentence – Reads “It was moved by Breslin and seconded by Sullivan that in reviewing and considering Application #1170 submitted by James W. Woodward for a five-lot subdivision proposed for 46 Mesa Drive, the Bethany Inland Wetland Commission concludes that there is not sufficient information to determine that no feasible and prudent alternative does not exist in accordance with Section 10.3 of the Bethany Inland Wetlands Regulations and therefore, Application #1170 is denied, without prejudice.” Change to “It was moved by Breslin and seconded by Sullivan that in reviewing and considering Application #1170 submitted by James W. Woodward for a five-lot subdivision proposed for 46 Mesa Drive, the Bethany Inland Wetland Commission concludes that there is not sufficient information to determine that no feasible and prudent alternative does exist in accordance with Section 10.3 of the Bethany Inland Wetlands Regulations and therefore, Application #1170 is denied, without prejudice.”
Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Gaw.
Unanimous approval.
1. Appeal from James W. Woodward, dated March 19, 2012, for property located at 46 Mesa Drive, denial of Application #1170.
2. Email from Isabel Kearns, dated March 12, 2012, Re: Comments from Dave Nafis on Application #1178 for Francis Drive, Anella Drive and Clay Road, drainage improvements.
1. Connecticut Wildlife, March/April 2012.
2. 2012 Municipal Inland Wetland Commissioners Training Program.
3. Soil and Water, Spring 2012 Newsletter.
1. 538 Amity Road (Library), Discussion regarding additional parking –
No one was present for this discussion. Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer, stated the Library Board will be submitting a new application for the next scheduled meeting to construct parking in the rear.
2. Executive Session to discuss appeal submitted by James Woodward –
Chair Breslin stated the Town Attorney will not be meeting tonight. Also Chair Breslin mentioned the appeal from Mr. Woodward has a return date of April 24, 2012, and that the Town Attorney will report back to the Commission when more information is obtained.
1. Francis Drive, Anella Drive and Clay Road, Application #1178 submitted by the Town of Bethany/Department of Public Works for an IW Permit for drainage improvements –
The Commission received the following correspondence for this application:
· Email from David Nafis, Town Engineer, dated March 12, 2012, Re: Comments from Dave Nafis, Town Engineer, on Application #1178 for Francis Drive, Anella Drive and Clay Road, drainage improvements.
· Letter from Dave Nafis, Town Engineer, dated March 22, 2012, Re: Drainage breakdown for Anella Drive.
It was the consensus of the Commission that there is insufficient information and the Commission is not comfortable approving the application.
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to deny, without prejudice, Application #1178, submitted by the Town of Bethany for drainage improvements located at Francis Drive, Anella Drive and Clay Road for insufficient and unclear information. The Inland Wetlands Commission suggests that Dave Nafis, Town Engineer, meet with the Commission in a meeting to review the plans due to the fact that in the field Mr. Nafis had discussed taking the drainage to the detention basin at the end of Hi Ann Court and the email, dated March 22, 2012, to the Commission from Mr. Nafis mentions Anella Drive instead. The Commission would like to see plans that show the construction details and explains what materials will be used in the project.
Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Gaw.
Unanimous approval.
2. Discussion in regard to amendments to the Inland Wetlands Regulations per State of CT – Tabled.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:58p.m. Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Inland Wetlands Commission
The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission was called to order at 7:33 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following members of the Commission were present:
Alexandra Breslin, Chair
Kristine Sullivan, Vice-Chair
Brian Smith, Member
Roger Hathaway, Member
Lisa Gaw, Member
Also present was:
Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer
1. It was moved by Smith and seconded by Sullivan to approve, as submitted, the minutes of the February 21, 2012, Special Meeting.
Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Gaw.
Unanimous approval.
2. It was moved by Smith and seconded by Sullivan to approve the minutes of the February 27, 2012, Regular Meeting with the following correction:
Page 4, First Paragraph, First Sentence – Reads “It was moved by Breslin and seconded by Sullivan that in reviewing and considering Application #1170 submitted by James W. Woodward for a five-lot subdivision proposed for 46 Mesa Drive, the Bethany Inland Wetland Commission concludes that there is not sufficient information to determine that no feasible and prudent alternative does not exist in accordance with Section 10.3 of the Bethany Inland Wetlands Regulations and therefore, Application #1170 is denied, without prejudice.” Change to “It was moved by Breslin and seconded by Sullivan that in reviewing and considering Application #1170 submitted by James W. Woodward for a five-lot subdivision proposed for 46 Mesa Drive, the Bethany Inland Wetland Commission concludes that there is not sufficient information to determine that no feasible and prudent alternative does exist in accordance with Section 10.3 of the Bethany Inland Wetlands Regulations and therefore, Application #1170 is denied, without prejudice.”
Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Gaw.
Unanimous approval.
1. Appeal from James W. Woodward, dated March 19, 2012, for property located at 46 Mesa Drive, denial of Application #1170.
2. Email from Isabel Kearns, dated March 12, 2012, Re: Comments from Dave Nafis on Application #1178 for Francis Drive, Anella Drive and Clay Road, drainage improvements.
1. Connecticut Wildlife, March/April 2012.
2. 2012 Municipal Inland Wetland Commissioners Training Program.
3. Soil and Water, Spring 2012 Newsletter.
1. 538 Amity Road (Library), Discussion regarding additional parking –
No one was present for this discussion. Isabel Kearns, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer, stated the Library Board will be submitting a new application for the next scheduled meeting to construct parking in the rear.
2. Executive Session to discuss appeal submitted by James Woodward –
Chair Breslin stated the Town Attorney will not be meeting tonight. Also Chair Breslin mentioned the appeal from Mr. Woodward has a return date of April 24, 2012, and that the Town Attorney will report back to the Commission when more information is obtained.
1. Francis Drive, Anella Drive and Clay Road, Application #1178 submitted by the Town of Bethany/Department of Public Works for an IW Permit for drainage improvements –
The Commission received the following correspondence for this application:
· Email from David Nafis, Town Engineer, dated March 12, 2012, Re: Comments from Dave Nafis, Town Engineer, on Application #1178 for Francis Drive, Anella Drive and Clay Road, drainage improvements.
· Letter from Dave Nafis, Town Engineer, dated March 22, 2012, Re: Drainage breakdown for Anella Drive.
It was the consensus of the Commission that there is insufficient information and the Commission is not comfortable approving the application.
It was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to deny, without prejudice, Application #1178, submitted by the Town of Bethany for drainage improvements located at Francis Drive, Anella Drive and Clay Road for insufficient and unclear information. The Inland Wetlands Commission suggests that Dave Nafis, Town Engineer, meet with the Commission in a meeting to review the plans due to the fact that in the field Mr. Nafis had discussed taking the drainage to the detention basin at the end of Hi Ann Court and the email, dated March 22, 2012, to the Commission from Mr. Nafis mentions Anella Drive instead. The Commission would like to see plans that show the construction details and explains what materials will be used in the project.
Voting were: Breslin, Sullivan, Smith, Hathaway, Gaw.
Unanimous approval.
2. Discussion in regard to amendments to the Inland Wetlands Regulations per State of CT – Tabled.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by Sullivan and seconded by Smith to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:58p.m. Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Clerk
for the Inland Wetlands Commission
The meeting of the Long Term Financial Planning Committee commenced at 7:36 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following Committee Members were present:
Stephen Squinto, Chairman
Chip Spear
Sharon Huxley
Jamie Stirling
Also present was:
Derry Gorski, First Selectwoman
Chairman Squinto stated the Committee should focus solely on finalizing the questionnaire this evening. Committee members received a revised copy of the questionnaire from Hiram Peck, dated March 20, 2012, which included his comments on the second page due to his absence at the meeting. Committee members discussed, reviewed and finalized the questionnaire.
First Selectman Gorski recommended sending out a postcard to residents with information on the three options to obtain the questionnaire: town hall, survey monkey or mail.
Chairman Squinto will prepare a short informational paragraph to be printed on the postcard.
Member Spear will handle the survey monkey program.
The Committee would like to have the questionnaire out by the first week of April.
The next scheduled meeting is on Thursday, March 29, 2012.
Chairman Squinto also scheduled a meeting on Wednesday, April 11, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Staff Support
For the Long Term Financial Planning Committee
The meeting of the Long Term Financial Planning Committee commenced at 7:36 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, Bethany, Connecticut.
The following Committee Members were present:
Stephen Squinto, Chairman
Chip Spear
Sharon Huxley
Jamie Stirling
Also present was:
Derry Gorski, First Selectwoman
Chairman Squinto stated the Committee should focus solely on finalizing the questionnaire this evening. Committee members received a revised copy of the questionnaire from Hiram Peck, dated March 20, 2012, which included his comments on the second page due to his absence at the meeting. Committee members discussed, reviewed and finalized the questionnaire.
First Selectman Gorski recommended sending out a postcard to residents with information on the three options to obtain the questionnaire: town hall, survey monkey or mail.
Chairman Squinto will prepare a short informational paragraph to be printed on the postcard.
Member Spear will handle the survey monkey program.
The Committee would like to have the questionnaire out by the first week of April.
The next scheduled meeting is on Thursday, March 29, 2012.
Chairman Squinto also scheduled a meeting on Wednesday, April 11, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Antonia R. Marek, Staff Support
For the Long Term Financial Planning Committee
MARCH 20, 2012
Page 1 of 2
Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Sally Huyser, Chip Spear, Aileen Magda, Robert Brinton Jr., First Selectwoman Gorski
Visitors: Pua Ford, William Brinton, Battina Theil, Janice Howard, Nicholas Poulmas
Chairman Brunwin called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the meeting of March 13, 2012. The motion of approval was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by Sally Huyser. Sally moved to correct the header as it was not a special meeting. She also moved to correct the vote on approval of minutes to five yes votes and one abstention that of John Grabowski. The corrected minutes were then accepted on a unanimous vote.
William Brinton and Pua Ford were both present to discuss with the Board of Finance members their budget. They explained the reason for the large increase in their budget due to two primaries in August, November presidential election and May the municipal election. They explained some of the proposed election laws before the present legislative session.
William Brinton gave a brief update to the Board regarding the formation of a Cemetery Committee and what they plan to accomplish. Some of the goals of this committee are to repair broken cemetery monuments and have a survey done of both Carrington Cemetery and Methodist Cemetery. The Carrington Cemetery has an endowment fund. By an act of the Town Meeting they would like to have this fund made available for the care of all town cemeteries. They are suggesting a budget for all cemeteries of $8,000 for mowing in the budget for 2012-13.
The budget for Park and Recreation was explained by Janice Howard. Janice indicated that participation in Park & Recreation programs overall is down. Part of the problem is that enrollment at the Community School is lower than in years past. The school is also offering after school programs. At this time it is hard to project how many children will attend summer camp this summer. There budget has increase by $21,000 in expenditures over last year’s budget partly due to the request for increased hours for the assistant. The projected revenues for next year show a decrease. The department has made no Capital Expenditure requests for next fiscal year.
The VFW has requested $10,000 from the Town this year to complete the landscape at the Veterans Memorial Wall at Veterans Memorial Park.
BUDGET 2012-13
The budget for Solid Waste has a very minimal increase due to increased cost for per ton waste disposal.
Chairman Brunwin reviewed with the Board the budgets for other departments. Most othes had little or no change over last year.
Chairman Brunwin will modify the budget spread sheet and modify where needed. She will then forward it to members befoe the meeting of March 27, 2012. The Chairman asked members what areas of the budget they would like to discuss before finalization. Robert Brinton Jr. suggested taking a second look at the budgets where new salaries had been requested such as the Park & Recreation, Tax Collector, Public Works and the Elementary School.
Adjournment was called at 9:35 p.m. after a motion was moved by Aileen Magda and seconded by Sally Huyser. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance
MARCH 20, 2012
Page 1 of 2
Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Sally Huyser, Chip Spear, Aileen Magda, Robert Brinton Jr., First Selectwoman Gorski
Visitors: Pua Ford, William Brinton, Battina Theil, Janice Howard, Nicholas Poulmas
Chairman Brunwin called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.
Chairman Brunwin called for a motion of approval for the meeting of March 13, 2012. The motion of approval was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by Sally Huyser. Sally moved to correct the header as it was not a special meeting. She also moved to correct the vote on approval of minutes to five yes votes and one abstention that of John Grabowski. The corrected minutes were then accepted on a unanimous vote.
William Brinton and Pua Ford were both present to discuss with the Board of Finance members their budget. They explained the reason for the large increase in their budget due to two primaries in August, November presidential election and May the municipal election. They explained some of the proposed election laws before the present legislative session.
William Brinton gave a brief update to the Board regarding the formation of a Cemetery Committee and what they plan to accomplish. Some of the goals of this committee are to repair broken cemetery monuments and have a survey done of both Carrington Cemetery and Methodist Cemetery. The Carrington Cemetery has an endowment fund. By an act of the Town Meeting they would like to have this fund made available for the care of all town cemeteries. They are suggesting a budget for all cemeteries of $8,000 for mowing in the budget for 2012-13.
The budget for Park and Recreation was explained by Janice Howard. Janice indicated that participation in Park & Recreation programs overall is down. Part of the problem is that enrollment at the Community School is lower than in years past. The school is also offering after school programs. At this time it is hard to project how many children will attend summer camp this summer. There budget has increase by $21,000 in expenditures over last year’s budget partly due to the request for increased hours for the assistant. The projected revenues for next year show a decrease. The department has made no Capital Expenditure requests for next fiscal year.
The VFW has requested $10,000 from the Town this year to complete the landscape at the Veterans Memorial Wall at Veterans Memorial Park.
BUDGET 2012-13
The budget for Solid Waste has a very minimal increase due to increased cost for per ton waste disposal.
Chairman Brunwin reviewed with the Board the budgets for other departments. Most othes had little or no change over last year.
Chairman Brunwin will modify the budget spread sheet and modify where needed. She will then forward it to members befoe the meeting of March 27, 2012. The Chairman asked members what areas of the budget they would like to discuss before finalization. Robert Brinton Jr. suggested taking a second look at the budgets where new salaries had been requested such as the Park & Recreation, Tax Collector, Public Works and the Elementary School.
Adjournment was called at 9:35 p.m. after a motion was moved by Aileen Magda and seconded by Sally Huyser. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance
MARCH 27, 2012
Page 1 of 4
Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Chip Spear, Sally Huyser, Aileen Magda, John Grabowski, Robert Brinton Jr., First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski
Visitors: Art Slicer, Bruce Loomis, Brian Fournier
Approval of the minutes of the meeting of March 20, 2012 was tabled due to a computer problem which did not allow printing or sending of the minutes to Board of Finance members.
Chairman Brunwin received notification from the State of Connecticut that approval has been given for municipal employees to join with State of Connecticut employees in purchasing health insurance as a large group.
Chairman Brunwin was notified by David Forman, Tax Collector that a tax foreclosure had taken place on March 24, 2012. When complete this foreclosure and legal fees will net the Town of Bethany $77,000 possibly before the end of this fiscal year.
Arthur Slicer gave a presentation to the Board of Finance, showing the landscape design proposed for the War Monument at Veterans Memorial Park by the VFW. The VFW is requesting $10,000 in a Capital Expenditure request for materials for this work. They are requesting that machine labor for this project be completed by the Bethany Highway Department
The Conservation Commission is requesting that the Town appropriate $100,000 for Land Acquisition for fiscal year 2012-13. Bruce Loomis spokesman for the Conservation Commission emphasized the importance of a health Land Acquisition Fund if grants come available to purchase open space. The Board will discuss his request.
BUDGET 2012-13
Chairman Brunwin began with the Revenue section of the budget. State revenues remain approximately the same as last year however the expenditure side of the budget is higher due primarily to budgets where fuel costs are included. At this time the expenditure side of the budget exceeds the revenue side by approximately $400,000. Unless additional revenue is found or expenses reduced the mil rate will increase .7 mils.
Capital Expenditure requests were discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that the dump truck request by the Highway Department should be put off until next year. The request for a new mason dump truck for the Highway Forman was also deferred to another year. Following further discussion Robert Brinton Jr. moved a motion to approve all Capital Expenditures as requested under fiscal year 2012-13 with the exception of the dump and mason trucks requested by the Highway Forman. John Grabowski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
The Board began review of the expenditure side of the budget. Salaries for all departments have not yet been added to each budget. Percentage of increase was discussed, however no decision was reached.
The following budgets were approved as follows:
Selectmen approved except for salary adjustment
Veterans Park discussion of salary for life guards added to this budget – no decision made until meeting with Park and Recreation Commission
Registrar of Voters approved except for salary adjustment
Board of Finance approved
Audit approved
Assessor approved except for salary adjustment
Board of Assessment
Appeals approved
Tax Collector discussion regarding additional hours for Assistant Tax Collector requested vote taken to add hours 2 yes votes 4 no votes
discussion regarding creation of new position Assistant Tax Collector/Highway Secretary. Robert Brinton Jr. commented that Assistant Tax Collector position was not enough hours to be watchful for the honesty of the Tax Collector, therefore served no purpose vote taken 3 yes votes 3 no votes will revisit at next meeting
Town Treasurer approved
Judge of Probate approved
Town Clerk approved except for salary adjustment
Land Use approved except for salary adjustment
Town Hall approved except for salary adjustment
ZBA approved except for salary adjustment
Economic Development approved
Conservation Commission approved
Cost approved
Regional Growth Partnership approved
COG approved
Fire Department Gas & Diesel not approved
Fire Dept Fuel approved
Bd of Education Gas & Diesel approved
CCM approved
Fire Department not approved
CMed approved
Fire Marshal approved
Dog Damage approved
Police/Constables approved
District Animal Control not approved
Fire Hydrant approved
Highway Contracted Services moved to cut part time clerical request, moved to cut request for one additional highway employee, moved to add $15,000 to Contracted Services for part time summer help
Major Road approved $300,000 for bond payment
Snow & Ice approved
Road Materials approval tabled to next meeting
Garage Expense approval tabled to next meeting
Repairs & Supplies approved
Street Lights approved
Contracted Services approved
Road Signs approved
Consulting Engineer approved
Solid Waste approved
Vital Statistics approved
Summer League need more information
Domestic Violence approved
Team approved
Regional Mental Health approved
QVHD approved
EMS Council approved
Human Services approved
Airport approved
Cemeteries approved
Contingency approved
Tax Refund approved
Library approved
Unemployment approved
Youth Services approved
Capital Expenditures approval tabled
General Insurance approved
Employee’s Medical approved
Town Employee’s Investment not approved until payroll is complete
Fire Department Pension approved
Regional High School approved
Elementary School concerns expressed regarding budget cut. Motion moved by Aileen Magda to keep budget flat in light that once budget is increased it cannot be reduced in the future and in light of dropping enrollment. Motion seconded by Sally Huyser. Discussion followed with various suggestions made to reduce or increase only where necessary such as any line item with fuel in it. The motion was tabled by a motion moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear. The vote taken was unanimous.
Adjournment was called at 10:00 p.m. after a motion was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by John
Grabowski. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance
MARCH 27, 2012
Page 1 of 4
Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Chip Spear, Sally Huyser, Aileen Magda, John Grabowski, Robert Brinton Jr., First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski
Visitors: Art Slicer, Bruce Loomis, Brian Fournier
Approval of the minutes of the meeting of March 20, 2012 was tabled due to a computer problem which did not allow printing or sending of the minutes to Board of Finance members.
Chairman Brunwin received notification from the State of Connecticut that approval has been given for municipal employees to join with State of Connecticut employees in purchasing health insurance as a large group.
Chairman Brunwin was notified by David Forman, Tax Collector that a tax foreclosure had taken place on March 24, 2012. When complete this foreclosure and legal fees will net the Town of Bethany $77,000 possibly before the end of this fiscal year.
Arthur Slicer gave a presentation to the Board of Finance, showing the landscape design proposed for the War Monument at Veterans Memorial Park by the VFW. The VFW is requesting $10,000 in a Capital Expenditure request for materials for this work. They are requesting that machine labor for this project be completed by the Bethany Highway Department
The Conservation Commission is requesting that the Town appropriate $100,000 for Land Acquisition for fiscal year 2012-13. Bruce Loomis spokesman for the Conservation Commission emphasized the importance of a health Land Acquisition Fund if grants come available to purchase open space. The Board will discuss his request.
BUDGET 2012-13
Chairman Brunwin began with the Revenue section of the budget. State revenues remain approximately the same as last year however the expenditure side of the budget is higher due primarily to budgets where fuel costs are included. At this time the expenditure side of the budget exceeds the revenue side by approximately $400,000. Unless additional revenue is found or expenses reduced the mil rate will increase .7 mils.
Capital Expenditure requests were discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that the dump truck request by the Highway Department should be put off until next year. The request for a new mason dump truck for the Highway Forman was also deferred to another year. Following further discussion Robert Brinton Jr. moved a motion to approve all Capital Expenditures as requested under fiscal year 2012-13 with the exception of the dump and mason trucks requested by the Highway Forman. John Grabowski seconded the motion. The vote taken was unanimous.
The Board began review of the expenditure side of the budget. Salaries for all departments have not yet been added to each budget. Percentage of increase was discussed, however no decision was reached.
The following budgets were approved as follows:
Selectmen approved except for salary adjustment
Veterans Park discussion of salary for life guards added to this budget – no decision made until meeting with Park and Recreation Commission
Registrar of Voters approved except for salary adjustment
Board of Finance approved
Audit approved
Assessor approved except for salary adjustment
Board of Assessment
Appeals approved
Tax Collector discussion regarding additional hours for Assistant Tax Collector requested vote taken to add hours 2 yes votes 4 no votes
discussion regarding creation of new position Assistant Tax Collector/Highway Secretary. Robert Brinton Jr. commented that Assistant Tax Collector position was not enough hours to be watchful for the honesty of the Tax Collector, therefore served no purpose vote taken 3 yes votes 3 no votes will revisit at next meeting
Town Treasurer approved
Judge of Probate approved
Town Clerk approved except for salary adjustment
Land Use approved except for salary adjustment
Town Hall approved except for salary adjustment
ZBA approved except for salary adjustment
Economic Development approved
Conservation Commission approved
Cost approved
Regional Growth Partnership approved
COG approved
Fire Department Gas & Diesel not approved
Fire Dept Fuel approved
Bd of Education Gas & Diesel approved
CCM approved
Fire Department not approved
CMed approved
Fire Marshal approved
Dog Damage approved
Police/Constables approved
District Animal Control not approved
Fire Hydrant approved
Highway Contracted Services moved to cut part time clerical request, moved to cut request for one additional highway employee, moved to add $15,000 to Contracted Services for part time summer help
Major Road approved $300,000 for bond payment
Snow & Ice approved
Road Materials approval tabled to next meeting
Garage Expense approval tabled to next meeting
Repairs & Supplies approved
Street Lights approved
Contracted Services approved
Road Signs approved
Consulting Engineer approved
Solid Waste approved
Vital Statistics approved
Summer League need more information
Domestic Violence approved
Team approved
Regional Mental Health approved
QVHD approved
EMS Council approved
Human Services approved
Airport approved
Cemeteries approved
Contingency approved
Tax Refund approved
Library approved
Unemployment approved
Youth Services approved
Capital Expenditures approval tabled
General Insurance approved
Employee’s Medical approved
Town Employee’s Investment not approved until payroll is complete
Fire Department Pension approved
Regional High School approved
Elementary School concerns expressed regarding budget cut. Motion moved by Aileen Magda to keep budget flat in light that once budget is increased it cannot be reduced in the future and in light of dropping enrollment. Motion seconded by Sally Huyser. Discussion followed with various suggestions made to reduce or increase only where necessary such as any line item with fuel in it. The motion was tabled by a motion moved by Sally Huyser and seconded by Chip Spear. The vote taken was unanimous.
Adjournment was called at 10:00 p.m. after a motion was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by John
Grabowski. The vote taken was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
June G. Riley
Clerk, Board of Finance
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