Friday, July 26, 2013

Economic Development Commission

Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 3, 2013


Charles Johnson, Tom Cavaliere, Rob Rogers, Fran Doba

Absent: William Verab, Kathy Consoli, Derry Gorski

The meeting started at 7:00 in the Selectmen’s Room.

New EDC Member:

Fran introduced Rob Rogers who has been appointed by Derry as a new commissioner.


Programs & Services for Small Businesses:

Charles reported on some of his findings that would benefit Bethany’s small business community. Attached are the documents he distributed that introduce Step Up and ACE (Accelerating Connections to Employment). Step Up is an employer incentive program for hiring and training, and ACE offers several career preparation programs to help the unemployed receive job training.

The group agreed that both these programs have value to Bethany residents and small businesses. The application deadline for ACE is August 1, 2013. Fran agreed to send the information to the Bethany Bulletin for both on-line and print publication for the July monthly.

Post Meeting Note: Fran sent information to Bethany Bulletin for on-line and print versions.

Charles agreed to contact Brian Gamble who is the Step Up contact for the South Central region to request a presentation to our small business owners for the middle of July. As soon as he locks in a date with Brian, he will contact Fran who will forward the information to the Bulletin which is distributed to all mailboxes in Bethany. We also discussed mailing the information directly to our business community. Fran agreed to find out where to obtain a printout of all Bethany businesses.

Action Item: Obtain printout of all Bethany businesses – Fran

Post Meeting Note: Charles confirmed that Brian can present StepUp on Wednesday, July 17th at 7pm.

Action Item: Prepare a notice for both on line and print versions of Bulletin.

New Chairperson:

Fran Doba was nominated by Tom Cavaliere to replace Liz Appel as EDC chair, seconded by Charles Johnson. Motion passed unanimously.


Fran distributed a few more documents that could help with content to the Small Business folder discussed at the April meeting. Since Kathy Consoli was absent, we deferred much of this discussion to the meeting immediately following the Step Up seminar.

Next Meeting:

In lieu of a regular meeting, we will convene on either July 17th or 18th at the Step Up seminar at 7:00pm in the Selectmen’s Room. Date is being confirmed by Charles.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15PM.

Respectfully submitted,
