Friday, May 2, 2014

Actual Budget Estimate Proposed
2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
Direct Revenues:
Interest and Lien Fees on Property  $             166,380  $              80,000  $              80,000  $                71,000
 Interest Earned - General Fund   $               26,362  $              30,000  $              25,000  $                27,000
  Total Direct Revenues    $             192,742  $            110,000  $            105,000  $                98,000
State of Connecticut:
 Education Grants (GTB/ECS)   $          2,046,926  $         2,078,469  $         2,078,469  $           2,051,681
 School Transportation   $                9,802  $                     -    $                     -    $                11,886
 Town Aid Roads   $             105,762  $            211,525  $            274,567  $              211,338
 Local Capital Improvement   $                     -    $              65,426  $              65,426  $                47,173
 Tax Relief - Elderly   $               30,952  $              31,000  $              31,843  $                32,000
 Disability Exemption   $                   220  $                  200  $                  235  $                    200
 PILOT - State Owned Property   $               36,054  $                     -    $              49,314  $                36,138
 PILOT - Colleges & Hospitals   $               16,484  $              15,072  $              15,072  $                16,117
 Judicial Grant   $                1,799  $                     -    $                1,150  $                      -  
 PILOT - Veterans   $                5,156  $                5,000  $                5,531  $                 5,000
 Boating Safety Revenue   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Dog Damage   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Mashantucket Pequot Grant   $               17,957  $                     -    $              11,689  $                17,524
 Municipal Revenue Sharing   $               97,157  $                     -    $              43,923  $                63,000
 Contingency Needs Grant   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Elderly Grant   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 School Building Grant   $             157,387  $            149,828  $            157,387  $              144,040
 Library Grant   $                4,000  $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Police Grants   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Other - State of Connecticut     $             265,297  $                5,574  $                5,574  $                      -  
   Total State of Connecticut   $          2,794,953  $         2,562,094  $         2,740,180  $           2,636,097
 Indirect Revenues: 
 Property Tax Levy - Current   $        17,450,412  $        18,150,981  $        17,450,488  $         18,856,907
 Property Tax Levy - Prior Years   $             244,509  $            125,000  $            239,688  $              176,000
   Total Indirect Revenues     $        17,694,921  $        18,275,981  $        17,690,176  $         19,032,907
 Permits and Fees: 
 Pistol & Vendors   $                4,930  $                2,000  $                3,390  $                 3,000
 Zoning & Subdivision Permits   $                9,859  $              10,000  $              11,594  $                10,000
 Zoning Board of Appeals   $                1,500  $                1,000  $                1,350  $                 1,000
 Inland Wetlands Permits   $                7,803  $                2,500  $                5,105  $                 7,500
 Sanitation & Wells   $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Building Permits   $             102,789  $              70,000  $              94,868  $                60,000
 Town Clerk Fees   $               34,871  $              35,000  $              38,367  $                35,000
 Dog License Fees   $                   574  $                  500  $                  770  $                    500
 Park & Recreation Fees   $             125,730  $            153,000  $            125,000  $              115,000
 Veterans Park Rental   $               10,440  $                8,779  $                9,398  $                10,000
 Park Pavilion Rental   $                     -    $                1,000  $                1,373  $                 1,000
   Total Permits and Fees     $             298,496  $            283,779  $            291,212  $              243,000
Actual Budget Estimate Proposed
2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
 Other Revenues: 
 Town Hall, Airport and School Rental   $                6,575  $                2,500  $                4,463  $                 2,500
 Ordinance & Photocopy Sales   $                8,430  $                6,500  $                7,737  $                 6,500
 Real Estate Conveyance Tax   $               51,235  $              40,000  $              56,928  $                40,000
 PILOT - South Central Water Authority   $             243,498  $            240,000  $            243,498  $              270,000
 Miscellaneous Income   $               76,724  $              20,000  $                  622  $                20,000
 Miscellaneous Refunds and Rebates       $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
 Telephone Access Grant   $               18,542  $              20,000  $              20,000  $                20,000
 Other Revenues   $                     -    $                     -    $            182,310  $                      -  
 Cellular Tower   $               31,440  $              22,000  $              25,926  $                22,000
   Total Other Revenues     $             436,444  $            351,000  $            541,484  $              381,000
 TOTAL REVENUES       $        21,417,556  $        21,582,854  $        21,368,052  $         22,391,004
 Net Taxable Grand List - October 2012   $      620,153,893
 Estimated Supplemental Motor Vehicle/Real Estate   $         4,724,174
 $      624,878,067
 Net Taxable Grand List - October 2013   $      549,236,405
 Est. Supplemental Motor Vehicle/Real Estate   $         4,724,174
 $      553,960,579
 Percentage Increase in Grand List  -11.35%
 Total Expenditures   $        22,691,004
 Total Revenues   $        22,391,004
 General Fund to Balance Budget   $            300,000
Current Mill Rate 29.60 Equalized Mill Rate 33.3 due to revaluation
Proposed Mill Rate                   34.80
Pecentage Increase in Mill Rate 17.6%
Percentage Increase over Equalized Rate 4.5%
Estimated balance at 6/30/14  $         3,087,874
Percent of 2013-2014 estimated expenditures 14.0%
Estimated balance at 6/30/15  $         2,787,874
Percent of 2014-2015 recommended budget expenditures 12.3%
Actual Budget Estimate Proposed
2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
General Government:
Selectmen - Salary and Expenses  $             179,793  $            211,556  $            211,556  $              195,738
Town Hall Computers  $               37,928  $              37,597  $              37,597  $                48,422
Veterans Memorial Park  $               34,653  $              44,533  $              44,533  $                44,825
Registrar of Voters  $               28,057  $              13,580  $              13,580  $                31,709
Board of Finance  $                2,479  $                2,629  $                2,629  $                 2,855
Town Audit  $               41,100  $              28,840  $              33,700  $                40,000
Assessor - Salaries and Expenses  $               51,926  $              75,706  $              75,706  $                80,096
Board of Assessment Appeals  $                   815  $                  500  $                  500  $                    600
Tax Collector - Salary and Expenses  $               78,687  $              76,887  $              76,887  $                79,152
Town Treasurer - Salary and Expenses  $                3,690  $                3,559  $                3,559  $                 3,595
Town Counsel - Retainer  $               37,200  $              37,200  $              37,200  $                37,200
Town Counsel - Legal Expenses  $               22,080  $              25,000  $              25,000  $                25,000
Claims and Judgments  $                     -    $                      1  $                     -    $                        1
Town Clerk - Salaries and Expenses  $             137,271  $            143,549  $            143,549  $              146,575
Land Use Dept Salaries and Expenses  $             189,283  $            189,588  $            189,588  $              200,852
Operation Town Hall - Salaries and Exp  $             176,255  $            175,743  $            173,029  $              187,172
Zoning Board of Appeals  $                3,994  $                3,461  $                3,519  $                 3,736
Economic Development Commission   $                     -    $                  500  $                  500  $                    500
Probate Court  $                     -    $                1,000  $                     -    $                 1,000
Conservation Commission  $                   401  $                  500  $                  500  $                    500
Council of Small Towns  $                   825  $                  825  $                  955  $                    955
Regional Growth Partnership  $                1,669  $                1,669  $                1,668  $                 1,669
Council of Governments  $                1,500  $                1,785  $                1,500  $                 1,785
Fire Department - Gas and Diesel  $               14,990  $              11,110  $              11,689  $                14,000
Fire Department - Fuel  $               33,656  $              41,900  $              34,000  $                41,900
Board of Education Fuel Oil  $              120,000
Board of Education - Gasoline  $                9,162  $              36,000  $              36,000  $                36,000
CCM  $                3,753  $                3,271  $                3,272  $                 3,403
  Total General Government  $          1,091,167  $         1,168,489  $         1,162,216  $           1,349,240
Public Safety:
Fire Protection and Equipment Maint  $             194,450  $            200,050  $            200,050  $              206,300
Hydro/Air Packs Testing  $                 5,000
Firemen's Physicals  $               13,093  $              12,500  $              12,500  $                12,500
C-Med  $               12,884  $              15,371  $              15,371  $                12,884
Fire Marshall/Emergency Management  $               54,387  $              60,000  $              60,000  $                61,165
Police, Constables & Resident Troopers  $             191,426  $            199,009  $            199,009  $              211,800
Dog Damage  $                     -    $                      1  $                     -    $                        1
District Animal Control  $               43,000  $              43,000  $              43,000  $                45,923
Fire Hydrant  $                2,588  $                2,500  $                2,500  $                 2,500
  Total Public Safety    $             511,828  $            532,431  $            532,430  $              558,073
Public Works
Road Foreman and Labor  $             438,537  $            429,525  $            429,525  $              438,125
Major Road Resurfacing  $               68,921  $            500,000  $            500,000  $              500,000
Major Rd Resurfacing Debt Service  $             279,146  $            282,900  $            282,900  $              280,400
Snow and Ice Removal  $             193,013  $            195,000  $            230,000  $              200,000
Road Materials  $               37,072  $            100,000  $            100,000  $              100,000
Garage Expense  $               50,497  $              51,141  $              54,745  $                57,000
Repairs and Supplies  $             172,828  $            128,555  $            130,000  $              128,555
Street Lights  $               12,005  $              12,500  $              12,500  $                12,500
Contracted Services  $             208,193  $              28,000  $              66,330  $                50,000
Road Signs  $                6,688  $                6,000  $                6,000  $                 8,000
Consulting Engineer  $                5,122  $              10,000  $                4,020  $                10,000
  Total Public Works    $          1,472,022  $         1,743,621  $         1,816,020  $           1,784,580
Actual Budget Estimate Proposed
2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
Solid Waste Disposal  $             352,821  $            390,266  $            380,200  $              382,364
Vital Statistics  $                     74  $                  100  $                  100  $                    100
Bethany Summer League  $                3,700  $                3,500  $                3,500  $                 4,000
Park and Recreation Commission  $             181,257  $            235,364  $            200,000  $              197,926
Domestic Violence  $                   500  $                  500  $                  500  $                    500
Elderly Grant  $                     -    $                      1  $                     -    $                        1
TEAM  $                5,000  $                5,000  $                5,000  $                 5,000
Regional Mental Health  $                   276  $                  276  $                  276  $                    276
Harvest Festival  $               10,556
QVHD  $               29,257  $              29,214  $              29,214  $                29,138
EMS Council  $                     -    $                  488  $                  488  $                    488
  Total Health      $             583,441  $            664,709  $            619,278  $              619,793
Human Services:
Human Services  $               76,517  $              92,251  $              92,251  $                96,319
  Total Human Services    $               76,517  $              92,251  $              92,251  $                96,319
Community Services:
Library  $             152,804  $            172,000  $            172,000  $              181,887
Airport  $                2,031  $                1,400  $                1,400  $                 1,400
Carrington Cemetery  $                2,000  $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
Care of Other Cemeteries  $                3,010  $                8,000  $                8,000  $                 8,000
Contingency Fund  $               99,361  $              50,000  $              40,000  $                70,000
Miscellaneous and Tax Refunds  $                     -    $                     -    $                     -    $                      -  
Contingency Needs  $                     -    $                      1  $                     -    $                      -  
CT State Library Grant  $                4,000  $                      1  $                     -    $                      -  
Unemployment  $                1,244  $                      1  $                1,276  $                        1
Land Acquisition Fund  $               25,000  $                     -  
Fund for Capital & Nonrecurring Exp  $             500,000  $            550,000  $            500,000  $              550,000
Youth Services  $               13,810  $              13,631  $              13,631  $                13,984
  Total Community Services  $             803,260  $            795,034  $            736,307  $              825,272
Insurance and Benefits:
Payroll Taxes  $             109,730  $            108,291  $            108,291  $              106,388
General Insurance  $             218,162  $            220,500  $            234,139  $              220,500
Employee Medical Insurance  $             413,835  $            482,632  $            450,000  $              521,243
Town Employees' Investment Fund  $             127,391  $            108,475  $            108,475  $              110,644
Firemen's Retirement   $               39,998  $              40,000  $              40,000  $                40,000
  Total Insurance and Benefits  $             909,116  $            959,898  $            940,905  $              998,775
Debt Service:
Debt Service - Principal  $             580,128  $            600,000  $            600,000  $              605,000
Debt Services - Interest  $             100,799  $              94,824  $              94,824  $                88,724
  Total Debt Service    $             680,927  $            694,824  $            694,824  $              693,724
Regional High School    $          8,591,647  $         8,670,180  $         8,670,000  $           9,204,690
Elementary School      $          6,368,791  $         6,559,417  $         6,559,417  $           6,560,538
  FINAL TOTAL      $        21,088,716  $        21,880,854  $        21,823,648  $         22,691,004
BETHANY SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET 2013-2014 as proposed by the Board of Education
  Approved Requested    
  Budget Budget Increase % Increase
SUMMARY BY PROGRAM   2013- 2014 2014 - 2015 (Decrease) (Decrease)
General Education    $          3,388,228  $         3,395,502  $                7,274 0.2%
Special Education    $          1,390,737  $         1,400,680  $                9,943 0.7%
Administration & Overhead/Facilities  $          1,780,452  $         1,764,356  $             (16,096) -0.9%
TOTAL    $          6,559,417  $         6,560,538  $                1,121 0.02%
Approved Requested    
Budget Budget Increase % Increase
SUMMARY BY EXPENSE 2013- 2014 2014 - 2015 (Decrease) (Decrease)
Salaries  $          4,326,037  $         4,206,562  $           (119,475) -2.8%
Benefits  $             860,533  $            976,713  $            116,180 13.5%
Services  $             490,181  $            524,574  $              34,393 7.0%
Supplies  $             216,831  $            268,744  $              51,913 23.9%
Other  $               72,920  $              85,840  $              12,920 17.7%
Utilities  $             256,000  $            136,000  $           (120,000) -46.9%
Facilities and Maintenance  $               83,500  $            103,500  $              20,000 24.0%
Student Transportation  $             253,415  $            258,605  $                5,190 2.0%
TOTAL  $          6,559,417  $         6,560,538  $                1,121 0.0%
Balance 6/30/2013  $            252,753
Not completed capitals Bitmap
 $            135,000
 Balance 6/30/2014  $            132,753
 Trans from General Fund  $            550,000
    $            682,753
2014-2015 Recommended Budget Capital non-Recurring Expenditures:
5 yard dump truck lease-purchase payment (3 of 3)  $             (65,683)
Backhoe lease-purchase payment (3 of 3)  $             (46,678)
10 yard dump truck lease-purchase payment (2 of 3)  $             (72,053)
Mason Dump Truck  $             (67,000)
Fence and Gate Town Hall  $             (20,000)
Fence at Dog Park  $             (13,365)
BCS student furniture replacement (payment (2 of 2)  $             (10,000)
BCS security cameras (payment 2 of 3)  $             (22,000)
BCS wireless infrastructure (payment 2 of 3)  $             (15,500)
New jDoors and Hardward    BCS   $             (10,000)
Lighting and Ceiling BCS   $             (20,000)
 Painting at BCS Bitmap
 $             (15,000)
Bullet Resistant glass BCS    $             (15,000)
Replace Playscape BCS  $             (10,000)
Rebuild pump engine 81 Fire Dept  $             (25,000)
Thermo Imaging Camera  $             (11,000)
Town Web Site  $                  (10,000)
Land Acquisition  $                (100,000)
Total  $           (548,279)
   Estimated balance 6/30/2015  $        134,474.00