Tuesday, September 17, 2019




Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:07pm. Present were Brian Eitzer, Patsy Winer and Bruce. Matt Popp was absent. Cathy Rives has resigned.


Bruce moved that the minutes of June 13 be accepted. Patsy seconded the motion. There were no additions or corrections. All were in favor of the minutes being accepted as written. The April 11th minutes are still unavailable and could not be voted on.


There were no bills and no items of correspondence.


Membership of the Commission in CACIWC was discussed. Brian moved that we renew our membership for a cost of $75. All were in favor.


Bruce noted that we now have three openings for new members or alternates on the commission, and that we all need to look for interested prospective members.


Bruce noted that he had talked to Mr. Mallory of 75 Anthony Court and told him that we would not recommend that the town accept his lot, as it would not further the interests of the town or fulfill the purposes of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development.


The rest of the meeting was spent working on the revision of the Open Space Plan. We will need to get new maps made, which reflect the updated information in the revised plan.


Bruce moved to adjourn at 9:26. Patsy seconded. There was unanimous consent.



Respectfully submitted,


Patricia Winer

Sec’y pro tem