Friday, October 25, 2019

Bethany Airport Restoration Committee

Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2017



Attendees: Tracy Darling, Gail Sweet, Art Slicer, Vinnie Cofrancesco, Janet Brunwin, Mark Scott, Fran Doba


The meeting was called to order at 6:40PM.



A motion to approve the October 27, 2016 meeting minutes was made by Janet Brunwin and seconded by Tracy Darling.  Motion carried with 2 abstentions.



A motion to accept the November and December Treasurer’s Reports was made by Tracy Darling and seconded by Janet Brunwin.  Motion carried.



Fran Doba produced a proposal sent by Sign Craft to create the front signage for the hangar:

                Option 1:  Aluminum plate letters bolted to building                        $9,058

                Option 2:  3/8” Acrylic Plate Letters riveted to the building            $6,697 *

                Option 3:  Hand painted lettering                                                              $5,900


*Option recommended by Sign Craft.  Said they won’t chip or fade.  Art said he believed the warranty was 20-years.  Fran Doba made a motion to approve Option 2 seconded by Vinnie CoFrancesco.  Motion carried.  Art said we need to do this before the insulation and curved paneling is installed.  Fran will check on purchase order protocol but the team agreed this will be paid out of the Donations account.



Parts of the floor still show standing water after a heavy rainfall although less than in the fall.  There is a conflict between Pat Munger Construction and Steel Master as to what is the solution to fix the problem.  First Selectman, Derrylyn Gorski has sent the matter to Town Attorney, Kevin McSherry.



Janet Brunwin asked if there is a checklist of work to be done that, once completed, would enable the town to obtain a COO.  Fran said she would check with Isabel Kearns to see if she can find out from Bob Walsh.



Tracy suggested putting the Donation and Brick forms out on the Town website for easy access by residents.  Fran said she will do this ASAP.



Janet said she had just read an article citing a $500,000 grant to the Connecticut Air and Space Center at Bridgeport Airport to restore the Curtis Hangar.  She will forward the article for the committee’s review.



A motion to adjourn was made by Gail Sweet and seconded by Tracy Darling at 7:35.


Respectfully submitted,



Fran Doba
