Tuesday, October 15, 2013


                                                  SITE VISIT

                                          SEPTEMBER 8, 2013



The commission met at Bethany’s Veteran’s Memorial Park at 4:30pm for a site walk to inspect the condition of the park.  Present were Bruce Loomis, Chair, Cathy Rives, Dorothy Seaton and Shaukut Kahn.


Of particular interest was cutting and clearing along the shores of the lake as a result of a request from the Inland Wetlands Commission for the Conservation Commission to be involved in the issue.


The members walked all around the lake and also the recreation fields and sloped beyond and made noted and observations.  Dorothy took a number of pictures of some of what we observed.


The walk adjourned at approximately 5:45pm with discussion to be held at a regular meeting of the commission.




Bruce Loomis, Chairman