Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bethany Conservation Committee Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2014


Time:                                                      8:00pm – 8:45pm

Committee Attendees:       Brian Eitzer, Bruce Loomis, Cathy Rives, Dorothy Seaton

Absent:                                  Shaukat Khan


Meeting called to order at 8:04pm by Bruce Loomis.  Dorothy Seaton appointed as voting member for this meeting.


1. Review minutes of prior meeting

Bruce motioned to accept March 13, 2014 minutes.  Brian seconded.  Minutes accepted by all with the following minor corrections:

                In Section 9:          Take out the duplicate “of the year”

                In Section 10:       Add “$100,000”  to proposed Land Acquisition Fund

No April meeting was held due to lack of a quorum of members present.  Bruce needs to write-up minutes for 3/15/2014 Green Haven site walk.


2. Bills and Correspondence - None


3. Status review of 788 Amity Road & 4 Peck Road

788 Amity Road:

Land Trust and property owner were unable to reach a mutual agreement on a trail.  The final resolution is a 2 acre, self-monitored conservation easement.  Bruce believes it will be written into the records that the town should have the right to inspect compliance but not the obligation to do so.


Peck Road:

No update as of tonight’s meeting.  It was up for a potential vote at the 5/7/14 Planning and Zoning meeting.  No outcome is known at the time of this meeting.


4. BCS Conservation Award

Each year the commission funds (2) awards for graduating 6th graders at Bethany Community School that have demonstrated an interest in conservation.  Brian moved to fund $60 for (2) awards ($30 each) for the 2014 recipients.  Bruce seconded the motion.  All members present were in favor.  Motion passed.


5. Discussion / review of subdivision open space and trail criteria

Depending on the commission’s agenda and availability this summer, this discussion can take place then.  Bruce reminded the commission to keep in mind the cost to the town with regards to open space and trail criteria.


6. Land issue discussion – Executive session

8:25 - Adjourned to executive session

8:35 - End of executive session





7. Other Business

Land Acquisition Fund:

After the February Conservation Commission Meeting, Bruce proposed to the Board of Finance (BOF) to raise the Land Acquisition Fund (LAF) to $100,000 for the 2014-2015 Town of Bethany Budget.  At the 4/21/2014 Annual Town Budget Hearing, the BOF recommended a $25,000 contribution to the LAF.  Presentation was made to taxpayers in attendance at the meeting to raise the contribution to $100,000.  Based on taxpayers’ responses, BOF raised the contribution from $25,000 to $100,000 for the upcoming town budget.


Summer Meetings: July and August meetings will be scheduled on an “as-needed” basis.


Bruce motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:45pm.  Dorothy seconded.  Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Seaton