Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bethany Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2016
Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:15.  Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Matthew Popp and Shaukat Khan.  Absent were Cathy Rives and Patsy Winer.  Bruce appointed Matthew to vote in place of Patsy.
The April meeting minutes were reviewed.  Brian offered amendments to the minutes as follows: i. ‘Golf Course’ mentioned in the minutes, in the context of creating soccer fields, to be changed to ‘driving range’ and, ii. In regard to the yearly Conservationist Awards, which are traditionally given to two BCS students, the commission pre-approved an increase in the amount up to $100. Brian moved to accept the minutes as amended.  Matthew seconded and the minutes were passed as corrected.
Bruce informed the Commission about the correspondence received:  i. Habitat, ii. a letter from BCS related to this year’s award for BCS student.
There was discussion about this year’s Conservationist of the Year award. In the last Conservation Commission meeting a vote was taken, and Bethany Community Garden Club was selected as the recipient of this year’s award. It was decided in this meeting that the award will be handed over to the recipient at the next town meeting, which was scheduled to be held on Monday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m. at the town hall. Brian made the motion, which was seconded by Matthew, that the recipient of the award could direct the Commission to make a contribution of $50 to a charity of their choice in the town. Those present at the meeting passed the motion.
Bruce reported to the members about the hearing on the Peck Road Affordable Housing Project--the big issues about the project being that an appropriate traffic plan was not made and that there would not be adequate access for fire apparatus in the parking area.
The members present discussed the proposed 667-681 Amity Road Project of creating soccer fields. In the last meeting the commission members raised some concerns about the proposed project. The commission had decided to send a letter expressing these concerns to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Bruce reminded everyone about the CACIWC conference which is scheduled to be held on November- no date or location announced yet.  All are encouraged to attend.
As there was no other business, Matthew moved to adjourn at 8:48.  Brian seconded and the meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Shaukat Khan, Secretary pro-tempore