Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Bethany Conservation Commission April 11th 2019

Meeting Minutes Approved


Bruce Loomis called the meeting to order at 8:13pm. Also in attendance were Brian Eitzer, Patsy Winer, and Matthew Popp.


Bruce added the issue of tree management to the meeting agenda.


The minutes from March 14th were reviewed. Bruce moved to accept them and Brian seconded. The minutes were approved as accepted. There were no corrections.


The minutes from November 8th 2018 were reviewed. Patsy moved to accept them and Bruce seconded. The minutes were approved as accepted.


There were no bills. The commission received a letter from BCS asking us to sponsor their annual conservation award as we have done in the past. The commission discussed the matter. Patsy moved that the commission sponsor the BCS conservation award again this year for $60.00, Matt seconded. The motion passed.


The commission discussed the issue of tree management brought to our attention by the Garden Club of New Haven. The commission discussed Bethany’s scenic roads ordinance and how aggressive tree cutting by utility companies would affect the town’s rural character. The Garden Club asked that the commission vote in favor of HB 5312. The commission discussed contacting Fran Doba to use her mailing list to alert residents of the issue. Patsy volunteered to contact Fran. During discussion, the commission found that the relevant state legislative committee had already reported HB 5312 favorably, and that it was no longer open for testimony.


The commission discussed the upcoming town budget meeting and annual town meeting, the issue of the commission’s budget, and the land acquisition fund budget.


The commission went into executive session at 8:50pm to discuss Bethany’s Conservationist of the Year. The executive session was ended at 9:02pm.


Brian moved to adjourn the meeting, Patsy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05pm.




Respectfully submitted,


Matthew Popp

Secretary pro-tempore