Friday, October 12, 2012



APRIL 3, 2012

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Attendance: Chairman Janet Brunwin, Chip Spear, Robert Brinton Jr., Aileen Magda, Sally Huyser joined the meeting at 8:30 p.m., First Selectwoman Derrylyn Gorski

Visitors: Joe Lukas, Carol Goldberg, Adam Carrington, Sally Vogeli, Tim Connellan, Brian Fournier, David Forman, Gilda Oterman, Pat Martin, Jim Foley, Alan Green, Dan Smith, Janice Howard, Nick Poulmas, Pat Martin

Chairman Brunwin called the special meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:10 p.m.

The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Bethany Town Hall.


Superintendent Tim Connellan began a presentation on the water problem experienced recently at the school. Tim then turned the presentation over to Joe Lukas for further details on the water pipe break in the ground near the annexes. To correct the problem it required complete excavation of the area and repair to the pipes with work being done by Hungerford Pump and M.J. Daley. The total expenditure for the repairs came to $23,500. Superintendent Connellan was questioned as to where the money appropriated for ice and snow had gone since the winter was mild. He indicated that most of it had gone to pay for the environmental clean -up from the removal of the in ground oil tanks. Board members then discussed taking the money from the Contingency Fund. Robert Brinton Jr. felt that since this was a special meeting, and the payment method for this repair was not on the agenda, than a vote should be delayed until the next meeting when it was listed as an agenda item.

A presentation then continued on the budget for the Board of Education for fiscal year 2012-13 by Brian Fournier. Brian answered questions regarding the Technology Specialist and the Math Specialist requested in this year’s budget. Brian was asked if this work could be accomplished by two part time teachers or an existing teacher. Brian felt that it could not. Tim added that it would be too difficult without the expertise. Board members emphasized the importance of keeping budgets down especially with dropping enrollment. Board members expressed their opinions regarding the budget increase. Chairman Brunwin felt that a Technology Specialist was more important than the Math Specialist. Sally Huyser was opposed to adding two teachers and keeping open choice. Sally Huyser then moved a motion to keep the budget of the Board of Education flat. The motion was seconded by Robert Brinton Jr. The vote taken was unanimous.


David Forman answered questions regarding his request for additional hours for an assistant Tax Collector. No decisions were made at this meeting regarding his request.


First Selectwoman Gorski spoke to the Board of Finance members about the Public Works budget. Her first request was that the Board of Finance would consider hiring another employee for the Bethany Highway Department. At this time there is less employees with more miles of road to care for than in the mid 1990’s. A request is also being made for a secretary for 20 hours. Alan Green then presented the Capital Expenditure requests. The department is requesting a 10 yard dump truck to replace the 1992 5 yard dump truck. He reviewed with the Board an inventory of equipment. Since the winter has been mild there is a surplus in the Snow and Ice budget. Alan requested taking money from this account to repair the Freightliner dump truck. The total cost of repair should be $12,800.

Alan then alerted the Board of Finance that the present communication system has been in operation for approximately 25 years. The present license will expire 1/1/2013. At that time both the Fire Department and the Town must switch from a low band to a high band radio system. The cost at this time is unknown.


Alan Green presented the budget for the Bethany Volunteer Firemen’s Association. Budget to budget the increase is $27,500. The department is requesting a part time secretary. He explained the departments desire to improve the ISO rating for the Town. The Fire Department is requesting an ATV Gador as a Capital Expenditure. Alan indicated that the members of the Fire Department will be meeting soon to determine how and when they will turn Center Station over to the Town.


Pat Martin and Jim Foley presented the budget for the Library. They explained that the present librarian is leaving. The Library Board would like to hire a certified librarian or director. The basic salary would be $55,000 plus benefits for a total package of $76,000. The Board of Finance will review their request and make a decision at the next meeting.


Approval of minutes was tabled until the next meeting

BUDGET 2012-13

The following line items in the budget were approved on a unanimous vote of the Board:

Town Hall Computers including replacement of servers $ 25,835 approved

Veterans Park $ 47,178 approved

Fire Department Gas & Diesel $ 10,824 approved

Fire Department $194,450 approved

District Animal Control $ 45,085 approved

Road Materials $100,000 approved

Repairs & Supplies $122,500 approved

Contingency Fund $ 50,000 approved

Approval for the Park & Recreation budget was tabled until the next meeting.


Adjournment was called at 11:35 p.m. after a motion was moved by Chip Spear and seconded by Sally Huyser. The vote taken was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

June G. Riley

Clerk, Board of Finance